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pisser 18-04-06 09:06 AM

Gas Prices
Where's the fukin' outrage? :scared:

Us Americans are just a bunch of wimps, especially republicans.

$3.37 a gal here in So. Cal for premium.

Time to start riding the bike to work, I guess.

Mazer 18-04-06 09:47 AM

It's all good, pisser. You know why they call it fair market value? Because it's the price that people are willing to pay. Don't blame politics, blame your fellow Californians for having such deep pockets that they don't mind being gouged.

I think I paid $2.43 per gallon for my last tank of gas a couple weeks ago. Denver residents are such tight wads that they won't pay much more than $2.60 per gallon for gas, but maybe we're just a bunch of spoiled brats. :CG:

You know, people used to work where they lived, they didn't have to commute for two hours every day. In fact that's why cities exist in the first place, so people don't have to travel half their waking life to do business. But now the only people who actually live in the cities are too poor to do business with, and every one else lives in the suburbs. If you're looking for the cause of high gas prices, that's it right there.

pisser 18-04-06 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Mazer
It's all good, pisser. You know why they call it fair market value? Because it's the price that people are willing to pay. Don't blame politics, blame your fellow Californians for having such deep pockets that they don't mind being gouged.

I think I paid $2.43 per gallon for my last tank of gas a couple weeks ago. Denver residents are such tight wads that they won't pay much more than $2.60 per gallon for gas, but maybe we're just a bunch of spoiled brats. :CG:

You know, people used to work where they lived, they didn't have to commute for two hours every day. In fact that's why cities exist in the first place, so people don't have to travel half their waking life to do business. But now the only people who actually live in the cities are too poor to do business with, and every one else lives in the suburbs. If you're looking for the cause of high gas prices, that's it right there.

The 'cause' is greedy motherfuckers who can get away with it, because of republican puppets who won't fuck with big business and the piss ass democrats and environmentalists who won't allow new refiniries to be built. Out here, nobody lives where they work, everybody commutes.

It's just a big conspiracy by the rich to fuck over the middle class and poor.
Same old shit.

pisser 18-04-06 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Mazer
Denver residents are such tight wads that they won't pay much more than $2.60 per gallon for gas, but maybe we're just a bunch of spoiled brats..

You'll pay when the prices keep going up, or you'll walk.

Sinner 18-04-06 11:54 AM

Yeah - it really must suck living in a country which has some of the lowest gas prices in the world. Drives me crazy when I hear the US News channels complain their gas prices are so high. I will trade you prices any day of the week.

JackSpratts 18-04-06 12:35 PM

last time there was a free market in oil the stuff was a nickle a barrel. i think the cartels have more to do with high prices than anything else.

- js.

Mazer 18-04-06 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by pisser
You'll pay when the prices keep going up, or you'll walk.

I used to walk to work, and if prices get too high I can always get that job back.

America isn't wimpy, it's jaded. And don't assume that just 'cause you're paying more that someone else is richer for it.

theknife 18-04-06 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Mazer
And don't assume that just 'cause you're paying more that someone else is richer for it.

of course someone is richer for it - where do you think the additional money goes?

albed 18-04-06 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by pisser
Where's the fukin' outrage? :scared:

Us Americans are just a bunch of wimps, especially republicans.

$3.37 a gal here in So. Cal for premium.

Time to start riding the bike to work, I guess.

;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(

Why don't you just bump an old thread instead of starting a new one every fucking time?

There's only so much gasoline and people are bidding the price up competing for it. If the price didn't go up then the supply would run out and then you'd really bawl. When are you going to get used to it?

I think you problem begins here:http://www.p2p-zone.com/underground/...5&postcount=12

Originally Posted by pisser
Give me a VIABLE option to gasoline powered vehicles. You can't, because at this time, none exists.... :scared:

Mazer 18-04-06 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by theknife
of course someone is richer for it - where do you think the additional money goes?

