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Old 03-03-04, 10:22 PM   #41
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Originally posted by JackSpratts
where he stood? he's been lying since the campaign. hell, bush's been lying at least as far back as the 70's.

- js.
when did he lie? he said he would cut taxes and he did. he said from the beginning he will preserve the sanctity of marriage between a man and woman and he did. when some reporter discovered bush was once arrested for DUI in the 70s, he admitted to it without denials. unlike kerry. should i remind you there are already allegations surfacing of illicit affairs he had? kerry, of course, denies it. another bill clinton? i think he's far worst.
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Old 04-03-04, 05:03 AM   #42
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You guys are forgetting the reason we're at war...

"More Muslims have died at the hands of killers than—I say more Muslims—a lot of Muslims have died—I don't know the exact count—at Istanbul. Look at these different places around the world where there's been tremendous death and destruction because killers kill." -- President George W Bush

Washington, D.C., Jan. 29, 2004
"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction" Dick Cheney - August 26, 2002

"I did not authorise the leaking of the name of David Kelly. Nobody was authorised to name David Kelly. I believe we have acted properly throughout" Tony Blair - July 22, 2003
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Old 04-03-04, 09:31 AM   #43
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Originally posted by tambourine-man
You guys are forgetting the reason we're at war...

"More Muslims have died at the hands of killers than—I say more Muslims—a lot of Muslims have died—I don't know the exact count—at Istanbul. Look at these different places around the world where there's been tremendous death and destruction because killers kill." -- President George W Bush

Washington, D.C., Jan. 29, 2004

Because killers kill

Ain't it obvious

Doesn't know the exact count Shameful

Just wondering on this one...It's becoming more and more a common knowledge that Bush doesn't want to stop the war on terrorisim. So much money went into the war effort to "liberate" Afghanistan and Iraq that it makes me wonder how long Bush will be able to keep those millions rolling in into the war?

What will be the impact on the american people when the country is almost flat broke because of so much money spent on the war? Does anyone care to venture a guess on what will be the outcome if Bush is allowed to keep spending money on his father personnal war?

Don't know if this happened in the states during ww2 but over here, the canadian gouvernment spent so much money on it that it was the population who suffered (and yes, Hitler needed to be stopped). The only way to cope with the small amount of money left for the population was to ration the food supply so that everyone could get to eat, well, atleast eat a little. That's how it was in Montreal.

For what it's worth, The war should be stopped before the money runs out. What good is a war on terrorisim when in the end, more american will have died then on 09/11? For state security?
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Old 04-03-04, 09:42 AM   #44
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The above quote was taken as a 'Bushism' so I wouldn't read too much into it.

You mention money (and, ergo, the economy). Over the past few weeks, I've read, seen and heard conflicting reports on the state of the US economy. Seems like on the one hand, the claim is that things are peachy and on the up... on the other hand, there's a big prediction of doom and gloom.

I can accept that this is part-and-parcel of predicting the economy - conflicting reports are natural, but there are also a number of reports suggesting something more deeply disturbing.

I read recently that at it's current levels, (assuming service on debt goes up a mere Ľ of 1 percent per year), by the year 2011, 100% of the revenue the Government receives will go straight to the holders of US debt instruments. In other words, debt repayment will exceed revenue.

I can accept that this is a shitty source, but I'd like to know people's opinions on it - realistic or rubbish?
"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction" Dick Cheney - August 26, 2002

"I did not authorise the leaking of the name of David Kelly. Nobody was authorised to name David Kelly. I believe we have acted properly throughout" Tony Blair - July 22, 2003
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Old 04-03-04, 09:56 AM   #45
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Originally posted by miss_silver
(and yes, Hitler needed to be stopped).

and terrorism doesn't?
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Old 04-03-04, 10:33 AM   #46
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I can accept that this is a shitty source, but I'd like to know people's opinions on it - realistic or rubbish?
IMO TM, it's very bleak and realistic

If this war doesn't stop soon, the shit will hit the fan and Bush and his friends will have gathered enough money to surf though, at the expense of the american people

Being Canadian, this scenario scares me a lot. Not that I don't trust my american neighbour, I just don't trust their president. If Bush goes on invading other country because, either they shelter terrorist or give money to terrorist organisation, then, himself, becomes another internationnal terrorist, in the eyes of others. One cannot comdemn a whole country and invade it because of a few "bad apples"

Right now, we can see that in Iraq and Pakistan, a civil war is brewing, the sunite muslim are waging terrorist attacks against the Chiite muslim. I wonder what the us gov will do when all hell breaks loose between those 2 religious groups?

Armed peace is not a solution, never was.
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Old 04-03-04, 11:52 AM   #47
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Originally posted by miss_silver

Right now, we can see that in Iraq and Pakistan, a civil war is brewing, the sunite muslim are waging terrorist attacks against the Chiite muslim. I wonder what the us gov will do when all hell breaks loose between those 2 religious groups?

Armed peace is not a solution, never was.

BAGHDAD, Iraq — Shiite (search) clerics joined Sunni (search) preachers in a march of thousands of mostly black-clad men Wednesday, trying to keep sectarian passions in check after a horrific attack on Shiite pilgrims that raised fears of civil war.

In an attempt to play down sectarian divisions, Shiite Muslim clerics and Sunni preachers led thousands in a march from a Shiite suburb in eastern Baghdad to the Kazimiya district where the bombings in the capital took place.

"We and our Sunni countrymen are, have been and always will be, brothers," said Shiite preacher Amer al-Hussein, a senior aide to firebrand cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, an outspoken opponent of the U.S.-led occupation.

Members of the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council also stressed the need for unity between Shiites and Sunnis.

"It was a crime directed not only against Shiites, or Islam, but against humanity," said Ibrahim al-Jaafari, a prominent Shiite council member. "Anyone who kills a Sunni is against the spirit of Shiism. And anyone who kills a Shiite is against the spirit of Sunnism," he said.

