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Old 06-01-23, 07:26 AM   #1
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Default Peer-To-Peer News - The Week In Review - January 7th, 2023

Since 2002

January 7th, 2023

Unpaid Taxes Could Destroy Porn Studio Accused of Copyright Trolling

Malibu Media has just a few weeks left to pay back taxes.
Ashley Belanger

Over the past decade, Malibu Media has emerged as a prominent so-called “copyright troll,” suing thousands of “John Does” for allegedly torrenting adult content hosted on the porn studio’s website, “X-Art.” Whether defendants were guilty or not didn’t seem to matter to Malibu, critics claimed, as much as winning as many settlements as possible. As courts became more familiar with Malibu, however, some judges grew suspicious of the studio’s litigiousness. As early as 2012, a California judge described these lawsuits as “essentially an extortion scheme,” and by 2013, a Wisconsin judge ordered sanctions, agreeing with critics who said that Malibu’s tactics were designed to “harass and intimidate” defendants into paying Malibu thousands in settlements.

By 2016, Malibu started losing footing in this arena—and even began fighting with its own lawyer. At that point, file-sharing lawsuits became less commonplace, with critics noting a significant reduction in Malibu's lawsuits over the next few years. Now, TorrentFreak reports that Malibu’s litigation machine appears to finally be running out of steam—with its corporate status suspended in California sometime between mid-2020 and early 2021 after failing to pay taxes. Last month, a Texas court said that Malibu has until January 20 to pay what's owed in back taxes and get its corporate status reinstated. If that doesn’t happen over the next few weeks, one of Malibu’s last lawsuits on the books will be dismissed, potentially marking the end of Malibu’s long run of alleged copyright trolling.

According to TorrentFreak, this lawsuit is one of only two Malibu Media lawsuits still open, and it's the only lawsuit that Malibu still appears to be acting on. The other lawsuit was apparently stalled after a court asked Malibu to “provide more evidence of infringement beyond a simple IP-address,” TorrentFreak reported. (Since at least 2014, courts have reminded Malibu that IP addresses aren’t people.)

As recently as mid-December, Malibu has continued responding to the Texas case, however, suggesting it’s not giving up without a fight. Last month, Malibu filed an advisory that attempted to fault John Doe’s argument that Malibu must be an active corporation to pursue litigation. In a court document, Malibu’s lawyer argued that its current corporate status was a “mere technicality” and that the lawsuit should proceed—but judge David Alan Ezra didn’t see it that way.

Responding with an order, Ezra told Malibu Media that its case would be dismissed without prejudice if its “corporate status is not reinstated by Friday, January 20, 2023.” After that, Malibu would have the opportunity to raise the lawsuit again if its corporate status is ever reinstated. If Malibu can’t work it out with the state of California over the next few weeks, the company would seemingly be limited from pursuing any other future litigation.

Ars could not immediately reach Malibu’s or John Doe’s lawyers for comment.

If this lawsuit marks the end of Malibu’s alleged copyright trolling, Emory University Law School professor Matthew Sag told Ars that he would “welcome their demise.” Sag has been closely following Malibu Media’s litigation ever since the porn studio “emerged as one of the country’s leading copyright trolls.”

Sag told Ars that even if Malibu Media never files another lawsuit, copyright trolls are still finding ways to game the legal system. While some courts have become “more skeptical of this kind of high-volume litigation strategy,” other courts still fall short of distinguishing between rightsholders genuinely protecting copyrighted materials and rightsholders who aggressively pursue settlements “regardless of whether they had identified an actual infringer or not,” Sag said.

(Update: Electronic Frontier Foundation helped call for sanctions against Malibu in the past. EFF competition director and senior staff attorney Mitch Stoltz told Ars that "The apparent end of Malibu Media’s litigation campaign is a significant milestone—for a while they were one of the most prolific filers of copyright infringement suits in the US." However, Stoltz said there are still "other copyright holders and law firms who engage in mass litigation against ordinary Internet users" and "are still a burden on Internet users and service providers."

Stoltz told Ars that EFF considers copyright trolling a major issue, especially since "the opening of the 'Copyright Claims Board,' a quasi-court for copyright infringement claims run out of the US Copyright Office in Washington DC." Stoltz told Ars that this board "created a new, more streamlined forum for copyright trolling. So the demise of Malibu Media doesn’t mean the end of the troll problem.")

qBittorrent v4.5.0: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Legible Text
Lars-Christian Bakken

The story so far: In the beginning, qBittorrent was created. Then they released v4.5.0. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

(If you just want the theme file with completely white text colors, you can download that here. Place it somewhere safe, then open qBT, and go to Tools > Preferences > Behaviour and check the checkbox for "Use custom UI theme". Then browse to the theme file, click OK, and restart qBT)

The problem

The very bad move in this case, was hard-coding foreground colours, while simultaneously not hard-coding background colours. Most, if not all, operating systems in use today will let you choose a theme for your apps, so you can probably see how this quickly becomes a problem. If your app's hard-coded foreground colour has poor contrast with the user's chosen background colour, the user is gonna have a bad time. Sure, they can change their background colour by changing their theme, but why should the user be forced to change their whole system theme because of one app that disregards user choice? So when the eminent qBT team decided to hard-code only one of these, anyone who uses a dark theme in their OS, immediately got problems.