It goes to suppliment the revenue losses resulting from reduced sales caused by high gas prices. In the end the equation is balanced: fewer people are paying more money for the same amount of gas and the oil companies' profits change not at all. Of course this does improve their solvency so invester confidence rises, followed by their stock prices. Yeah they're getting richer, but they ain't doing it off of us consumers, they're doing it on Wall Street.

albed 19-04-06 03:27 AM

What a load of bullshit Mazer.

theknife 19-04-06 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by Mazer
It goes to suppliment the revenue losses resulting from reduced sales caused by high gas prices. In the end the equation is balanced: fewer people are paying more money for the same amount of gas and the oil companies' profits change not at all. Of course this does improve their solvency so invester confidence rises, followed by their stock prices. Yeah they're getting richer, but they ain't doing it off of us consumers, they're doing it on Wall Street.

actually, the oil companies are reporting reporting record profits, this year and last. oil being the essentially commodiity that it is, the option to reduce consumption is quite limited. notice any less traffic on the road when prices go up? me neither...

pisser 19-04-06 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by albed

Why don't you just bump an old thread instead of starting a new one every fucking time?

Why don't you just fuck off and die, bitch? Do me a favor and put me on your ignore list.

pisser 19-04-06 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Mazer
I used to walk to work, and if prices get too high I can always get that job back.

America isn't wimpy, it's jaded. And don't assume that just 'cause you're paying more that someone else is richer for it.

I bet the CEO of Chevron is richer, and laughing his ass off with glee at the recored profits they are making.

albed 19-04-06 10:43 AM

Why don't you change your username to "whiner"?

The CEO of Chevron is just laughing at the whining crybaby bawling his head off everytime gasoline prices go up. The stockholders are enjoying the bulk of the profits.

RoBoBoy 19-04-06 11:21 AM


U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today said that Americans deserve better than energy companies that gouge consumers at the pump in order to pay their top executives millions of dollars in salaries and bonuses.

Durbin demanded that top oil executives, who are scheduled to testify before the Senate tomorrow, explain to the American people why energy industry CEO compensation has increased by 215% since 2002. During that same period, oil company profits soared, while a price for a gallon of gasoline increased $2, or 174% climb, and the residential cost of a thousand cubic foot of natural gas increased about $4, about a 50% climb. (American Progress Action Fund Report, Pain at the Pump: Profits in the Boardroom)

multi 19-04-06 02:00 PM


I argue here that US economy is not less vulnerable to an oil shock than 30 years ago. I shall use a simple example, with only approximate statistics. The average american citizen is now twice wealthier than 30 years ago and uses about the same amount of gasoline for the private car, paying now only 3% of disposable income for gasoline instead of 6% in the (crude oil squeezed) year of 1980.
Now, let's suppose a world oil supply disruption occurs on the same magnitude as in 1980. It's not unreasonable to think that for continuing life as usual, the americans may be willing to pay up to 6% of the now enhanced income. And this may bring the price of crude oil much above 100$ per barrel.
Back to macroeconomics, this may bring an increase of 300 billion $ of US trade deficit , on top of the 700 billions $ already in place. All this in a stressed world economy.
Most probably, deep recession, possibly world recession shall impede this scenario from coming true. Market forces are great for gradual change. Political leadership is in need at discontinuities.

From:The Oil Drum (Last Comment)
this was an interesting comment i read in an article awhile back
i was lucky to find it again..
our treasurer seems to think a 70's oil shock is on the cards*
not sure if he might be right about this

what happened to the US$ yesterday ?
the AU$ was like 70c US now its back to 75..that was the biggest fall i have noticed for quite awhile

*no ,he says its actually happening in a similar fashion to the 70's ?


But Mr Costello said Australia was now experiencing an oil crisis similar to what occurred in the 1970s, when soaring oil prices pushed up prices across the economy.

Mr Costello said he was confident businesses would continue to keep a lid on prices, but if they did not, there would be wider repercussions for the country.

"We have to be absolutely vigilant that this oil shock does not set off a wave of inflation because if it did we would all be punished a second time," he said.

"Not just punished at the bowser but punished a second time with inflation and the commensurate monetary policy response."

pisser 19-04-06 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by albed
Why don't you change your username to "whiner"?

The CEO of Chevron is just laughing at the whining crybaby bawling his head off everytime gasoline prices go up. The stockholders are enjoying the bulk of the profits.

I don't usually post shit like this, but here it is from Bill O'Reily:

You are being gouged by the American oil companies. Gas supplies, gas supplies are at an eight-year high. Gas prices have doubled since 2004. Even if you don't know anything about economics, this one's pretty obvious. "Talking Points" has been saying for more than a year, U.S. oil companies are exploiting uncertainty in the world by raising prices they don't have to raise. The companies are making record profits while American workers are getting hurt. Every time the commodities speculators bid up a barrel of oil, the price of a barrel of oil, every time they bid it up, you pay more at the pump. It has nothing to do with supply and demand. It's all about exploiting fears about Iran, terrorism, what might happen down the road. President Bush knows what's going on, but doesn't like to interfere with big business. He did, however, say this today.