Governing Council members also sought to discourage speculation that the attacks would trigger a wave of reprisal killings that would spiral toward civil war.

"We are nowhere near civil war," said Mouwafak al-Rubaie, a Shiite member. "It will never happen in this country."
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Old 04-03-04, 11:53 AM   #48
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Originally posted by span
and terrorism doesn't?
Yes it does, especially after 9/11. But you think spending billions on a war that doesn't seem to go nowhere is the solution? Also, What is the definition of a terrorist?

terror : n. (a) extreme fear. (b) things which causes fear. (c) naughty/uncontrollable person.

terrorisim : n. policy of using violence in a political cause.

terrorist : adj. & n. (person) who practice terrorisim.

terrorize : to frighten (someone) very much, extremely frightened.

Hitler was not a terrorist, he was a monster bent on the conquest of the world and imposing his own values to the conquerred countries.

Napoleon was a poor sap

Saddam, from his people point of view, he was also a monster... But to my knowledge, the only thing he did to the US was to steal their oil, then the poor rich ppl of koweit cried for help against this thief like the poor rich vietnamese ppl cried for help when those big bad communist tried to impose their regime. Hell, if they were able to kick the french colonist out of vietnam, what made the the american gov think that they could do any better?

Span, how would you describe your actual gouvernment? Right-wing or extreme right-wing?

In Bush case, he is the all time internationnal terrorist. He keeps frightening his own country on terrorist attacks, keeps frightening other countries that if we are not for the US gov, we are against it, thus for the terrorists, keeps using violence in a political cause (try and find me a peaceful invasion) and he want's to impose on other countries and his own his own personnal religious beliefs. He no better than Bin ladden imo. Bush right now is spending all the money on a war that actually targets only a few individuals and that is wrong.

How can one's government justify this much money for so few individuals... beside, if bin ladden does get captured, another will take it's place. War on terrorisim, defined by Bush's government, will go on forever because they will always be ppl that are totally against americans values & idealogies(what ever they are)?

Is another dark ages era dawn coming in?

If this war keeps going on, the US will prolly run out of money before it runs out of oil
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Old 04-03-04, 12:08 PM   #49
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"We are nowhere near civil war," said Mouwafak al-Rubaie, a Shiite member. "It will never happen in this country."
Hope not, any war, especially religious war leads to nowhere
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Old 04-03-04, 12:24 PM   #50
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Originally posted by miss_silver
Yes it does, especially after 9/11. But you think spending billions on a war that doesn't seem to go nowhere is the solution? Also, What is the definition of a terrorist?

three fifths of Al-Queda's leadership is dead or has electrodes hooked to their scrotum in an undisclosed location, i'd hardly call that "going nowhere".

Saddam, from his people point of view, he was also a monster... But to my knowledge, the only thing he did to the US was to steal their oil

he was an enabler, people like Bin Laden saw that people like Saddam could thumb their nose with impunity at the world with no reprecussions, that only served to embolden terrorists, plus there's also the matter of his Suicide Bomber Life Insurance paid to families of jihadists that killed jewish civilians in Israel (a US ally in case you didn't know) which could be considered terrorism.

Span, how would you describe your actual gouvernment? Right-wing or extreme right-wing?

what do you mean "actual government"? that includes alot of people and i call it a representative democracy.

and he want's to impose on other countries and his own his own personnal religious beliefs.

what? cite examples PLEASE, i'm dying to see them.

Bush right now is spending all the money on a war that actually targets only a few individuals and that is wrong.

are you saying he should go after Islam as a whole? because whether anyone wants to say it or not that's where the real terrorism comes from, wahabiism in particular. but of course then he'd be blamed for starting another Crusades.

How can one's government justify this much money for so few individuals...

those "few individuals" perpetrated the largest terrorist attack on US soil, call it jingoistic if you want but tracking down and killing the bastards responsible is a right and duty of any President, i understand your Canadian and probably partly French so i can see why you think rolling over and giving up would have been a better course of action.

beside, if bin ladden does get captured, another will take it's place. War on terrorisim, defined by Bush's government, will go on forever because they will always be ppl that are totally against americans values & idealogies(what ever they are)?
full of optimism eh? i guess just opening our borders and letting them kill even more of us is the only way!
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Old 04-03-04, 07:59 PM   #51
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Wow span, you really outdone yourself this time

three fifths of Al-Queda's leadership is dead or has electrodes hooked to their scrotum in an undisclosed location, i'd hardly call that "going nowhere".
If you call that 'going somewhere' I'd love to hear the rest of it span Undisclosed location you say, I wonder why this so called location is undisclosed? Maybe because it's all a lie? Since the invasion of iraq, nothing was found but 7 pounds of cyonide salts.. I'd hardly call that wepon of mass destruction but yet, bush administration keeps pushing that bin ladden and saddam are all in the same basket and by seeing your reply, I guess that they did indeed brainwashed you on this one. So far, they are none official ties recognised between Al-Queda's
and Saddam's regime, only wishfull thinking from the part of Bush adm. and trust me on this one, they'll keep looking for ties to al-Q until his very last day in power

he was an enabler, people like Bin Laden saw that people like Saddam could thumb their nose with impunity at the world with no reprecussions, that only served to embolden terrorists,
Seems like your president is doing the same thing right now to other countries. Bush is indeed thumbing it's nose with impunity at the world with no reprecussions.

plus there's also the matter of his Suicide Bomber Life Insurance paid to families of jihadists that killed jewish civilians in Israel (a US ally in case you didn't know) which could be considered terrorism.
Span, what if your good ole US of A were to be claimed by a race you almost never heard of before, I guess you would be as protective of your own piece of land like the palestinians or the jihadists are. The Jews your allies, now that's funny, They will look upon their own interest before they ever help you since the US gov were the one who helped them into power. You cannot call them allies since they have so few firepower to help you if the shit hits the fan. The only thing that keeps Ariel Sharon out of being tried at La Hague beside Milosevich for war crimes is because he's jewish! Beyond that Sharon is a war criminal, like Bush is right now.

