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napho 09-02-03 01:44 AM

Earth Station 5
This sounds too good to be true- napho=sceptical

"I am a beta-tester for a stealth file-sharing application that has been in development for the past year called Earth Station 5, or ES5 for short. Add the .com to either name and you’ll get to their website, which is counting down to their launch date on February 14 next week. The significance in that date is that it is Valentine’s Day in the US and I think refers to the Valentine’s Day Massacre because this program will quickly give the a lot of anti-P2P foes a major headache. With their stealth and cloaking technology (the anonymity and privacy of FREENET without the pain), I predict that ES5 well quickly earn a reputation as being “The Guardian Angel of P2P File Sharing.”

They will be posting new information on the site throughout the week detailing all of the features of this new program—which are way too many to list here right now, so I’ll list just some of the most important features that other P2P clients don’t have. ES5 enables all file types and will be available in 28 languages.

Stealth & Cloaking Technology - ES5 #1 goal is to protect its users from intrusions to their privacy by providing encrypted traffic, random ports and IP anonymity:

· One-Click Proxy Server - Users can send connection requests through intermediary proxy servers located throughout the world so that the download destination of a file cannot be traced by any entity whatsoever. There is nothing for the user to set-up, just right click to enable the proxy server.

· SSL - Secure Sockets – Prevents monitoring of a user’s uploading or downloading activity. Users can automatically deploy SSL by right clicking.

· UDP - User Datagram Protocol – Using UDP makes it impossible to reliably scan a user’s computer to determine if ES5 is running. Also, unlike TCP connections, UDP traffic can not be easily blocked by ISPs.

· ES5 Security Key - ES5 utilizes a standard HTTP server to transmit files, but deploys a special "security key" so than only ES5 users can access your shared files.

· IP Addresses - ES5 does not display user IP Address information.

· Dynamic Ports – Each ES5 node uses a randomly chosen port (unless the user chooses a specific port themselves). Therefore, ISP’s will be unable to identify file-sharing traffic based upon port numbers and unable to throttle back the users bandwidth.

· User Defined Port Settings – ES5 provides users with “one-click” port setting options for ES5 to use port 53 (the port used by DNS) or port 37 (the port used by time service) therefore rendering all blocking attempts hopeless.

· Multiple Points of Entry - ES5 uses multiple methods for connecting to the ES5 network including IP Multicast, Usenet Articles, Web Sites, Node List Files and a several other undisclosed methods. .

· Penetrating Firewalls – UDP allows seamless penetration of firewalls without inconvenient setting of firewall parameters. For users behind firewalls, ES5 uses UDP to request a PUSH, where the behind-the-firewall computer initiates the connection back to the requested user’s computer.

File-Reliability - ES5 has deployed technology to thwart the efforts of spoofing, interdiction, poor quality files, viruses and broken file segments that plague the other P2P networks. ES5 will launch with 1.5 terabytes of files that should grow quickly as more users join.

· The Green Light - ES5 has VERIFIED files that are confirmed to be authentic, high quality and VIRUS-FREE as signified by a small green light that will be next to the file in the search results list.

· No Waiting For More Sources - ES5 has been designed not to have "missing" files by removing bad files during the search stage. Only a files that are readily availablefor downloading are listed.

· “InterGalactic Searches” - ES5’s version of ultrapeers or supernodes, however searches are not just limited to your nearest “star cluster” because ES5 constantly shuffles the Planets and Stars, creating new Galaxies so users are always accessing different parts of the Universe on every search. Since ES5 displays results of authenticated “green-lighted” and ready to download files only, it is not necessary to retrieve hundreds of file listings. If a user is unsatisfied with the results of their search page, a SEARCH AGAIN button automatically searches a new galaxy of users.

· Less Bandwidth Usage - ES5 uses UDP (instead of TCP) for searching its universe thereby significantly decreasing the bandwidth requirements for its users and provides automatic network load balancing. Nodes with bad or slow Internet connections will respond less to search requests so that those slower and unreliable nodes won’t stymie users with better connections. ES5 lets users limit the amount of bandwidth it uses.

· Standard Performance Enhancements – ES5 has incorporated all the advanced P2P file sharing technologies that any reputable client must have today including concurrent segmented downloads / swarm downloading, auto-resume downloads, multiple searches simultaneously, metadata support and previewing.

Free Stuff, No Spyware, No Adware – Six free streaming video sex channels (no CC or registration required), free dating services (with video and audio), free IP based phone calls and free special events programming plus more. No intrusive software like Kazaa or Grokster, no bundled 3rd party software, no Spyware, no adware, no hassle!

Who is EarthStation 5? – I don’t know and I doubt that anyone ever will. They have kept their identities shrouded in mystery and trying to trace their origin of operations turned up surprising, but ultimately useless, results (although similar to Kazaa, the South Pacific Island of Vanuatu is involved but it gets much more interesting from there).