BUSH: I'm concerned about higher gasoline prices. I'm concerned what it means to the working families and small businesses. And I'm also mindful that the government has the responsibility to make sure that we watch very carefully and to investigate possible price gouging and we'll do just that.

O'REILLY: As you know, there are Americans who believe that private companies have a right to do whatever they want, no matter what. But remember, the oil industry operates with the cooperation of the government. It's not a free market. Try to start your own oil company, see what happens. The announcement that ExxonMobil will pay its retired CEO Lee Raymond a $400 million package was really the kicker. That obscene payout will be passed along to us. ExxonMobil has insulted its customers once again. Does ExxonMobil remember the French revolution? There is a limit to what the public will accept even in a capitalistic society. When regular folks get hurt to pay some fat cat $400 million, the line has been crossed. So I am never, ever buying a drop of oil from ExxonMobil again. They have crossed that line. They are hurting the country. I know some of you disagree with me and I respect your opinion, but I stand by my analysis, we are being gouged. Oil company greed is hurting the nation.

So when you say I'm a whiner, you must really mean the vast majority of Americans also.

Look, you want to keep getting fucked in the ass by the government and oil companies, go right ahead, I'm sure it feels real good for ya, not for me though....Hey, it's NOT a free market, bitch.

Fukin Homo....

pisser 19-04-06 03:42 PM

P.S. Albed bitch, seems like you do a hell of a lot more whining about just about everything and everybody that doesn't agree with your pinheaded point of view...prick

albed 19-04-06 04:04 PM


But Mr Costello said Australia was now experiencing an oil crisis similar to what occurred in the 1970s, when soaring oil prices pushed up prices across the economy.

Mr Costello said he was confident businesses would continue to keep a lid on prices, but if they did not, there would be wider repercussions for the country.

"We have to be absolutely vigilant that this oil shock does not set off a wave of inflation because if it did we would all be punished a second time," he said.

"Not just punished at the bowser but punished a second time with inflation and the commensurate monetary policy response."
Another load of political doublespeak; He's confident things will be OK but he's scared things will get bad.

In the U.S. there are still plenty of people wasting gasoline who need to be encouraged to change their ways.

I do believe there are fewer people driving past my house than in the past and I like it that way.

I'm certainly driving and riding less; $12.25 just to fill my motorcycle tank. I skipped my ritual springtime dayride this year and started spending more time on my mountain bike; 17 miles yesterday.

I've been waiting for the diesel pickup I ordered and hoping I get it before GM goes out of business. Then I'll get a second heating oil tank and be ready for any shortages of diesel fuel.

Intelligent people will learn how to cope, idiots will just bitch and moan.

pisser 20-04-06 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by albed
Intelligent people will learn how to cope, idiots will just bitch and moan.

What your really saying is "Intelligent people will just continue to take it up the ass without protesting, while idiots are the really smart people, because they might try to actually do something about it"

albed 20-04-06 11:41 AM

Yeah, your whining and bawling about gas prices for the last 2 years has really done something; it's entertained me and shown everyone what a pathetic crybaby you are.

...and also how you see everything in terms of anal sex.

pisser 20-04-06 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by albed
Yeah, your whining and bawling about gas prices for the last 2 years has really done something; it's entertained me and shown everyone what a pathetic crybaby you are.

...and also how you see everything in terms of anal sex.

Guess you can read very well, I asked "Where is the fukin outrage".

So asswipe, where am I in this message "whining and bawling"?

Maybe you need to get some reading glasses, and also pull your head outa' your ass before popping off. And I really don't give a rat's ass about 'everyone', but apparently you do, what it really shows is that you are a insecure little mean spirited slimebag that really needs to get a life beyond this board.

I could give 2 shits about whether you are riding your little tricycle or walking or whatever.

So, in the words of our buddies across the pond...."Sod off"

Hegemonic 22-04-06 06:31 PM

Oh Pisser, what won't you be a whiny bitch about?

pisser 24-04-06 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Hegemonic
Oh Pisser, what won't you be a whiny bitch about?