what do you mean "actual government"? that includes alot of people and i call it a representative democracy.
Yes, span, the actual gouvernment, not the ppl, because the ppl get only one chance in 4 years to change things. (might be wrong here) don't they hold election every 2 years on representative in the white house? To make a short storie, ppl wanted a change of gov, I can understand it after Clinton, he was after all a contreversial figure. But did the ppl of USA vote for Bush because they wanted a war on terrorisim? I doubt that. they only wanted a change, and what a change it was We have a democracy too, but unfortunately our Prime replacement really wants to kiss Bush's ass Really hope he doesn't get elected, beside, Martin has his share of skeleton in the closet that are coming out at a fast rate He did help swindle Canada out of more than 250 millions under his very nose since he was at the time the minister of finance, now how can that be possible to see all this amount of money being transfer without his knowledge? yes, I do beleive in 'democrassie' Crasse means filth in french

what? cite examples PLEASE, i'm dying to see them.
Ok, on this one i've might overstepped my boundaries, only seeing in the near future. But the fact that Bush want to outlaw abortion and gay marriages, aint that enough to wonder if Bush might apply his own beliefs on the american ppl? What will be the next step, oh wait, I already know! Since i'm not for this war, there for i'm a terrorist or a big bad commie

are you saying he should go after Islam as a whole? because whether anyone wants to say it or not that's where the real terrorism comes from, wahabiism in particular. but of course then he'd be blamed for starting another Crusades.
Wow another big word from you span 'wahabism', i'm impressed Span, you do seem to be very educated on internationnal politics, too bad that you are very much selective as to what you want to believe And yet you consider them terrorists for the way their beliefs goes? I see noting wrong in wahabism except for the fact that they are no better than the inquisitor who burnt at the stakes countless ppl for their religious beliefs. Of course, If Bush goes after almost all of Islam, hoping he will not have the time and money, then yes, it would be the next crusader after 6 to 7 hundred years. Thought we were out of the middle ages, hopefully

those "few individuals" perpetrated the largest terrorist attack on US soil, call it jingoistic if you want but tracking down and killing the bastards responsible is a right and duty of any President, i understand your Canadian and probably partly French so i can see why you think rolling over and giving up would have been a better course of action.
We didn't roll over span, we just didn't want to get involved into this war, is that so hard to comprehend? Canada is not the extension of the USA army! And yes I can understand Bush adm. going after the taliban, bin ladden did claim he was the one responsible for 9/11 according to some audio/video recordings. But still, it does remains your local problem doesn't it True, over here , we had a threath in 2001, but he was arrested at the border. This terrorist was planning to explode a whole neighbourhood of Montreal, a jewish neighbourhood. But still, it wasn't related to 9/11. He was also planning to explode LAX, Montreal was for desert, the cherry on the topping.

full of optimism eh? i guess just opening our borders and letting them kill even more of us is the only way!
Well, the way the war is going, the US gov is taking care of that allright, the killing young american that is, the rep seems to have a specialty on war agenda (vietnam) . But span, do tell, is this war and billions spent is worth it? What kind of world do you think, if you planned to have kids, would live in?

BTW, I love USA and all it represents, freedom of speech and expression But these days I wonder if freedom of speach and expression are legal under Bush Adm.
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Old 04-03-04, 10:02 PM   #52
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Originally posted by miss_silver
Wow span, you really outdone yourself this time

If you call that 'going somewhere' I'd love to hear the rest of it span Undisclosed location you say, I wonder why this so called location is undisclosed? Maybe because it's all a lie?

You've turned into quite the loon in such a few short years, sad really, i used to think you were semi intelligent.

i could run down the list of verified Al-Queda captures, Kahlid Mohhammad, Abu Zubaydah are 2 of the more prominent ones, both captured by Pakistani police, The Bear, a major financer/recruiter would be another but naming all these VERIFIED captures would be pointless, they aren't important to you.

Since the invasion of iraq, nothing was found but 7 pounds of cyonide salts.. I'd hardly call that wepon of mass destruction but yet, bush administration keeps pushing that bin ladden and saddam are all in the same basket and by seeing your reply, I guess that they did indeed brainwashed you on this one.

i never said Al-Queda and Saddam were bed buddies, but it is fairly obvious that Saddam's actions(and the UN inaction btw) emboldened terrorists, including Osama.

So far, they are none official ties recognised between Al-Queda's
and Saddam's regime, only wishfull thinking from the part of Bush adm. and trust me on this one, they'll keep looking for ties to al-Q until his very last day in power

you need to read/watch more news, no noe has mentioned a connection in months. and yes, for the record i don't think there was a connection but sometimes you have to scare useless institutions (cough cough UN cough cough) into action despite their own lethargy.

Seems like your president is doing the same thing right now to other countries. Bush is indeed thumbing it's nose with impunity at the world with no reprecussions.

when there are 16 resolutions from supposed world authorities telling Bush to stop then you can come back to me with that arguement, until then it's at the least and bad comparisson and at the most ignorant.

Span, what if your good ole US of A were to be claimed by a race you almost never heard of before, I guess you would be as protective of your own piece of land like the palestinians or the jihadists are.

so you support courageous martyrs that strap bombs to their chests for a chance to kill innocent women and children? color me suprised

The Jews your allies, now that's funny, They will look upon their own interest before they ever help you since the US gov were the one who helped them into power.

OMG a country that looks after their own interests before the interests of others!?!?! SHOCKING!...let me provide a little info for you, the US doesn't give a damn about the Israeli cause, they are a democracy in the middle of islamofacist hell, that alone is reason to insure their survival at any means. if the jihadist succeding in felling Israel do you think they'd suddenly give up their weapons and quit?