ES5 may be the next generation P2P file sharing application that (almost) everyone has been waiting for. The world will find out on Valentine’s Day.
Who is EarthStation 5? Who is EarthStation 5? Stealth & Cloaking Technology Stealth & Cloaking Technology One-Click Proxy Server SSL - Secure Sockets UDP - User Datagram Protocol ES5 Security Key - IP Addresses Dynamic Ports User Defined Port Settings Multiple Points of Entry Penetrating Firewalls File-Reliability - File-Reliability - The Green Light Green No Waiting For More Sources “InterGalactic Searches” Less Bandwidth Usage Standard Performance Enhancements Free Stuff, No Spyware, No Adware Free Stuff, No Spyware, No Adware"


nanook 09-02-03 08:07 AM

yeah, i was just reading about this over at zeropaid.
like u......most r skeptical.
but do we really need the streaming porno?
if nothing else....that will welcome in all the pervs with all of their nasty files and who knows what else.
but i would mos def give it a looksy if it's the real deal.
until then, winmx will do just fine.

JackSpratts 09-02-03 10:31 AM

Well it sounds great and all but unless it protects the uploaders the RIAA has a simple way of derailing it. They could enforce criminal sanctions (a la Verizon) against anyone using the network to share, which would scare off the uploaders. Without the inventory it's just another wannabe.

Unless you're downloading really bad stuff like bomb plans and kiddie porn nobody's interested. The copyright cops want the distributors. The uploaders. They know the rest are depending on them.

Regardless as to whether the client displays IP addresses, computers certainly do. A simple netstat query and they have you. Then you’re an email away from oblivion since the courts decided that subpoenas for copyright violation don’t require due process. If you remember in the Verizon complaint, no one stipulated that the guy actually even uploaded. He just had 600 files on his PC that he could've uploaded. They might've been fakes for all the court knew - it just didn’t care about that detail. That he “may have” had them ready to “distribute” was all the judge needed to know. In my opinion this has been the single worst thing to happen to file sharing.

If the Verizon decision stands it will lead to the end of all P2Ps as we know them. Once the first kids are fined 250 thousand dollars there won’t be a parent in the land that’ll allow a filesharing program on a home PC. Adults of course will stop using them immediately and while some will always remain, especially those outside the U.S., the problem again is inventory. With stored files all but gone from the networks and songs and movies harder and harder to find, file sharing for most becomes a memory. It will live on as a system for paid distribution and the free sharing of non-copyrighted fare - it’s just too good not to – but the bacchanalian days of anything goes downloading will quietly end, if this verdict remains and in America at least, when those huge court fines blow across the headlines and in bedrooms throughout the land, millions of folders are unshared with little clicks.

- js.

napho 09-03-03 04:14 PM

Isn't working for me. It crashed repeatedly at different stages. And the roughest cut of all is that the streaming porno wasn't even online. Damn them i say! :MAD: :CG:

multi 10-03-03 12:11 AM

so its not a hoax....
sounding like it may as well have been...

JackSpratts 11-03-03 08:35 PM


Originally posted by multi
so its not a hoax....
sounding like it may as well have been...

they are repeatedly stressing upload security and usability, two things not seen in a p2p before now. it leads one to presume their network isn't "exactly" peer-to-peer but employs more of a modified server based delivery system.

if that's the case then there would possibly be large sums behind the effort for bandwidth acquisition and legal protections, monies presumably lent by major capitalists intent on major returns.

this would require a location in a country where one felt secure against prosecution and there are few if any of those. to then create such a retreat one needs necessary amounts of high denominational "goodwill", properly distributed to interested parties, who in turn can deliver laws that insure such protections and guarantee that other players can't enter the game.

thus established they could comfortably watch as the other “free” apps are shut down by law until the only one left is theirs, leaving them in an enviable and powerful position, ready to dictate the monthly terms…

to you. :eek:

on the other hand all this unpleasantness is avoided with a true decentralized peer-to-peer.

- js.

beta, beta info, faq - requires registration.

multi 15-03-03 03:53 PM

im an beta testing this at the moment..
well may only be for a moment..cause
i an finding it too intergrated with other windows shit like netmeeting and ie,outlook ect...
its all about dating and video chat +
some naked news stuff
and seems weird in the p2p area..
i might be a little more entertaing for BB users
tho have to give it more of a good run thru..

JackSpratts 15-03-03 07:10 PM

keep us posted multi! :tu:

- js.

multi 18-03-03 03:58 AM

to any that may be going to trial the beta...
seems there is no capability to resume files....yet...yes resume!:eke: it looks like
theres no dowloading from multiple sources either...
and these things appears to be secondary considerations ......
the dating and adult entertainment seem to be more important....
tried 3 betas 0.95,0.96 and now on 0.97...

some very slight improvements...
but no resume... :)
to me thats essential......
and imo should of been perfected b4 the beta release

on a more positive note....
confused writes:
How EXACTLY does this whole system work ?? I'm bewildered by these "planets" giving me insane download speeds .. I mean I'm downloading a full length movie at 400k stable !! How is that possible !! Is everybody else getting these extreme speeds ??


What happens is that ESV searches the 'planets' and it reveals the ques. Now if between now and your next search, someone has clicked on to a specific file, that file will not be revealed when you search for it again until the person has finished downloading it.