Your and Albed's demise.

albed 24-04-06 09:56 AM

Think you can whine us to death?

pisser 24-04-06 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by albed
Think you can whine us to death?

Seems to me that your the biggest complainer, all you seem to do is complain about the complainers...hypocrite.

Hegemonic 24-04-06 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by pisser
Your and Albed's demise.

Oooo so edgy!

theknife 24-04-06 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by pisser
Your and Albed's demise.

gee, i thought they were the same person :dunno:

...and if not, they might as well be, no?

albed 24-04-06 08:48 PM

There you go, thinking. :no:

floydian slip 25-04-06 11:53 AM


Mazer 25-04-06 01:04 PM

Cool, I almost live close enough to Wyoming to fill up my gas tank there every week.

Hegemonic 25-04-06 02:10 PM

Thankfully I live near a port, my gas hasn't gone above $2.80, plus, since I live a whole 5 miles from work I can fill up for about $22 and it lasts me a little over 2 weeks.

Sinner 26-04-06 10:59 AM

Well gas prices don’t really stop me from doing what I want to do, but it would be nice to have a little more cash to spend on other things. There are some solutions, we need to build more refineries, we need more oil out of the ground, we need to start drilling in Alaska and other Wildlife sanctuaries, screw the wild life and beauty of that state, we need more rigs off the coast around the world, do you know how much oil there is?, lots, unfortunately a lot of it is under land and water protected by environmental lobbyist. Will Bush as made one recommendation

–“Bush urged lawmakers to expand tax breaks for the purchase of fuel-efficient hybrid automobiles, a politically popular measure that's also supported by environmentalists. He also directed the Environmental Protection Agency to use its authority to temporarily waive air quality laws in states if that would relieve a local gasoline supply shortage.

So want cheap gas?, lets just kill the planet. I just don’t want to hear people like pisser coming back and complaining how they can’t breathe or complaining about beach closures and shit tho. So call your senator and lets start drilling!!!

multi 26-04-06 07:10 PM

nice... but unfortunately people would end up getting neither improved gas prices or a protected evironment in either scenario
if fuel-efficient hybrid automobiles become to popular and too effecient
the oil based world economy will suffer so i dont think theres any danger of that happening anytime soon unless theres a major upgrade of how modern western democracy works that is....

albed 27-04-06 08:50 AM

Bullshit multi. Greater efficiency helps any economy.

As usual, the media refuses to report the downside of hybrids, just like with hydrogen. You have to replace their big expensive batteries every 5-7 years, the charge/discharge cycle is only about 80% efficient so you lose 20% of the energy that could have gone into driving the vehicle by using them, plus you're lugging all their extra weight around with you.

A regular engine fuel efficient vehicle would be better than a hybrid but since it's not "fashionable" you just don't hear that from the media.

The turbodiesel is the most fuel efficient engine practical for automobiles, beating comparable gasoline engines by at least 20%. In the U.S. the switch to low sulfur diesel by 2007 means catalytic converters can be put on diesels making their pollution output comparable to gasoline engines and they'll also be getting a big federal tax credit when people buy one. And since diesel fuel can be made from vegetable oil and coal as well as petroleum, shortages and price spikes should be rare.

So all americans have to do to get 60mpg is squeeze their fat asses and big egos into a small, lightweight, aerodynamic car with a turbodiesel.

pisser 27-04-06 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Sinner
So want cheap gas?, lets just kill the planet. I just don’t want to hear people like pisser coming back and complaining how they can’t breathe or complaining about beach closures and shit tho.

Hey brainless, I live in southern California where the air is already quite polluted, and routinely we have beach closures due to the shit factory releasing too much into the ocean.

I haven't complained about it ever, and won't, so that should be a load off of your pea sized brain. :BL:

dumwaldo 29-04-06 09:45 AM

WHA WHA WHA, Cry me a fukin river and then drive your car into it and drown.

You are outraged over the cheapest gas prices on the planet. Take a look around the world at what everybody else pays for gas and find me a place that it is cheaper than America.

While you are looking around at what the world pays for gas, why not also look into what types of vehicles the worlds population is driving. Gas prices like this are long overdue in America, if for no other reason, just because the American sense of entitlement.