You cannot call them allies since they have so few firepower to help you if the shit hits the fan.

so allies should be determined by a countries military might? then i guess Canada should have ZERO allies then.

The only thing that keeps Ariel Sharon out of being tried at La Hague beside Milosevich for war crimes is because he's jewish! Beyond that Sharon is a war criminal, like Bush is right now.

oh yeah those Europeons just love the jews! i mean once you get past the part were they killed 6 million of them 60 years ago i guess they could tolerate them just enough to ignore the fact that Islam is trying to add even more to that number. someone once said "If Palestinians dropped their weapons they would get their own state, but if the Israeli's dropped theirs they would get pushed into the sea", i'd think that irrefutable fact would be enough to turn any Jihadi lover like you but unfortunately that would require a modicum of rational thought on your part.

Yes, span, the actual gouvernment, not the ppl, because the ppl get only one chance in 4 years to change things. (might be wrong here) don't they hold election every 2 years on representative in the white house?

you're all over the board here, gather up your facts and points before making a statement, thats the first rule of a debate.

To make a short storie, ppl wanted a change of gov, I can understand it after Clinton, he was after all a contreversial figure. But did the ppl of USA vote for Bush because they wanted a war on terrorisim?

you do realize if 9-11 didn't happen that there would be no war on terrorism? we didn't start this war you fool, 19 hijackers did. I think everyone was expecting (myself included) a rather ho-hum presidency from Bush.

I doubt that. they only wanted a change, and what a change it was

again, not a change we asked for, they picked the fight, don't get your french panties in a bunch because someone finally had the balls to stand up to this shit.

-We have a democracy too, but unfortunately our Prime replacement really wants to kiss Bush's ass Really hope he doesn't get elected, beside, Martin has his share of skeleton in the closet that are coming out at a fast rate He did help swindle Canada out of more than 250 millions under his very nose since he was at the time the minister of finance, now how can that be possible to see all this amount of money being transfer without his knowledge? yes, I do beleive in 'democrassie' Crasse means filth in french

honestly honey, no one cares about Canadian politics.

Ok, on this one i've might overstepped my boundaries, only seeing in the near future. But the fact that Bush want to outlaw abortion and gay marriages, aint that enough to wonder if Bush might apply his own beliefs on the american ppl? What will be the next step, oh wait, I already know! Since i'm not for this war, there for i'm a terrorist or a big bad commie

how do you go from a statement like " and he want's to impose on other countries and his own his own personnal religious beliefs." to "Bush might apply his own beliefs on the american ppl?" quite the flip flop their ms. menard, sure your last name isn't Kerry?

Wow another big word from you span 'wahabism', i'm impressed

me am smart

Span, you do seem to be very educated on internationnal politics, too bad that you are very much selective as to what you want to believe And yet you consider them terrorists for the way their beliefs goes?

i believe what is right and what i see, not what is told to me by my poli-sci professor or what i read on Indymedia. i guess that makes me "selective"

I see noting wrong in wahabism except for the fact that they are no better than the inquisitor who burnt at the stakes countless ppl for their religious beliefs.

hahaha did you read that before hitting "submit"? thats like saying "i see nothing wrong with facisim exept for the whole killing millions thing". i thought you lefty tards were all about freedoms? wahabism preaches anything but that.

Of course, If Bush goes after almost all of Islam, hoping he will not have the time and money, then yes, it would be the next crusader after 6 to 7 hundred years. Thought we were out of the middle ages, hopefully
oh jeez, dramatics x10000
Daniel Pipes said it best; "Radical Islam is the disease and moderate Islam is the cure". someone has to drag that assbackwards religion, kicking and screaming if need be, out of the 12th century before they kill even more people.

We didn't roll over span, we just didn't want to get involved into this war, is that so hard to comprehend? Canada is not the extension of the USA army!

but if they were they'd be working the soup kitchen. using "Canada" and "army" in the same sentence is punishable under the PATRIOT ACT.

And yes I can understand Bush adm. going after the taliban, bin ladden did claim he was the one responsible for 9/11 according to some audio/video recordings. But still, it does remains your local problem doesn't it

if you think terrorism is locally confined to the US then you're a simpleton of the highest magnitude, i guess attacks in Bali and Riyadh along with a host of others don't count?

True, over here , we had a threath in 2001, but he was arrested at the border. This terrorist was planning to explode a whole neighbourhood of Montreal, a jewish neighbourhood. But still, it wasn't related to 9/11. He was also planning to explode LAX, Montreal was for desert, the cherry on the topping.

hey thats one you guys caught, now how many have you left slip through the border?

Well, the way the war is going, the US gov is taking care of that allright, the killing young american that is, the rep seems to have a specialty on war agenda (vietnam) .

while it's painful to say, 500+ soldiers lost in 3 years during 2 wars is a pittance considering the amount of damage done to worldwide terrorism, and of course theres that whole part about freeing about 50 million people from their respective oppressive regimes.

But span, do tell, is this war and billions spent is worth it? What kind of world do you think, if you planned to have kids, would live in?

a safer one, i can only imagine the world if Bush sat on hands after 9-11 and did nothing, talk about an open invitation to attack us again.

BTW, I love USA and all it represents, freedom of speech and expression But these days I wonder if freedom of speach and expression are legal under Bush Adm.
yeah i have Bush handlers looking over my shoulder right now
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Old 05-03-04, 12:38 AM   #53
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bin ladden did claim he was the one responsible for 9/11 according to some audio/video recordings. But still, it does remains your local problem doesn't it
'We are an al-Qaeda family': Khadr son

TORONTO - A Canadian who was released from Guantanamo Bay in October says he lied about his family's ties with al-Qaeda and that he was trained to become a suicide bomber.

In a documentary aired Wednesday on CBC's The National, Abdurahman Khadr said his father was old friends with al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and that his brothers attended terrorist training camps.

"Until now, everybody says we are an al-Qaeda-connected family but when I say this, just by me saying it, I just admitted we are an al-Qaeda family. We had connections to al-Qaeda," said Abdurahman Khadr.

