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Old 14-02-06, 12:51 PM   #61
Formal Ball Proof
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Old 14-02-06, 03:07 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by albed
how will retreating from Iraq make the U.S. safer?
How will it not? Terrorists?

Horseshit, they were around long before 9-11 and will be long after.

We need to get the fuck outta dodge ASAP, and stop the bleeding, literal or not.
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Old 14-02-06, 04:38 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by daddydirt
and from the White House press corps:

this story would go away if the White House wasn't so evasive - they're so obsessed with secrecy and controlling information that they are simply unable to be forthright about what actually happened, particular in regards to the timeline afterward.. McClellan sinks to a new low (as if it's even possible to for him to have any less credibility) - wonder how the press corps can stomach him?

Cheney wouldn't talk to law enforcement until the following day - time enough to let his blood alcohol content diminish?
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Old 14-02-06, 06:22 PM   #64
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huntin an drinkin. now there'a good time.

- js.
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Old 14-02-06, 06:48 PM   #65
flippin 'em off
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I thought the muslims' behaviour over the cartoons was despicable, but seeing the liberals' glee over an unfortunate accident shows the true depth of their petty and vindictive character.
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Old 14-02-06, 09:07 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by albed
I thought the muslims' behaviour over the cartoons was despicable, but seeing the liberals' glee over an unfortunate accident shows the true depth of their petty and vindictive character.
no doubt a fellow of your delicate sensibilities is just appalled by it all.
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Old 14-02-06, 10:02 PM   #67
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Thumbs down the Vice-President's victim's condition worsening

HARRY WHITTINGTON, the 78-year-old Texas lawyer shot by Dick Cheney over the weekend, suffered what doctors called a "minor heart attack" yesterday and was moved back into intensive care.
David Blanchard, head of the emergency room at the Corpus Christi hospital in Texas, said a birdshot pellet about 5mm in diameter had lodged in Mr Whittington's heart, causing "irregularities". He will remain under "close supervision" in hospital for at least another week.
Dr Blanchard said that the lawyer, a prominent Texas Republican, was in good physical shape and had a "strong will" which should carry him through. "He will have a full life as the Lord intended him to have and this should not affect him in any way." He added, however, that more than five "and probably less than 150 or 200" pellets had lodged in Mr Whittington's body.
The worsening condition of the Vice-President's victim threatened to wreck the White House's attempts to deflect the row over a shooting accident with humour.
It also scotched Mr Cheney's hopes of escaping from the incident with a warning for violating Texas game law by failing to buy a $7 hunting stamp before going shooting on Saturday at the Armstrong ranch.
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department attributed the accident to a "hunter's judgment factor" and said that the Vice-President would merely be reprimanded formally for shooting upland game birds without the proper permit.
Gilbert San Miguel, the chief deputy sheriff for Kenedy County in Texas, said they had ruled out alcohol being a cause of the accident.
An hour after Mr Cheney shot Mr Whittington, the Secret Service called the Kenedy County sheriff to report it. At least one deputy showed up at the Armstrong ranch and asked to speak to the Vice-President but was turned away by the Secret Service. This, a spokesman said, was the result of "some miscommunication" and an interview took place the next day.
By yesterday morning the White House had decided that the best way to deal with the problem was with humour. President Bush's spokesman suggested that the bright orange school colours of a Texas football team visiting the White House might be confused for hunter's safety wear.
"The orange that they're wearing is not because they're concerned that the Vice-President may be there," Scott McClellan, the White House press secretary, said.
He was not alone in declaring the accident a laughing matter. Jenny Backus, a Democrat strategist, talked of a "Bush-Quail" presidential ticket - a reference to the first President Bush's running mate, Dan Quayle. Others circulated an interview with George Bush in 2000 in which he hailed Mr Cheney as "somebody who is going to shoot straight with the American people".
Mr Cheney ducked reporters yesterday, and issued only a brief public statement, saying that his "thoughts and prayers are with Mr Whittington and his family".
Mr Cheney has had previous brushes with the law. He was twice arrested for drunk driving in his 20s. He had also been caught fishing out of season. "The $25 fine was not the worst part," he commented later. "They took my f***ing fish."