One of the problems that Kazaa and other P2P programs have is that they reveal programs that their users have, but are not available. Thus you get the SEARCHING FOR MORE RESOURCES that waist your bandwith and resources cause it keeps searching and generally never finds anything.

At ESV, we dont waist your time on that kinda fraud. Were not interested in being a show off to produce how many files that are on our network to say 'hey we got billions of files', rather our program checks every individual planets ability to share (according to files, bandwith, and resources) so that when you see a file available, you actually can download it without being told that 'its there but ya cant have it'.

My private collection includes more than a tera cause I personally am a P2P freik. One of our Indian Programmers (from India) has over 2.5 tera but he wont share until ESV launches because he doesnt want to tie up his resources and bandwith cause he needs them to program and operate.

When ESV launches, we intend to have between 10-20 million users (we are going to take all the users of KAZAA, Emule, Edonkey, etc) cause as you have noticed, our system is the fastest and we provide many other services for FREE - like SEX for free. We will kill the pay for sex sites simply because we are giving everything away for free.

Kazaa and many other P2P programs started off and continue to make the illusion that they have so many files available, but its only an illusion. At ESV, what you SEE is what you can GET!

Any SEARCH on any P2P is kinda like a file that speeds at 250kb. It is extremely fast. Basically it takes up a lot of resources. ESV could have the program search ALL planets and ALL SUNS, but then it would take probably a long time while it loops around the world in the search and basically uses your bandwith, processor, and resources to do so.

So what did we do? ESV has SUNS and the SUN has planets surrounding them. Every Planet (regular user) sends a file to the SUN telling it what files it has, how much bandwith available and a little about the planets computer processor. The Sun receives many files like this so when another planet looks for a file it can find it from its local SUN. ESV is in the midst of improving itself and YES, SUNS communicate with other SUNS.

The SUN is supposed to be in your local area so that you can get your file fast.

Now not everybody qualifies to be a SUN. To be a SUN, you must have over 5,000 files. In addition, you must have at least DSL or Cable internet feed. Also, ESV is designed to make sure that your processor can handle it.

ESV is designed to find on each search que about 200 files. Your SUN may have thousands of files that fit your request (perhaps your looking for GUNS & ROSES), but its a BIG waist of YOUR BANDWITH if you search a SUNS entire system. It should only give you about 200 files.

Have you ever done a SEARCH on your WINDOWS machine where it searches all of your drives? The search takes some time. This is similar, only FILEHOOVER has designed a very fast and effective system so that you get your searches very fast.

Now sometimes you are going to have to search again when you dont find exactly what you are looking for. In the VERY near future when there are millions using ESV at any given time, you wont have any problem in finding anything.

The EXAMPLE of a rare file that is being downloaded and therefore you cant download it basically is a classic example of your computer waisting bandwith and resources and therefore slowing down other downloads cause its blocked on SEARCHING FOR MORE RESOURCES. Basically your computer keeps looping and looping in the search. Again the SEARCH has fast speeds that take up lots of bandwith.

So the expense on the overall chargecard proves not worth it. Two people can download the same file providing that the downloader who is sharing the file has enough bandwith and resources to share to two people. In most cases, he does. He can share many files at the same time.

If you cant find something on the SEARCH, try again. Again, ESV just opened its doors to the public this week. Millions will use ESV because of the many options including the ability to HIDE YOUR IP.

When ESV officially launches, I promise you there wont be a file that you cant find, both brand new and rare.


multi 18-03-03 07:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
they are going to take all the users of KAZAA, Emule, Edonkey, etc?????

goldie 18-03-03 07:35 AM


Originally posted by multi
they are going to take all the users of KAZAA, Emule, Edonkey, etc?????
Why does that statement make me so nervous? :er: :sus:

The voices in my head keep repeating the same thing over and over "if'n it's too good to be true"............

napho 18-03-03 02:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Very interesting...you can get music and laid at the same time. :eek:

JackSpratts 18-03-03 04:12 PM


Originally posted by napho
music and laid at the same time.
i've always done it that way. :S:

- js.

monyak 18-05-03 09:12 AM

ES5 has come along way. I am sure that ES5 has the potential to be one of the best P2P programs. This is more or less why I think that they have what it takes to be better than them all.

Their added security of hiding the IP address on upload and download along with their share using SSL to encrypt the traffic to prevent nosy ISP's or packetshapers will definately bring them crowds.

They will kill the 'pay for sex' porn sites that charge you for seeing porn, because on ES5 you get quality porn for free.

Hell, they even stream different porn movies on 7 different channels for FREE 24 hours a day! And they also stream the NAKED NEWS for FREE!

I think that university students who are behind tight firewalls preventing using Kazaa or other P2P programs will love ESV because ESV is the only program to penetrate a firewall.

The download speed is amazing, I average on download 220kb, and have topped 640kb downloads. They dont have any adware, spyware, or any advertisements anywhere in the program.

Its safe to say that ESV is offering the all in one P2P application that is safe, and more important, everything is free. It doesnt get any better than that.