The family has always disputed claims that its patriarch, Ahmed Said Khadr, was a senior al-Qaeda operative and fundraiser, saying he collected money for charities. He was killed in Pakistan in October 2003.

Abdurahman Khadr says he was sent to Afghanistan by his father "to become an al-Qaeda, was raised to become a suicide bomber, was raised to become a bad person."

In 2001, Abdurahman was captured in Afghanistan and held at the U.S. military detention compound at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He was freed last fall after agreeing to co-operate with U.S. authorities, he says.

Another brother, Omar Khadr, is believed to be in the same prison.

Abdurahman's mother, Maha, and sister, Zaynab, say the family supported the al-Qaeda cause, but insist it was never an accepted part of the terrorist organization. They say that Ahmed Said Khadr was proud to die as a shaheed, a soldier of Islam.

"We believe that death comes when God had planned it, before He created the humanity, it's planned, so I just accept, [but] it hurt," said Maha.

"We believe dying by the hand of your enemy because you believe in…you're doing it in the way of Allah, that it's the best way to die," said Zaynab.

Proud member of the Republican Attack Squad!
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Old 05-03-04, 04:46 PM   #54
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Only a shitless, gutless, coward low life like you would disclose one's true user name for all to see on a public board. You want to have your name known publically, it's your own damned buisness, just don't do it to others who have a differents views of what is happening than your own. What you did was a breach of my privacy and that is an unacceptable behaviour from your part.

you need to read/watch more news, no noe has mentioned a connection in months. and yes, for the record i don't think there was a connection but sometimes you have to scare useless institutions (cough cough UN cough cough) into action despite their own lethargy.
I read the news and even if the so called connection between bin ladden and saddam has not been mentionned for a few month, it's prolly because the Bush adm realised that it just wouldn't fly. One would need to be pretty gullable to buy this war propaganda shit.

when there are 16 resolutions from supposed world authorities telling Bush to stop then you can come back to me with that arguement, until then it's at the least and bad comparisson and at the most ignorant.
Now what would be a 'supposed world authorities' span? And why 16? Even if you were able to find me 16 countries who has"authoritie" what ever you mean by that, none of them would publically oppose bush for fear of being labeled sympathiser of the terrorists. Ain't it bush's tactic afterall, those who don't join us are against us?

so you support courageous martyrs that strap bombs to their chests for a chance to kill innocent women and children? color me suprised
No I don't. Never supported any extremist groups and certainly not the most extremist of all, the bush adm. And how easy it is for you to post words i've never written. Going in circles and never answering this question. If a race who lived 1000 years ago where you live right now were to come back and claim the land for their own, i'm pretty sure you'd do everything in your power to stop the invasion. You'd probably have a kick ass time of watching your house being bulldosed down by those invaders because that is what the actual jewish gov does to palestinians, in their own territories! After more than 50 years of jewish occupation, witnessing the destruction of countless palestinians neighbourhood, being pushed out of their own country, yeah, I can understand why they strap bombs to their bodies and try to take as much enemy lives as they can. I'm dead against those tactics because violence only brings more violence. The sad truth is, they will keep on killing eachother until there are none left of either palestinians or israilites. The killing of women and childrens you say? Did a little search on Sharon as a war criminal, guess what popped up

Sharon, nicknamed "The Bulldozer" for his preference for clearing Palestinians off their land, has one of the most extensive and brutal records of war crimes, spanning more than 50 years. To Palestinians, Sharon represents massacres at refugee camps, bulldozed homes, and a complete disregard for the rights and lives of Arabs in the region...But no one is more convinced of his peaceful intentions than Ariel Sharon himself. In an effort to remake his image, he is talking about peace and watching his words more carefully today. However, some might recall his advice for dealing with demonstrators in the West Bank: "Cut off their testicles."6 Sharon's base of popular support among the most right-wing and racist elements in Israeli society expresses his strategy in a more uncensored form than Sharon would be able to say himself. "Death to the Arabs" and "The only good Arab is a dead Arab" are their favorite chants...During the pre-state days of Israel, Sharon joined the Haganah, the underground military organization formed by the Labor wing of the Zionist movement. In 1953, he was given command of the infamous Unit 101, whose mission was to lead "retaliatory" strikes against Arab terrorism. In reality, these missions took the form of indiscriminate violence aimed at civilians, not at direct sources of terrorism...Unit 101's first documented assault took place in August 1953, on the El-Bureij refugee camp, south of Gaza. The reasoning given for the attack was "retaliatory," despite no evidence of provocation.7 An Israeli historian reported 50 refugees killed. United Nations commander Major General Vagn Bennike described the scene: "[b]ombs were thrown through the windows of huts in which the refugees were sleeping and, as they fled, they were attacked by small arms and automatic weapons."...In October 1953, Unit 101 descended on the Jordanian village of Qibya. This time the "reprisal" was for the killing of a mother and two children in an Israeli village. Jordan condemned the murders and offered to help in the investigation. No connection between the murders and Qibya was suspected. Nevertheless, Unit 101 showed no mercy on the people of Qibya. They blew up 45 houses, a school, and a mosque, and they killed 69 civilians, including dozens of women and children...The United Nations (UN) military observers who arrived two hours after Sharon's commandos had left the scene reported:

Bullet-riddled bodies near the doorways and multiple bullet hits on the doors of the demolished houses indicated that the inhabitants had been forced to remain inside until their homes were blown up over them.... Witnesses were uniform in describing their experience as a night of horror, during which Israeli soldiers moved about in their village blowing up buildings, firing into doorways and windows with automatic weapons and throwing hand grenades
There are plenty more I could post so much it sickens my stomach, All of these atrocities were comitted through Sharon's commands.