How many escalades, navigators and yukon's do you think are sold outside America? Have you ever seen european delivery trucks? How many people do you see driving fuel efficient scooters in America? When was the last time you set foot on public transportation?

Perhaps there is no widespread sense of outrage because the vocal majority knows they deserve it. We acted like gluttons for years, sucking up cheap gas and building imensly powered vehicles that stroke our ego's.

Let's not forget, driving is a luxery, not a right. If you do not like the way it work then you can simply opt out of the system by not driving. If you are going to be outraged by gas prices, then why not be outraged over mandatory insurance laws and rising insurance rates. If you are going to be outraged by gas prices why not be outraged at vehicle safety standards and the ever increasing cost of vehicle maintenance to keep in accordance with those standards?

There is simply nothing to be outraged over; it is the way things should be. Even if gas prices double from what they currently are, it will still be the way it is supposed to be.


Hegemonic 29-04-06 03:44 PM

I think if any Senator, on either side, was really concerned about gas prices they would suspend the tax on gas, which goes to the government for essentially doing nothing. After refinery costs, taxes, R+d costs and exploration costs the "profit" made by oil companies is about 9 cents a gallon, while the US government makes about 50 cents a gallon...and then have the balls to heap scorn on oil execs for "excessive profit"? Don't make me puke. There's windfall profits alright, and they go straight into the governments pockets.

dumwaldo 29-04-06 04:07 PM

Why should tax breaks be given for gas? Would you also support eliminating the exhorbatant taxes on cigareetes? How about the taxes on alchohol?

What exactly is it about gas that makes it so special that it should be treated differently that any other luxery item?

Hegemonic 29-04-06 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by dumwaldo
Why should tax breaks be given for gas? Would you also support eliminating the exhorbatant taxes on cigareetes? How about the taxes on alchohol?

What exactly is it about gas that makes it so special that it should be treated differently that any other luxery item?

I wouldn't classify gas as a "luxery" item. For nearly every industry in America it is vital to business. Cigs and alcohol are not.

Why should oil companies be forced to give up their profits while the government makes money for doing nothing? For every gallon of gas sold the government, both state and federal, swoops in an automatically take 50 cents of it, for doing nothing. That doesn't seem slightly wrong to you?

albed 29-04-06 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by dumwaldo
You are outraged over the cheapest gas prices on the planet. Take a look around the world at what everybody else pays for gas and find me a place that it is cheaper than America.

Saudi Arabia Riyadh $0.91

Don't know why you couldn't look yourself; but then you wouldn't be clueless would you?


Originally Posted by dumwaldo
While you are looking around at what the world pays for gas, why not also look into what types of vehicles the worlds population is driving. Gas prices like this are long overdue in America, if for no other reason, just because the American sense of entitlement.

Damn Americans, always feeling entitled to get what they pay for. Give them a good dose of commie propaganda dumwaldo.


Originally Posted by dumwaldo
How many escalades, navigators and yukon's do you think are sold outside America? Have you ever seen european delivery trucks? How many people do you see driving fuel efficient scooters in America? When was the last time you set foot on public transportation?

Why don't you learn these things for yourself instead of asking like it proves your point? People should be free to own what they want and are willing to pay for, and relying on strike prone public transportation has left a lot of people feeling foolish.


Originally Posted by dumwaldo
Perhaps there is no widespread sense of outrage because the vocal majority knows they deserve it. We acted like gluttons for years, sucking up cheap gas and building imensly powered vehicles that stroke our ego's.

You haven't heard any outrage??? Try pulling your head out of your ass for just one moment - jeezus christ!


Originally Posted by dumwaldo
Let's not forget, driving is a luxery, not a right. If you do not like the way it work then you can simply opt out of the system by not driving. If you are going to be outraged by gas prices, then why not be outraged over mandatory insurance laws and rising insurance rates. If you are going to be outraged by gas prices why not be outraged at vehicle safety standards and the ever increasing cost of vehicle maintenance to keep in accordance with those standards?

Fuck this is one of those comments so packed with stupidity I don't know where to start. Driving isn't a 'luxury', it's an efficient method of transporting people and goods that everyone around the world adopts once their standard of living rises enough. Opting out simply isn't an option for a great many americans, (study "suburbs" and "rural living" to get yourself a clue). People would have to be extra dumb to be outraged over vehicle safety standards, but if they won't self-insure or do their own maintenance to save money then they can just bitch all they want.