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Old 14-02-06, 10:41 PM   #68
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texas likes to think it isn't real big on excuses. maybe he'll get the chair.
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Old 17-02-06, 12:19 PM   #69
even the losers
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Old 17-02-06, 01:35 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by daddydirt
Couldn't get it from megaupload, had to go at the source They also released a video to go with it, fregging hilarious

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Old 19-02-06, 01:57 PM   #71
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science tells us

the straight dope - from alex jones (video).

"This much is clear: [Dick Cheney] shot Mr. Whittington from 15 to 18 feet, instead of 90 feet away as he claimed."

"Here I am at 30 yards, 90 feet, firing at the chicken, and then we will fire at the watermelon."

- Alex Jones

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Old 19-02-06, 05:00 PM   #72
BANG BANG BANG (repeat as necessary)
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Heh... Alex.
"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction" Dick Cheney - August 26, 2002

"I did not authorise the leaking of the name of David Kelly. Nobody was authorised to name David Kelly. I believe we have acted properly throughout" Tony Blair - July 22, 2003
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Old 19-02-06, 05:17 PM   #73
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apparently, one of several contradictions in this weird tale. the Associated Press outlines the rest:
VP Accident Tale Filled With Discrepancies By CALVIN WOODWARD and NANCY BENAC, Associated Press Writers
Sat Feb 18, 3:52 AM ET

WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney said he didn't immediately disclose his hunting accident because he wanted the confusing details to come out right. Instead, authorized accounts came out slowly — and often still wrong.

The result: a week of shifting blame, belatedly acknowledged beer consumption (not "zero" drinking after all) and evolving discrepancies in how the shooting happened, its aftermath and the way it was told to the nation.

"There's a reason they call this crisis management," said corporate damage-control specialist Eric Dezenhall, "and that's because it's a mess."



In the first days after the vice president wounded attorney Harry Whittington while shooting at quail last Saturday in Texas, blame was placed on the victim for not announcing his presence to fellow hunter Cheney.

"The vice president did everything right," Katharine Armstrong, the ranch owner approved by Cheney to disclose the accident, said Monday. Whittington, 78, should have shouted that he was rejoining the hunting group after drifting off to retrieve a downed bird. "The mistake exposed him to getting shot," she said. "It's incumbent on him. He did not do that."

The White House picked up on that theme the same day in attempting to deflect any responsibility from the vice president. "If I recall," Bush spokesman Scott McClellan said of Armstrong, "she pointed out that the protocol was not followed by Mr. Whittington, when it came to notifying the others that he was there."

The about-face came Wednesday when Cheney made his first public comment on the accident.

"It was not Harry's fault," he said. "You can't blame anybody else. I'm the guy who pulled the trigger and shot my friend."



Although there is no evidence that beer impaired Cheney's judgment, initial denials that he had consumed alcohol were wrong.

"No one was drinking," Armstrong said at the outset. "No, zero, zippo." She said the hunters washed down lunch with Dr Pepper. Later, she qualified her comments and said beer might have been in the cooler but she did not think anyone drank any.

The investigating officer from the Kenedy County sheriff's department, after interviewing Whittington in the hospital, reported that the victim "explained foremost there was no alcohol during the hunt."

Authorities did not investigate the accident until the next day. The Texas Parks and Wildlife accident report, dated two days after the shooting, checked "No" on the question of whether Cheney appeared under the influence of intoxicants. It did not address whether the hunters had been drinking at all. (The report also included a diagram depicting Whittington's wounds on the wrong side of his body.)

Cheney acknowledged Wednesday, "I had a beer at lunch" several hours before the group's afternoon hunt, asserting "nobody was under the influence."