Quotes taken from

OMG a country that looks after their own interests before the interests of others!?!?! SHOCKING!...let me provide a little info for you, the US doesn't give a damn about the Israeli cause, they are a democracy in the middle of islamofacist hell, that alone is reason to insure their survival at any means. if the jihadist succeding in felling Israel do you think they'd suddenly give up their weapons and quit?
Yes, the US gives a damn about the Israelis

While the Bush administration calls for the heads of Iraq's Saddam Hussein and Serbia's Slobodan Milosevic, it has promised "rock solid" support for Sharon. And, instead of reporting on Sharon's bloody history, the mainstream media has conducted a whitewashing campaign that tries to portray Sharon as a legitimate politician. The New York Times assured us that "in private, the combative rightist is known as a charming raconteur and a gentleman farmer with a love of classical music."2 Another Times article explains: "Despite a professional history that makes him a reviled figure in the Arab world, Mr. Sharon repeats often that he has never offended the Palestinians in his personal meetings with them. This is an important point for him, that he deals respectfully with 'the other.'"
I truly wonder why the Bush adm. would protect such a bloody war criminal As for the jihadist, the holy war soldiers, we christians caugh, caugh, do share the same bloody history, the crusades. As for laying their arms down if they drive out every jewish ppl out of their territories, prolly wouldn't happen. They would most def try to protect their piece of land from ever being invaded again

so allies should be determined by a countries military might? then i guess Canada should have ZERO allies then.
Right now, i'm afraid that we have more than you do

When you're the strongest nation by a factor of ten, you don't need to play nice. You can be a bully, and if other countries don't like it, too bad. Under Bush, we've seen this arrogant attitude regularly. He walked away from Kyoto, from the land mine treaty, from the international women's rights treaty, and the international criminal court. He ignored the pleas of long-time allies, insulting them childishly. It will be decades before we can regain the respect of the world.
taken from

oh yeah those Europeons just love the jews! i mean once you get past the part were they killed 6 million of them 60 years ago i guess they could tolerate them just enough to ignore the fact that Islam is trying to add even more to that number. someone once said "If Palestinians dropped their weapons they would get their own state, but if the Israeli's dropped theirs they would get pushed into the sea", i'd think that irrefutable fact would be enough to turn any Jihadi lover like you but unfortunately that would require a modicum of rational thought on your part.
Lol, you are truly shortsided to make such a statement span, didn't know the germans were the whole of the european ppl. Islam is trying to add more to that number? didn't know the whole of Islam was at war with the jews. Only the palestinians so far. Why not read some more history

69,878 Jews were sent to Palestine as illegal immigrants between 1945 and May 1948
Now that surely pissed off a lot of palestinians span. I'm not a Jihadi lover, but if your country were invaded, you'd fight as hard and dirty as they do.

you're all over the board here, gather up your facts and points before making a statement, thats the first rule of a debate.
Hey, i'm not a citizen of the USA. I don't get to vote on who is gonna be the next president who will influence my way of living! True, I learnt in school about canadian politics and history, they don't teach us the US history in school, we get snippet of it. Had to learn, watch the news, read about it. So don't shit on my head if I don't know everything about your political system span since it's now obvious you don't know squat about canadian politics.

you do realize if 9-11 didn't happen that there would be no war on terrorism? we didn't start this war you fool, 19 hijackers did. I think everyone was expecting (myself included) a rather ho-hum presidency from Bush.
Fool? think not. 9/11 was a despicable act. Several innocent civilians died on this tragic day No you didn't start this war, Afganistan taliban leaders needed to be put out of comission. But then again, ain't it like ww2? No need to get involved in a war that will get us nothing until we get hit? IMO the US gov and you, couldn't care less about Afganistan until 9/11. Also, the war in Iraq was inevitable since Bush Jr wanted to finish what Bush Sr already started. War on terrorisim was originally aimed at Afganistan, not Iraq.

again, not a change we asked for, they picked the fight, don't get your french panties in a bunch because someone finally had the balls to stand up to this shit.
Yeah, some had the balls alright! he also compremised the first, fourth, fifth and sixth amendment rights of citizens and non-citizens alike. The patriot act you say, the patriot act is fachisim in it's purest form.

me am smart

Daniel Pipes said it best; "Radical Islam is the disease and moderate Islam is the cure". someone has to drag that assbackwards religion, kicking and screaming if need be, out of the 12th century before they kill even more people.
Who the fuck do you think you are to make such a statement. Islamist religion was as much screwed up over the centuries as the Catholic religion was. Pretty sure you would be pissed off if another country called you religion an assback one. Islam got bashed in by the crusades span, even it it was centuries ago. Our ancestors were no better than they are right now. Extreme religious beleifs only brings more war. You just cannot drag more than a billions ass out of the middle ages. Changes has to come from within their own beliefs, a wake up call. Try to impose you way of life on them and it will only result in more misunderstandings between a country who has god quotes on their money and another religion who doesn't even recognise the christian/jewish god. The crusades are still going on afterall

but if they were they'd be working the soup kitchen. using "Canada" and "army" in the same sentence is punishable under the PATRIOT ACT.
Did also a search on this Patriot Act, Yeah if you call detaning ppl indifitely for questionning without counsel, raids on houses and personnal belongins, mail, and the rest, yeah, you do live under a fachist regime right now. Atleast Canadian knows how to make a good soup and know how not to have their ass killed, unless it's friendly fire, eh

if you think terrorism is locally confined to the US then you're a simpleton of the highest magnitude, i guess attacks in Bali and Riyadh along with a host of others don't count?
No it isn't. terrorisim in all it's form is unacceptable.

hey thats one you guys caught, now how many have you left slip through the border?
I wasn't aware that we should do all the job of screening ppl who crossed your border, thought it was the job of the US custom. The one who slipped by your borders are your own responsability.