BTW, they are also doing verified files.

multi 18-05-03 10:25 AM

<----oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy
;) i bet he dont even read any posts in this thread...hehe

great idea if it can keep it out of the other networks

i wonder if you do get to shut down all the pay for porn sites
if they will hack and troll your network so bad
that it will be unbareable?
it sounds even more bloated,
does resume work..do the half finished downloads still disapear?
how many forums are u banned from now?y dont u just disapear?
i will never use it
again...n e way
u and yr spamming
have put me off ever giving it
another try..

i see they pretty much denied knowing u at the
es5 forums
how much do u get paid ?
do they know that u are being an ass?

Điego 18-05-03 12:04 PM

LOL @ Porn Station Zero :tu:

Đ :S:

JackSpratts 18-05-03 12:58 PM

hi monyak,

i'm sure you're terrifically excited about your client, and perhaps with good reason. that you haven’t answered basic questions about it’s operation and ownership is vexing but it's a problem i can live with. we have however many members here at napsterites who are users and developers of other clients and networks, including fasttrack and xolox, soulseek, winmx, bittorrent, emule, ftp and a host of others, both public and proprietary. in spite of their obvious enthusiasms they somehow manage to contain themselves and respect their peers by not spamming the boards with hit and run promos for their personal favorites. my suggestion is you try and do the same. :)

- js.

cindy 18-05-03 02:22 PM

amen :AP: (what he said)

napho 04-06-03 03:14 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Without a skin and with a change of url for the ads it's not half bad looking.

pod 04-06-03 02:44 PM


Originally posted by multi
Now not everybody qualifies to be a SUN. To be a SUN, you must have over 5,000 files.
Well, isn't that the most retarded thing I've heard in ages! A Sun (a supernode in other words) needs lots of bandwidth and cpu. Why would the number of files shared matter at all? In fact, the fewer the better, as the cpu and bandwidth can be dedicated to running searches.

Also, your (which is to say monyak's) claim that ES5 is the only P2P able to get through firewalls is clearly specious; I've used at some point just about every P2P app ever created, and none had problems getting through firewalls. Going as far as Napster you had pull/push to get around the problem. And firewalled-to-firewalled client connections are only possible with the help of a non-firewalled proxy, which is nice to have, but you won't be getting anything over a few megs in a reasonable time with this method. A better solution is to use a popular client which will provide plenty of non-firewalled sources.

All the noise about Kazaa, SoulSeek, Gnutella, WinMX, eDonkey, DirectConnect and others users migrating em masse to ES5, is pure bullshit, and shows a clear lack of understanding of the scene. The two by far largest migrations happened because the network folded (Napster, but then OpenNap still lives on) or the client switched (Morpheus moved to Gnutella). There is no case where a new cvlient of ANY sort stole users from other networks.

And streaming porn isn't going to put any porn sites out of business. First of all, the idea sucks. No one 'schedules' their porn viewings, certainly not to anybody else's terms. Second, virtually every single adult movie ever put out is available on P2P, and many adult sites are being ripped and shared already. This has been going on for years, and hasn't made any difference. Porn sites don't live on movie sales.

goldie 02-08-03 05:06 PM


I just finished commiting homicide.

The last uninstall was for good.

This program seriously fucked up my comp. I had all sorts of windows system errors and not only that, I also got errors with programs I had no problem with before installing ES5.

Thank god for System Restore!!

:no: Big no-no to whatever that bug was.

:NS: :MAD:

Malk-a-mite 03-08-03 02:19 AM

Ummm.... no.
Bits in bold are my emphasis.

"You are behind a firewall. You can still use Earthstation 5 but you are deprived of over half the files abvailable. If you can correct this situation, you will have access to many more files. This is not a EarthStation 5 problem, but a situation that exists with ALL File Sharing programs whether they tell you about it or not. You can fix the situation by allowing your firewall to permit/allow all traffic to/from all of the following ports: UDP:22548 TCP:33088 TCP:443 TCP:80 TCP 22821 plus UDP above 1023 and TCP (non-connections) above 1023 or you can tell ES5 to use ports you know are already permitting throught your firewall (Advanced Settings). You can leave this Message up while you correct the situation."

Well for starters I set up the firewall to directly block port 443 and for some reason running a web server I haven't verified as secure seems.... oh, what's the word... dangerous? Yea, that would be the word.

What's next - oh yea, allowing TCP above 1023 for non-connections.... how many people that have figured out the basics of Zone-Alarm level firewalls are going to have the slightest clue what that means? Hell, how many MCSEs will know what that means. In short you're going to have a bunch of near worthless firewalls open (incoming and outgoing at the suggestion of ES5) to every non-static port.

Wheeee - bust out the scanner and nmap, time to run amuck.....


multi 03-08-03 08:31 AM

this ultra secure program is starting not to sound so secure..

allowing TCP above 1023 for non-connections..?


(last updated 2003-08-01)

The port numbers are divided into three ranges: the Well Known Ports,
the Registered Ports, and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports.

The Well Known Ports are those from 0 through 1023.

The Registered Ports are those from 1024 through 49151

The Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those from 49152 through 65535


JackSpratts 03-08-03 10:15 AM

at the end of the day firewalls and serious p2p is cats and dogs, like taking a shower with your clothes on. pick up a cheap used box (doesn't have to be fast) and just put p2p stuff and a big fat drive on it - and run it without a firewall. when you find a new app you just install and go. you'll wonder how you got along w/out it. :ND:

- js.