In the rush to assure everyone Whittington was "just fine," some important details were left out.

Initial reports had him treated at the scene, then taken by ambulance to the hospital, where in no time he was cracking jokes with the nurses. It turned out that after being taken to the emergency room of a local, small hospital, he was flown by helicopter to the intensive care unit of the larger hospital in Corpus Christi.

According to Armstrong's initial account of the accident scene: "He was talking. His eyes were open." Later, Cheney said that when he rushed up to the stricken man and talked to him, Whittington had one eye open and did not respond. He was, however, conscious.

Doctors said Tuesday that Whittington suffered a mild heart attack while in the hospital when one of the pellets migrated to his heart. He was released Friday.



Cheney did not have all his hunting papers in order, as suggested by the White House and initially stated by Texas authorities.

On Sunday, a spokesman for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department said Cheney was legally hunting with a license he bought in November. While that was true, the department's accident report the next day stated that he was in violation of a law requiring him to have an upland game bird stamp.



The accident raised questions about the flow of information into and out of the White House communications apparatus.

Asked why no one released news of the shooting on Saturday night, McClellan said "the vice president's office was working to make sure information got out" but that details were slow to reach Washington that evening.

Armstrong, for her part, said no one at the ranch even discussed releasing the news on Saturday.

She said her family realized Sunday morning that it would be a story and decided to call the local newspaper, the Corpus Christi Caller-Times. She said she then discussed news coverage with Cheney for the first time.

"I said, 'Mr. Vice President, this is going to be public, and I'm comfortable going to the hometown newspaper,'" she told The Associated Press. "And he said, 'You go ahead and do whatever you are comfortable doing.'"



McClellan said President Bush was told shortly before 8 p.m. EST Saturday that Cheney had shot Whittington, less than half an hour after Bush first heard there had a been an accident of some sort involving Cheney's hunting party. Confirmation that Cheney was the shooter was obtained when deputy chief of staff Karl Rove called Armstrong, McClellan said.

However, McClellan said he didn't personally know Cheney was the shooter until the next morning, about 6 a.m. EST Sunday, when he was awakened with the news.

He said he only knew the previous evening that someone in Cheney's party had been involved in a hunting accident.
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Old 19-02-06, 08:27 PM   #74
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Default Haliburton to the rescue...


At $42 Billion, Largest Contract of its Kind, Company Says

The Halliburton Company announced today that it had won a $42 billion no-bid contract from the U.S. government to reconstruct the reputation of Vice President Dick Cheney.

While Halliburton has been known for massive reconstruction projects in such war-torn nations as Iraq, the $42 billion contract represents the first time that the company has been employed to put its reconstruction expertise to work on one embattled human being.

At the White House, spokesman Scott McClellan defended the $42 billion price tag for the reconstruction effort, telling reporters, “Given how much work Dick Cheney’s reputation is going to take to rebuild, at the end of the day that $42 billion contract is going to look like a bargain.”

Mr. McClellan likened the state of Mr. Cheney’s reputation to conditions on the ground in Iraq, “only worse.”

But even as Halliburton began gearing up for the daunting task of reconstructing the vice president’s reputation, an unlikely critic of the plan, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R-Ill), questioned the wisdom of even attempting to rebuild Dick Cheney.

Rep. Hastert said that based on what he had seen of Dick Cheney’s reputation in recent days, it reminded him of the city of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, making him wonder whether the vice president could be rebuilt at all.

“It looks like a lot of Dick Cheney could be bulldozed,” Rep. Hastert said.

Elsewhere, breaking with a longstanding tradition set by his predecessor, Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke delivered his first economic report to Congress in English.
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Old 19-02-06, 09:58 PM   #75
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go **** yourself


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Old 20-02-06, 11:22 AM   #76
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One thing I have to admire about Vice President Dick Cheney is he does and says what he pleases and doesn't give a crap about what anyone else thinks. The guy has hubris...