while it's painful to say, 500+ soldiers lost in 3 years during 2 wars is a pittance considering the amount of damage done to worldwide terrorism, and of course theres that whole part about freeing about 50 million people from their respective oppressive regimes.
Tell that to the families who lost their loved ones. It's easy to say that 500 soldiers died for freedom. You truly need a wake call on this one span, guess your right-wing opinions would change overnight if you were to be drafted and sent to the front lines in Iraq without a pay because you would be defending your country freedom. Yes, you are a Bush friend, would you give your life for your country? How come you are not fighting physically this war on enemy territories? Are you in the army? Have you ever killed an enemy? Have you ever killed at all? Prolly not! Before making another stupid ass comment on war on terrorisim, do ask yourself, would you be willing to die oversea for what you believe is the truth? And yes, from your point of view, it's really easy to say that 500 soldiers died to liberate ppl from an oppressive regime since you prolly never met any of them or their family. I truly hope the weight your balls are matching the weight of your brain span.

a safer one, i can only imagine the world if Bush sat on hands after 9-11 and did nothing, talk about an open invitation to attack us again.
He did on the first day, he kept on reading to a bunch of kids a storie about goats Also while the mayor of NY was covered in dust from the fall of the twin towers, Bush was nowhere to be found He's a coward, never went to war, never witness the horror of wars. I can understand you want to protect your country span, so why don't you do something about it, like enlist in the army

yeah i have Bush handlers looking over my shoulder right now
But you do Think Big Brother doesn't read your e-mail everyday? Or your mail for that matter?

All points being said, I will not stoop lower than your low life class span, and also BTW, if you want to give out my full name for the world to see on a BB, atleast have the decency to SPELL IT RIGHT you wallnut sized brained idiot.

scooobiedooobie, thanks for the info on this Don't have the time to read all news allday long
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Old 05-03-04, 05:10 PM   #55
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Originally posted by miss_silver
scooobiedooobie, thanks for the info on this
yw. just attempting to point out that terrorism is not merely our local problem, as you said.

if you want to read more about the canadian al-qaeda khadr family, there are about 1000 links on the web.
Proud member of the Republican Attack Squad!
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Old 05-03-04, 08:26 PM   #56
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Warning EDIT: Do not disclose personal member details - play the topic and not the person. - gaz
btw- messing with admin edits will get u in all sorts of shit...don't go there.

Originally posted by miss_silver
I read the news and even if the so called connection between bin ladden and saddam has not been mentionned for a few month, it's prolly because the Bush adm realised that it just wouldn't fly. One would need to be pretty gullable to buy this war propaganda shit.
no, they realized the world didn't give a damn about terrorism or US citizens, thank jeebus we had a president that cared about both.

Now what would be a 'supposed world authorities' span? And why 16?

now i know that since you're french i have to by law forgive most of your stupidity but hon, that "supposed world authority" would be the UN, and "16" would be the amount of resolutions telling Saddam to quit being a jackass and disarm.

Even if you were able to find me 16 countries who has"authoritie" what ever you mean by that, none of them would publically oppose bush for fear of being labeled sympathiser of the terrorists.
you mean countries like France, germany, russia and the rest of the Axis Of Weasels? yeah they trembled in fear and quickly acquiesced to Bush's demands

Ain't it bush's tactic afterall, those who don't join us are against us?
yeah, if you support terrorists or intend to harm US citizens, i honestly don't see the problem with that, aren't leaders supposed to defend their countrymen?

Yes, the US gives a damn about the Israelis

I truly wonder why the Bush adm. would protect such a bloody war criminal As for the jihadist, the holy war soldiers, we christians caugh, caugh, do share the same bloody history, the crusades. As for laying their arms down if they drive out every jewish ppl out of their territories, prolly wouldn't happen. They would most def try to protect their piece of land from ever being invaded again
i seem to recall America supporting any and all Israeli PM's, Sharon isn't some revered figure to Americans but making sure Israel doesn't fall is infinitely important to America, not just the "bush adm", it's been that way for 50 years.

Right now, i'm afraid that we have more than you do

we had 60 countries in our "unilateral" war with Iraq

Lol, you are truly shortsided to make such a statement span, didn't know the germans were the whole of the european ppl. Islam is trying to add more to that number? didn't know the whole of Islam was at war with the jews. Only the palestinians so far.

...and the Iranians, and the Sauds and the Sudan and Syria...should i go on?

Now that surely pissed off a lot of palestinians span. I'm not a Jihadi lover, but if your country were invaded, you'd fight as hard and dirty as they do.
you know if the Pal terrorists targeted military installations i'd still think they were barbaric but at least i'd have a ounce of respect for them, instead they are nothing but cowards attacking civilians and small children, they're pussies to the Nth degree.

Hey, i'm not a citizen of the USA. I don't get to vote on who is gonna be the next president who will influence my way of living! True, I learnt in school about canadian politics and history, they don't teach us the US history in school, we get snippet of it. Had to learn, watch the news, read about it. So don't shit on my head if I don't know everything about your political system span since it's now obvious you don't know squat about canadian politics.
fair enough

Fool? think not. 9/11 was a despicable act. Several innocent civilians died on this tragic day No you didn't start this war, Afganistan taliban leaders needed to be put out of comission. But then again, ain't it like ww2? No need to get involved in a war that will get us nothing until we get hit? IMO the US gov and you, couldn't care less about Afganistan until 9/11.
true, i still don't care about Afghanistan, it's the mega shithole in an area full of shitholes.

Also, the war in Iraq was inevitable since Bush Jr wanted to finish what Bush Sr already started. War on terrorisim was originally aimed at Afganistan, not Iraq.
technically Saddam started the first Gulf War, and Bush Sr. didn't get to finish it (i.e. kill Saddam) because of the bureaucracy of the useless UN.

Yeah, some had the balls alright! he also compremised the first, fourth, fifth and sixth amendment rights of citizens and non-citizens alike. The patriot act you say, the patriot act is fachisim in it's purest form.
thats funny the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) hasn't got a single actionable complaint about Patriot Act abuses, perhaps if you have some example you could email them at abuse@ACLU.org, they've been looking for 2+ years and haven't found one yet. also you might want to learn who to spell "fascism" before you throw it around, i know it's probably just something you heard at the local America Sucks rally and have never seen it spelled out but now you have.