Malk-a-mite 03-08-03 12:21 PM


Originally posted by JackSpratts
at the end of the day firewalls and serious p2p is cats and dogs, like taking a shower with your clothes on. pick up a cheap used box (doesn't have to be fast) and just put p2p stuff and a big fat drive on it - and run it without a firewall. when you find a new app you just install and go. you'll wonder how you got along w/out it. :ND:

- js.

I would suggest that you mean NAT and P2P are cats and dogs - but we are both approaching this from different backgrounds so it colors how we view things.

How would you get the files from the unsecured box once your P2P app has downloaded them?

JackSpratts 03-08-03 12:48 PM


Originally posted by Malk-a-mite

How would you get the files from the unsecured box once your P2P app has downloaded them?

scan 'em and burn 'em.

- js.

Malk-a-mite 03-08-03 01:04 PM


Originally posted by JackSpratts
scan 'em and burn 'em.

- js.

Ok - as long as your burning the files to CD.

Otherwise you would need to connect somehow to the secured network. And any sort of trust relationship between the secured and unsecured machine would in 99% of the situations cause both networks to be insecure.

JackSpratts 03-08-03 04:07 PM

that's right. the unsecured machine is never connected to the secured one. a cheap dvd burner takes care of those really big files too.

an added benefit is that you now have a "sacrificial box" should you find yourself in need of one.

- js.

theknife 21-08-03 03:35 PM

the app might be shaky but you gotta love the developer's attitude:


In response to the email received today from the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) to Earthstation 5 for copyright violations for streaming FIRST RUN movies over
the internet for FREE, this is our official response!
Earthstation 5 is at war with the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Record Association of America (RIAA), and to make our point very clear that their governing laws and policys have absolutely no meaning to us here in Palestine, we will continue to add even more movies for FREE.
:uzi: :SHO:

JackSpratts 21-08-03 03:49 PM

it's a war i tell ya, a real war!

Earth Station 5 Declares WAR Against the Sex Industry
Press Release

FREE Music, FREE Movies, FREE Software and Now FREE Sex Being Beamed By Earthstation 5 to the Humans for Free

Earthstation 5 today declares war against the sex industry for all the sex located on the internet. "One way to put these sex companies out of business is by giving it away for FREE," said Ras Kabair, president of Palestine based EarthStation 5.

Effective immediately, Earthstation 5 will give away ten FREE sex channels of live sex and the naked news for FREE to the world. There will be no CREDIT cards, no phone dialers, no pop-up ad's, no spyware and there will be no other form of payment required by any user.

Earthstation 5 has grown from a simple P2P network to the largest P2P portal in the world with an average of 11,536,240 simultaneous users online at any given moment of the day or night. Currently, new users are downloading Earthstation 5 software located at http://www.earthstation5.com/ on a average of 500,000 times per day in the 18 languages that Earthstation 5 currently offers.

One-reason users are using Earthstation 5 instead of the other peer to peer (P2P) programs is because of our stealth technology. Other P2P company's claim to have security, but in the end we are the only ones that can't be breached! We wrote our software with security as our top priority. On top of that, all the other P2P companies have to worry about being sued by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Record Industry Association of America (RIAA). At the Jenin Refuge Camp, we don't worry about those kinds of problems.

well anyway, it makes for an attention grabbing press realese...

- js. :)

theknife 21-08-03 03:51 PM

yup, serving that subpoena in the Jenin Refugee Camp could get a tad sticky:BL:

tambourine-man 21-08-03 04:03 PM

So... as someone who knows little about P2P stuff - what are people's opinions of this Earthstation5 thingy?

Worth downloading and using, or worth less than a dried up turd?

napho 21-08-03 04:22 PM


Originally posted by tambourine-man
So... as someone who knows little about P2P stuff - what are people's opinions of this Earthstation5 thingy?

Worth downloading and using, or worth less than a dried up turd?

Actually dried up turds are considered an aphrodisiac in Asia...or not. ;)
This program doesn't have alot of users so they're tying it in with some ftp's and servers for extra downloads. It has lots of proxies available for extra security so yes, it's worth a try.

tambourine-man 21-08-03 04:47 PM


Originally posted by napho
Actually dried up turds are considered an aphrodisiac in Asia...
Really? I guess that makes me a millionaire... what with my sinister collection of dried up turds. :PE:

Drakonix 21-08-03 08:32 PM

Unless the DMZ computer has it's own dedicated internet connection, computers on the private LAN are probably networked to the DMZ machine.

Sharing an internet connection (DSL, cable, etc.) to the DMZ machine and other computers via a router, switch, or hub creates a network path between the computers.

As Malk pointed out, there is security risk in networking other computers to a DMZ host.

Having a sacrificial computer is a good idea, but you have to be very careful about designating a computer in a DMZ.

Usually, designating a computer in the DMZ means you have a router and intend to configure this option to pass all ports to the DMZ machine. It would probably be better to configure the router to pass only the ports needed by applications running on the server machine(s).