He became vice president when he was tapped to find the right person to run on the ticket for then Governor George W. Bush. After an extensive search through the Republican Party's best and brightest people, he came to the conclusion that Dick Cheney was the best man for the job of vice president. Since he knew Dick Cheney intimately, he recommended himself for the job and Bush being the wise man we all now know said, "Okay." What chutzpah, his mission is to find the best candidate and he picks himself...

On the Senate floor Cheney once told Sen. Patrick J. Leahy to "F uck yourself." That is a direct quote, if you have a problem with that type of language, take it up with your vice president, he said it I didn't, although I have said it on occasion, just not to a senator or on the senate floor. Cheney is an angry, crotchety, foul-mouthed, old coot, the type of person you wouldn't want your children around and he thought he was the best candidate for the job, shows how little he actually knows...

Leading up to the war with Iraq, Cheney constantly linked Iraq to the 9/11 terrorists even though there was never any link. He did so because he wanted a war for the military industrial complex, the guys that make money from wars, Halliburton is one of those companies and coincidently Cheney was heading that company when he picked himself as the VP candidate. What better way to make your company money than start a war for them to service? That is exactly what Cheney did. Like I said, he will say and do anything once it's in his head, after all he even told Bush that he was the best choice for vice president, so making up reasons to go to war to make Halliburton money is just a little white lie to Cheney...

Now we have Cheney shooting an acquaintance or as they say in Washington, a lobbyist. That is the difference between Texas and Washington, in Texas a lobbyist is known as an acquaintance. Dick Cheney went on a quail hunt and shot his acquaintance Harry Whittington. In fairness to Cheney he didn't mean to do it, it was friendly fire. The White House press corp got mad they weren't properly informed. Maybe next time Cheney goes hunting a reporter will be embedded in his hunting party...

The media is so up in arms over not being properly informed about the Cheney shooting, they forgot to look for the story. The vice president didn't have a hunting license. As someone who has done some hunting in my day I can say without a doubt that a law was broken and Cheney was given preferential treatment. Now laws vary from state to state but usually if someone doesn't have a hunting license and has shot game and or another human being they would be ticketed, their weapon confiscated and they would have to appear in court. Apparently hunting licenses aren't required in Texas or vice presidents aren't required to have hunting licenses. You would think one of the White House press corp might try and find a story here but no they are too busy feeling sorry for themselves that they weren't hand fed the news that Cheney shot someone. No wonder Bush, Cheney and their Republican friends break laws, lie and cheat the American public. They don't have to worry about getting caught, the media is too lame to actually do any investigative reporting and the Republicans know it. Dick Cheney will continue to do and say anything, not only because he can but also because the media lets him....
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Old 20-02-06, 04:42 PM   #77
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Maybe next time Cheney goes hunting a reporter will be embedded in his hunting party...

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Old 20-02-06, 06:04 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by Repo
They don't have to worry about getting caught, the media is too lame to actually do any investigative reporting and the Republicans know it. Dick Cheney will continue to do and say anything, not only because he can but also because the media lets him....
Hey, you're starting to make sense. All they want to do is blur the lines between the evening news and the Jerry Springer show so they can up their ratings. Of course, this is the way they behave with every administration.

Maybe next time Cheney goes hunting a reporter will be embedded in his hunting party...
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Old 20-02-06, 07:36 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by Repo
Would it have been better if his friend died surfing when they both were in the water at the same time, on the same wave?

u people are starting to creep me out..........
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Old 21-02-06, 07:32 AM   #80
My eyes are now open.
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I just had a thought(no jokes please)
It seems to have diverted attention away from other issues.
That can't be right.Surely not.
They wouldn't do things like that.
Would they?????????????
No that would be just another conspiracy theory.
But they've done just that,haven't they?
Who's behind it all?
Are they bright enough?
Does anyone care that much?
So many questions.
My brain hurts,or is that a hangover?
Dammit more questions.
Self help is at hand.
Beer is for life not just Christmas
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