Originally Posted by dumwaldo
There is simply nothing to be outraged over; it is the way things should be. Even if gas prices double from what they currently are, it will still be the way it is supposed to be.


What if they halve again? Will it still be the way it's supposed to be? Or will you be outraged?

pisser 29-04-06 09:07 PM

Dumwaldo - You live up to your name alright..... :scared: :f:

dumwaldo 30-04-06 06:34 AM

what a joke. You guys are not seriously going to defend your self absorbed opinions with gas prices from countries where less than 10% of the people have cars are you. you can not honestly be that, rediculous can you?

Why did you not include gas prices from the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, The Netherlans, any country in south america, or any other place where greater than 10% of the population owns vehicles? OH yeah, it would be because that would outline how selfish and clueless your opinion is.

Incidentally i live in a suburb. I WALK and utilize PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. I have not owned a car for over a decade and most likely never will own another car for the rest of my life.

Driving IS a luxery.

Your attitudes ARE disgutsing and self absorbed.

THIS is why on a global scale America is one of the most disliked countries in the world.

Just get over yourself and accept that you might have to act like the rest of the world and display some personal responsibility. The small fuel efficient vehicles might not be as cool as the 3 ton SUV's but you WILL get the picture eventually.

if you are going to try and insult me you better come up with something better that refrences to my name. All you accomplish but trying to turn my name into an insult is to illustrate how low your intellectual level is. Please do not come to a battle of wits unarmed as you have so far.

albed 30-04-06 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by dumwaldo
what a joke. You guys are not seriously going to defend your self absorbed opinions with gas prices from countries where less than 10% of the people have cars are you. you can not honestly be that, rediculous can you?


Originally Posted by dumwaldo
find me a place that it is cheaper than America.

"I don't like the answer to what I asked -WHAAA WHAAA WHAAA."


Originally Posted by dumwaldo
Why did you not include gas prices from the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, The Netherlans,

Because you asked for gas prices cheaper than in america. "WHAAA WHAAA WHAAA"


Originally Posted by dumwaldo
any country in south america,

Venezuela is in South America, DUHHH.


Originally Posted by dumwaldo
Please do not come to a battle of wits unarmed as you have so far.


pisser 30-04-06 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by dumwaldo
what a joke. You guys are not seriously going to defend your self absorbed opinions with gas prices from countries where less than 10% of the people have cars are you. you can not honestly be that, rediculous can you?

Why did you not include gas prices from the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, The Netherlans, any country in south america, or any other place where greater than 10% of the population owns vehicles? OH yeah, it would be because that would outline how selfish and clueless your opinion is.

Incidentally i live in a suburb. I WALK and utilize PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. I have not owned a car for over a decade and most likely never will own another car for the rest of my life.

Driving IS a luxery.

Your attitudes ARE disgutsing and self absorbed.

THIS is why on a global scale America is one of the most disliked countries in the world.

Just get over yourself and accept that you might have to act like the rest of the world and display some personal responsibility. The small fuel efficient vehicles might not be as cool as the 3 ton SUV's but you WILL get the picture eventually.

if you are going to try and insult me you better come up with something better that refrences to my name. All you accomplish but trying to turn my name into an insult is to illustrate how low your intellectual level is. Please do not come to a battle of wits unarmed as you have so far.

You are the stereotypical dickhead who lumps everybody into the 3 ton SUV owners.

By that notion, all europeans are stinky selfish obnoxious bastards.


miss_silver 30-04-06 01:42 PM

Hydrogen powered cars and busses?

Iceland is on the right track, they predict that they will be an oil free society by 2050. Hell, they even use hydrogen to power up some of their powerplants only the begining since they greatly rely on geothermal energy.

Hegemonic 30-04-06 01:52 PM

That's pretty laughable considering Brazil is oil free as everything runs on ethenol. And they did it in 20 years, so Iceland taking 45 years is actually pretty lame.

miss_silver 30-04-06 02:41 PM

It may be laughable but, atleast, they are doing it. Even if it takes them time, they will become a oil free economy and we won't hear them bitch about the high prices of gaz anymore now or will they witness the ever rising cost of food to compensate for the high gaz prices. Sweden plans to do it in less than 15 years ;)


Sweden plans to be world's first oil-free economy
Posted: 10 Feb 2006

In a response to climate change and the dangers of rising fuel prices, Sweden is to take the biggest energy step of any advanced western economy by trying to wean itself off oil completely within 15 years. And it plans to do so without building a new generation of nuclear power stations, reports John Vidal in The Guardian.