Manufacturers often include the DMZ option in routers as a stopgap measure to support applications with unusual port requirements.

It can be frustrating at times to get some applications to work behind firewalls, but the added safety (IMO) is worth the effort.

Normally, only ports which require capability for incoming connections need to be configured to pass through a firewall. I have some concerns about ES5 needing all those ports opened.

Edited: Typo

naz 24-08-03 11:18 AM

More war, this time replete with nerdy Star Trek threatening language.


FREE Music, FREE Movies, FREE Software and Now FREE Sex Being Beamed By
Earthstation 5 to the Humans for Free

JENIN, West Bank, Aug. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- In response to the email received today from the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) to Earthstation 5 for copyright violations for streaming FIRST RUN movies over the internet for FREE, this is our official response!

Earthstation 5 is at war with the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Record Association of America (RIAA), and to make our point very clear that their governing laws and policys have absolutely no meaning to us here in Palestine, we will continue to add even more movies for FREE.

ES5 (http://www.es5 .com) does not require any signups, registration, credit cards and/or any other personal information to watch the first rate streamed movies like TERMINATOR 3, BRUCE ALMIGHTY, MATRIX RELOADED, etc.

Ras Kabir's warning to the RIAA and the MPAA, "The next revolution in P2P file sharing is upon you. Resistance is futile and we are now in control".

Media Contact:
Ras Kabir, Earthstationv Ltd.

Telephone: 972 673 51065
E-mail: ras@earthstationv.com
http://www.earthstationv .com/

blunt 24-08-03 12:59 PM

I can't get the damn thing to work!!!
Downloaded the es5 prog, got it up and running, but it wont show me any pages for home, forums, or anything else. Tried to download a file, but after an hour of downloading, still only had 15% of it.
Plus, to cap it all off, I kept losing my internet connection whenever the prog was running. At this rate it would be better to go down to the shops and buy the songs I want.

On kazzaa earlier, I downloaded a Luminee track six times, and each one was corrupted. Finally got a clean one by restricting the user connections, but if this is the future of file sharing...ouch! It was this problem that made me try es5, but I wish I hadn't bothered now.

Is es5 always like this, or am I just having a bad day?

blunt 24-08-03 01:37 PM

Course, I meant 'Lumidee'...

napho 24-08-03 03:12 PM

ES5 runs well for me but there isn't alot of content.
Try the hip hop newsgroups for stuff like Lumidee.

cindy 24-08-03 09:00 PM


Originally posted by JackSpratts
it's a war i tell ya, a real war!

Earth Station 5 Declares WAR Against the Sex Industry
Press Release

FREE Music, FREE Movies, FREE Software and Now FREE Sex Being Beamed By Earthstation 5 to the Humans for Free

Earthstation 5 today declares war against the sex industry for all the sex located on the internet. "One way to put these sex companies out of business is by giving it away for FREE," said Ras Kabair, president of Palestine based EarthStation 5.

Effective immediately, Earthstation 5 will give away ten FREE sex channels of live sex and the naked news for FREE to the world. There will be no CREDIT cards, no phone dialers, no pop-up ad's, no spyware and there will be no other form of payment required by any user.

Earthstation 5 has grown from a simple P2P network to the largest P2P portal in the world with an average of 11,536,240 simultaneous users online at any given moment of the day or night. Currently, new users are downloading Earthstation 5 software located at http://www.earthstation5.com/ on a average of 500,000 times per day in the 18 languages that Earthstation 5 currently offers.

One-reason users are using Earthstation 5 instead of the other peer to peer (P2P) programs is because of our stealth technology. Other P2P company's claim to have security, but in the end we are the only ones that can't be breached! We wrote our software with security as our top priority. On top of that, all the other P2P companies have to worry about being sued by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Record Industry Association of America (RIAA). At the Jenin Refuge Camp, we don't worry about those kinds of problems.

well anyway, it makes for an attention grabbing press realese...

- js. :)

I'm a little worried about all these wars ES5 is curently engaging itself in..does it have enough troops to continue warfare on such a grandiose scale and on so many MULTI-facited fronts?



howling_mantra 19-09-03 06:41 PM

es5 vs. morpheus
I got es5 working well after configuring my router, which, after reading some of the posts here have me worried now. I went to dslreports.com and passed the security test though.

I do like the sense of security, with the proxies, and the "Stealth" light that lets you know when the proxies are working or not.

The problem that I have is the lack of files.
A search for Dave Mathews gave me two results!

Also the ES5 rheotoric is a bit much.

I just got morpheus up and running and its good! I also had to configure my router, but I like The number of files, the proxies, the look. The only thing they need is a "Stealth" status light. I get paranoid these days.

What is the deal with port 1023 ?

multi 03-10-03 01:46 AM

:dz: ES5 has malicious code?