Who the fuck do you think you are to make such a statement.

i'm someone that doesn't hear anything about Islam unless it's a news report about how many people that fucked up and morally bankrupt religion has killed recently.

Islamist religion was as much screwed up over the centuries as the Catholic religion was. Pretty sure you would be pissed off if another country called you religion an assback one.
nice try, but i'm an atheist

Islam got bashed in by the crusades span, even it it was centuries ago. Our ancestors were no better than they are right now. Extreme religious beleifs only brings more war. You just cannot drag more than a billions ass out of the middle ages. Changes has to come from within their own beliefs, a wake up call. Try to impose you way of life on them and it will only result in more misunderstandings between a country who has god quotes on their money and another religion who doesn't even recognise the christian/jewish god. The crusades are still going on afterall
well if they're still going on (a ridiculous statement) then were sure are doing a horrible job at it, last count theres what? about 2 billion muslims in the world?

Did also a search on this Patriot Act, Yeah if you call detaning ppl indifitely for questionning without counsel, raids on houses and personnal belongins, mail, and the rest, yeah, you do live under a fachist regime right now. Atleast Canadian knows how to make a good soup and know how not to have their ass killed, unless it's friendly fire, eh
refer to the counter point 2 paragraphs up, also you still don't know how to spell fascist. i guess now i just need to chalk it up to general french/canadian stupidness and move on.

No it isn't. terrorisim in all it's form is unacceptable.
unless it's against jews right? becuase thats what you basically said earlier, you fucking hypocrite anti-semite.

Tell that to the families who lost their loved ones. It's easy to say that 500 soldiers died for freedom. You truly need a wake call on this one span, guess your right-wing opinions would change overnight if you were to be drafted and sent to the front lines in Iraq without a pay because you would be defending your country freedom.
i won't be joining the VOLUNTEER US army because i don't need too, theres pleanty of people willing to VOLUNTEER for that duty. plus i have a medical condition that would disqualify me from service anyway.

Yes, you are a Bush friend, would you give your life for your country?
in a second

Before making another stupid ass comment on war on terrorisim, do ask yourself, would you be willing to die oversea for what you believe is the truth?
yes i would, in fact i VOLUNTEERED in March of 1998, thats how i found out about my medical condition that disqualified me from service.

And yes, from your point of view, it's really easy to say that 500 soldiers died to liberate ppl from an oppressive regime since you prolly never met any of them or their family. I truly hope the weight your balls are matching the weight of your brain span.
my cousin flies Apaches and my uncle is an officer on the USS Carl Vinson.

He did on the first day, he kept on reading to a bunch of kids a storie about goats Also while the mayor of NY was covered in dust from the fall of the twin towers, Bush was nowhere to be found He's a coward, never went to war, never witness the horror of wars. I can understand you want to protect your country span, so why don't you do something about it, like enlist in the army
hahahaha i guess as soon as he heard about it he should have hopped to his feet, leaped out the window, boarded Air Force One, flown to NYC, parachuted from the plane into the smoldering wreckage of Tower 2 and bravely rescued helpless civilians!!! thats what a true president would have done!!

since you're stupid i'll let you in on some info, in a crisis like that the Secret Service has the only say in what the president does, he was taken out of harms way until it was safe for a HEAD OF STATE to appear, no one knew how many planes were out there hijacked, it's called due caution. look into it

But you do Think Big Brother doesn't read your e-mail everyday? Or your mail for that matter?
your retardedness takes my breath away. i could go and explain the shear logistic impossibilities of watching what everyone in America does every second of everyday but it would be pointless, the drool coming out of your gaping maw tells me i'd be wasting my time.

Last edited by span : 05-03-04 at 09:07 PM.
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Old 05-03-04, 10:08 PM   #57
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your retardedness takes my breath away. i could go and explain the shear logistic impossibilities of watching what everyone in America does every second of everyday but it would be pointless, the drool coming out of your gaping maw tells me i'd be wasting my time.

Same goes here

I do apologise to the rest of the napsterite community for the excessive use of those darn smilies in this post
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Old 05-03-04, 10:56 PM   #58
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instead they are nothing but cowards attacking civilians and small children, they're pussies to the Nth degree.
Palestinian deaths triple Israel's

Regarding the letter published Wednesday titled "Israel's wall a restrained defense": What restraint?

Since September 2000, less than 1,000 Israelis were killed and 6,145 were injured by Palestinians. Contrast this with the Palestinian deaths and injuries for the same period: 2,711 deaths and 24,734 injuries (a third were children under the age of 15).

Every suicide bombing is usually a major story in the media, accompanied with live photos of Israeli victims and expressions of shock and horror.

Palestinian deaths receive hardly any or no reporting in the media; sometimes they are just scrolled across the bottom of the screen on CNN.from

you cant really beat picking off kids from a US supplied helicopter...now thats really tough...

i beat the internet
- the end boss is hard
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Old 06-03-04, 12:59 AM   #59
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Originally posted by multi
Palestinian deaths triple Israel's

Regarding the letter published Wednesday titled "Israel's wall a restrained defense": What restraint?

Since September 2000, less than 1,000 Israelis were killed and 6,145 were injured by Palestinians. Contrast this with the Palestinian deaths and injuries for the same period: 2,711 deaths and 24,734 injuries (a third were children under the age of 15).

Every suicide bombing is usually a major story in the media, accompanied with live photos of Israeli victims and expressions of shock and horror.

Palestinian deaths receive hardly any or no reporting in the media; sometimes they are just scrolled across the bottom of the screen on CNN.from

you cant really beat picking off kids from a US supplied helicopter...now thats really tough...
well maybe if the cowards didn't hide or shoot from the middle of groups of kids that wouldn't happen.
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