What's interesting in this article is that they even plan to kick out Nuclear Energy in the process. Why use enriched uranium and bury the very toxic radio active byproduct it produce when a rod is depleated when one can use clean, safe Hydrogen to do the same job?

So far, the biggest problem is to find a way to extract the hydrogen out of the water at a low cost...I'm sure that if the greatest minds would work on it, a solution could be found quickly, that is if they truly want to kick off their dependency on oil. If Hydrogen can power up a bus or a truck, it can surely power up SUV's.

albed 30-04-06 11:08 PM


Sweden is to take the biggest energy step of any advanced western economy by trying to wean itself off oil
Wow, not even a plan but planning a plan. What a huge step. They're real go-getters those swedes.

No doubt they're also planning a plan to explain why they can't produce a viable plan without fossil fuel or nuclear power.

My bet is they soon modify their first planned plan to 50% fossil and nuclear.

Sinner 01-05-06 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by miss_silver

What's interesting in this article is that they even plan to kick out Nuclear Energy in the process. Why use enriched uranium and bury the very toxic radio active byproduct it produce when a rod is depleated when one can use clean, safe Hydrogen to do the same job?

Maybe the small European countries are, but not the big players like China, India and Russia.

According to market watchers China’s demand for Uranium will be greater their demand for oil in the coming years.


China’s target is to more than quintuple its nuclear capacity — by 36,000 megawatts — by 2020. And still, nuclear power would only cover 4% of China’s needs!

Result: China’s annual uranium needs will jump from 3 million pounds per year now ... to 10 million pounds per year by 2010 ... then 18 million pounds per year by 2020.

Which is why the price of uranium jumped 76% in 2005. Australia has most of the uranium in the world, something like 30% of it while Canada has 15% of the world supply. The regulatory climate is now changing rapidly in Australia---China, India and Russia - Miners and mining companies are fanning out all over the globe to every backwater and dirt-patch with a whiff of uranium on it. It may be the next big rush.

A link--

A New Wave of Exploding Prices! (by Weiss, Brodrick and Edelson)


albed 11-05-06 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Hegemonic
That's pretty laughable considering Brazil is oil free as everything runs on ethenol. And they did it in 20 years, so Iceland taking 45 years is actually pretty lame.

I thought all that Brazil-Ethanol propaganda sounded overblown. I just heard Brazil recently lowered the mandated percentage of ethanol in gasohol from 25% to 20%. It produces most of the oil it needs but still imports some. It's certainly not "oil free" by a long shot.




ethanol now accounts for as much as 20% of Brazil's transport fuel market

Hegemonic 11-05-06 11:27 AM

Heh, I got that info from a Brazilian at work, I figured he knew what he was talking about.

albed 11-05-06 11:58 AM

He's probably been watching the same biased, manipulative U.S. media that I've seen lauding Brazil all the time while being vague and selective on hard facts.

But I doubt Brazil's media would be any more honest with its citizens.

albed 21-09-06 11:37 AM

Wow, $2.27/gal in my area.

Caught something on the news about petroleum reserve capacity being near full and prices could crash.

In other news:

-might even possibly vote republican-

floydian slip 25-09-06 10:38 AM

wow, is right. and what a coincidence the elections are only a month away.

JackSpratts 25-09-06 02:52 PM

yipeee! today gas only costs 60% more than when bush took office! :tu:

- js.

pisser 26-09-06 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by albed
Wow, $2.27/gal in my area.

Caught something on the news about petroleum reserve capacity being near full and prices could crash.

In other news:

-might even possibly vote republican-

It is still $2.65 a gallon here, still too much, Once it gets down to $2.00 I will stop calling you a half developed ball sack!

How's that for the the news, girly man? :biteme:

floydian slip 27-09-06 11:29 AM

gas down to $1.80 in missuruh


legion 27-09-06 12:14 PM

cheapest price in the country is 121.9 euro the litre


4.51 EUR = 5.72825 USD

a gallon. You can all shut up now .... i win.

talk about piracy ffs

United States Dollars
1 EUR = 1.27012 USD 1 USD = 0.787326 EUR

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