EarthStation 5 (aka ES5, aka ESV) (http://www.earthstation5.com and http://forums2.es5.com/) is a P2P application first released about 6-12 months ago. The people behind ES5 claim that ES5 is the most secure P2P software in the world. They also claim that they are security experts, and that they have more than 15 million simultaneous users on-line 24/7. In comparison Kazaa, the most popular P2P application, only has about 4 million simultaneous users on-line at any given time of day.
Malicious code

There exists malicious code in ES5.exe's "Search Service" packet handler. By sending packet 0Ch, sub-function 07h to the "Search Service"'s IP:Port, a remote attacker could delete any file the user is sharing. If the remote attacker uses "filenames" with a relative path in them (eg. "......WINDOWSNOTEPAD.EXE"), the remote attacker could also delete files in eg. the windows and windowssystem32 folders, or any other folder on the same partition as any of the shared folders. Since most users using Windows are in the Administrators group, a remote attacker could also delete the C:BOOT.INI file which is a required boot file used by ntldr.

IMPORTANT: This is not a bug! They intentionally added this code to ES5.

LOL thats not funny...:NS:

pod 03-10-03 08:26 AM


Originally posted by multi
ES5 has malicious code?
No! I don't believe it! :p

goldie 03-10-03 09:06 AM


Originally posted by multi
Since most users using Windows are in the Administrators group, a remote attacker could also delete the C:BOOT.INI file which is a required boot file used by ntldr.

IMPORTANT: This is not a bug! They intentionally added this code to ES5.

LOL thats not funny...:NS:

Ewwwwwwwwww.....nasty nasty.

Perhaps it was divine intervention that i couldn't get this bastard to run on my comp :S

:m: :m: :m: :m:

Haole 03-10-03 10:11 AM

1 Attachment(s)
P2P terror.

Malk-a-mite 03-10-03 01:05 PM

[Full-Disclosure] EartStation 5 P2P application contains malicious code

There also exists a lot of other vulnerabilities in ES5 (eg. DoS attacks,
buffer overflow bugs, and so on), but these all seem to be unintentional.
Another advisory may have more info on these vulnerabilities, but I'm not
their beta tester so don't hold your breath.

The people behind ES5 have intentionally added malicious code to ES5. If
you have followed the ES5 discussions on message boards and read what the
ES5 people have said and done (eg. DoS attacking BitTorrent sites), this
comes as no surprise. The question then is "why did they do it?" I'm sure
they won't tell us, but here's a theory: They could be working for the
RIAA, MPAA, or a similar organization. Once they have enough users on their
ES5 network, they would start deleting all copyrighted files they own which
their users are sharing. The users wouldn't know what hit them.

AweShucks 03-10-03 01:52 PM


Originally posted by Malk-a-mite
They could be working for the
RIAA, MPAA, or a similar organization. Once they have enough users on their
ES5 network, they would start deleting all copyrighted files they own which
their users are sharing. The users wouldn't know what hit them.

Or they could be working for a totally different entity:PO:

Imagine the effects a terrorist "group" could carry out with access to millions <----very questionable of computers around the world. However I don't think this code is classified as "cyberterrorism" but what other code is in ES5??????
The potential to overtake millions of computers (if people actually believe their bullshit an use this program) is very real:eke:

Haole 03-10-03 02:44 PM

At the risk of sounding paranoid, I wouldn't even think of touching this. My first thoughts about ES5 were negative, and after reading various posts on this site by multi and others, I've had nothing but distrust and suspicion towards it. As far as cyber-terrorism carried out in this fashion, let's just say it wouldn't surprise me.

Malk-a-mite 03-10-03 03:46 PM


Originally posted by mdneer
At the risk of sounding paranoid, I wouldn't even think of touching this. My first thoughts about ES5 were negative, and after reading various posts on this site by multi and others, I've had nothing but distrust and suspicion towards it. As far as cyber-terrorism carried out in this fashion, let's just say it wouldn't surprise me.
As soon as they posted the ports that needed to be open in the firewall I wondered why.....

multi 03-10-03 03:47 PM

my comments on the actual program were from when it was being beta tested ...

but from what i can tell from others it never improved much after...but it must work alright for some ppl..

one thing i curious about is to why they included it when they must of known that some one would find it ..sooner or later

im glad it was sooner rather than later..

theres a few people now from some other p2p forums that have confirmed that it exists...

the guy( random nut ) who found the exploit
also found some bugs in kazza a while back..

daddydirt 06-10-03 02:13 AM

anybody else been following this??

(.)(.)(.)(.)(.) on the fuken f0rum drama-meter :D

the following classic post is courtesy of ESV forum mod SharePro

QUOTE (SharePro Posted: Oct 5 2003 @ 10:12 AM)
I didnt get Random Nuts name from ES5. No where on this board or anywhere does ES5 ask you your name. So again, me spreading Random Nut's name is something I did on my own degree.

Kazaa will probably run after him for building K-Lite and so will the RIAA. That is his problem, but again, I didnt put his name up because of Kazaa or the RIAA. They can do their own dirty work.

If somebody puts one of my users at risk doing anti P2P work, and I have the opportunity, I would break every bone in their body. What he did was not 'cool', Perhaps it may have been for K++ users, but say that he did it against you and deleted your files.

Lets say that he was using a Microsoft exploit that old Bill Gates had in the operating system and forgot to take out. God knows there are millions. Lets say that Random Nut is responsible for erasing your files, and telling others to do so. He gets a pat on the back by his buddies for being a hacker, and then he gets the shit kicked out of him by the people he has hurt. Having advanced computer skills does not make somebody god.

Thank god nobodys files were deleted. Filehoover caught it in time and the exploit would only allow a very advanced user to execute it. In reality, if I would of heard of one person whos computer files had gone missing, I would pay $3,000 to somebody with airfare and accomidation to show up at his home. I'll even be more blunt, I made the telephone call and put somebody on standby yesterday. I dont fuck around when it comes to my users.

I am responsible for a lot of users, and I take it very personal. I have invested over 2 years into this specific project. I dont delete files, I provide them. I provide direct verified downloads, streaming, FTP services and lots more for free.

If he had done something to me directly, or to ES5, you would have never heard his name. The minute he tried to screw with my users, he should know that my only responsibility is to my users. Why the fuck should I protect somebodys identity who is malicious? Can somebody please answer that? You want to hurt my users and you want me to remain quiet? Sorry, in my world, things dont work that way.

Random Nut didnt do anything to help the users or P2Pr's, he did it for personal gain. He wanted to be in the lime light. Now that his name is rolling around, he is exactly where he wanted to be. Only I think in the long run, his name being rolled, specifically with Kazaa and the RIAA after him, all this will have caused him more damage than good. That is his problem and I am not merciful to those who try to delete the files of my users. Sorry, he's anti p2p in my book. But again, I didnt print his name to help neither Kazaa or the RIAA. I did it so that my users will have his address if shit happens.

I have had his address for a long time, over 6 months, so again, I never published it while he bashed and thrashed es5. Why should I? He has every right to voice his opinion for good or bad. The minute he actively created an executable exploit and promoted deleting my users files, he crossed the line.

I can be just as malicious and hurtful, if not 1 million times worst, than Shaun Garriock could ever be. I am of action, not words. ES5 is not Kazaa. We are the only p2p network to have a direct dialog with our users. No other p2p network even admits to building their network for p2p - they all deny it.

I know that Random Nut knows that I am dead serious when I say I would easily pay a couple thousand dollars for somebody to physically hurt him if he did damage to my users. I am not egotistical and nor would I do it for egotistical reasons. I would do it to protect our users and other people from his bullshit anti p2p dirty tactics.

This is NOT an issue of network competition we are talking about. We are talking about people and their private computers getting fucked by the malicious activity of an evil individual.

ES5 actually backs its users. If something happens to you guys, then I feel it happened to me. If I can help, then be sure I will. I am not Kazaa who stands by and watches their users get sued, specifically little 12 year old girls and does nothing.

So when people ask how SharePro could say and/or do such a thing, understand the difference between networks.

Followed By An ES5 User...

QUOTE (Anon Y Mous Posted: Oct 5 2003 @ 10:25 AM)
SharePro, I appreciate the fact that you are so protective of ES5 users - but, you may want to delete your
prevous post right away.

I am not sure whether you are thinking this thru very carefully. Your words will come back to hurt you.
In essence, you will give ES5 even more bad PR - worse than the 15 million user thing, worse than this
exploit RandNut thing.

I'm trying to help you here. I don't want want you to shoot yourself and ES5 in the foot.
I realize that you don't hold anything back, and you really do say what you think, but someone
will copy these words and post them into other forums - they will use this against you.

Please, please - delete that post before anyone else sees this. Ask any of your mods what they think.
This may only end up hurting ES5 further in the eyes of potential P2Pers.

TankGirl 06-10-03 02:26 AM

Considering it is a centralized service and a closed source application where the trust relies solely on the service provider, I think I can live my life without ever installing this particular application. :CG: :BL:

- tg :WA:

napho 06-10-03 03:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I see that SharePro has hired some new "programmers". ;)

JackSpratts 06-10-03 06:28 AM

i don't know if everyone involved in the war of words is fourteen years old or just acts like they are but they aren't giving anyone any reasons to have anything to do with them or their forums or their programs. that these squabbles aren’t taken seriously by the filesharing community in general (outside the warring camps usually) doesn’t mean they’re not harmful to p2p and the image formed by the general public, opinion leaders and lawmakers. if zp and es5 weren't already operating then the riaa might do well to invent them. cooler heads need to exert influence on this one pronto but i don’t see those heads prevailing in either place at the moment.

- js.

inky 07-10-03 06:22 AM

I just registerd on the ES5 foeum and had a look around and appears that most of the people who post there are about 13yrs old except of course for sharepro who must be all of 9yrs old.

I reckon this is a plot by terrorists to de-stabilise the western world by striking at the very heart of our civilised society ie musicians and film stars, first they will destroy the recording industry, next the movie industry and finally the world, yes the world I tell you....:ND:

TankGirl 07-10-03 06:35 AM


Originally posted by inky
I just registerd on the ES5 foeum and had a look around and appears that most of the people who post there are about 13yrs old except of course for sharepro who must be all of 9yrs old.
Their promotional style has been a sort of mixture of Father Time and Comical Ali - maybe it is effective in that age group... :CG:

- tg :WA:

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