I am a proud KDE user, and like any proud basement-dwelling nerd, I use a dark theme. This dark theme isn't even an obscure, home-brewed one, it is Breeze Dark, which ships with KDE. This works exceptionally well, and disregarding the odd Java app, it works for all apps, mostly regardless of the UI toolkit used to make them. GTK apps, check. Qt apps, check.

But wait... qBittorrent is a Qt app, right? That's right, qBT is built with Qt on all platforms. This is great both for the developers who only have to deal with one toolkit, and for the users who can expect a more or less consistent experience across platforms.

Now let's move on to the evidence phase. Consider the following. This is a screenshot of qBitTorrent v4.3.9 (or as I like to call it, "pre-fuckening"):

Wow, so legible! White text on a dark gray background has really good contrast, and makes the text stand out, so it's super readable. If I switch to the normal Breeze theme, the background will turn white, and the text will turn black. So logical! It respects my global OS theme! Yay!

But then, through the magic of sudo pkcon update and restarting my computer, on the next launch of qBT, I am met with this horrible sight:

I'm not gonna lie; when I saw this, I let out an audible "what the fuck is this?". Like a lot of people, I have astigmatism and am near-sighted. If you sit right next to your monitor and have 20/20 vision, then yeah, sure, you might be able to read this. But the fact is, over a fourth of the global population currently has some sort of visual impairment, and if they live long enough, literally everyone will develop a vision impairment during their lifetime. The contrast is non-existent; dark blue against a dark gray (or black) background is absolute dogshit for legibility.

Surely, when they decided that L'ard-core Deep Bleu is the new default text colour for everyone, someone must've chimed up with something along the lines of "but let it be optional" or "let's at least include a colour picker or an option to revert to theme-default colours". No. Of course not. That would be dumb and they would not get invited to the proverbial open-source Christmas party.

Put briefly: A normal end user cannot do anything about this without significant effort. No option to revert, no option to change colours, no option to ignore built-in theming and use the OS theme. A normal end user that now cannot read their app anymore will either a) uninstall and use an alternative client, b) downgrade to a previous version, or c) try to find a workaround. All of which are bad for UX. A user should not be forced to downgrade or replace the app in order to read basic, informational text.
The solution

Some web searching will reveal that there are custom themes available for qBT. And that is an okay workaround. The problem is, all these custom themes change the whole look of the application, and thus also ignore the user's system defined theme. But also, v4.5.0 broke most of these custom themes. So, what do we do about this? After trawling through some poorly documented ways of creating themes, I was finally able to make a simple one that only changes the text colors, nothing else. Here is how I did it.

I started here. Which has an okay-ish explanation of how themes work and how the markup is written, but not much info about how to make the actual theme file, until you find the link to this, which is made, quote, "for the easy creation of .qbttheme files". So sure, I download the Python script and attempt to run it, only to be barraged by error messages about missing resources.

I think "whatever" and start working on the actual code. I read through the documentation which tells me stylesheet.qss is required and tells me a bunch of the rules to put in there, but at the end tells me "jk lol disregard all that and put this in your config file instead". What a waste of time. I make an empty stylesheet.qss and populate config.json with the following:

"colors": {
"TransferList.Downloading": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.StalledDownloading": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.DownloadingMetadata": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.ForcedDownloading": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.Allocating": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.Uploading": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.StalledUploading": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.ForcedUploading": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.QueuedDownloading": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.QueuedUploading": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.CheckingDownloading": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.CheckingUploading": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.CheckingResumeData": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.PausedDownloading": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.PausedUploading": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.Moving": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.MissingFiles": "#FFFFFF",
"TransferList.Error": "#FFFFFF"

As you can probably tell, I copy pasted the list from the documentation and made all the text colours pure white. That's the only change I want, because it's the only forced change that made a huge difference to someone who can't tell a frog from a lawn chair, without glasses.

Great! Now I have a zero-byte stylesheet.qss and a config.json with some actual changes in it. Let's get it packed up into a .qbtheme!

Oh, right. The python script spat out a bunch of errors. I don't know Python, but I know other programming languages, and I'm generally able work my way around this sort of stuff. Apparently the errors are because you don't need just this script, you need to clone the whole repository, which isn't mentioned anywhere. Fine, one git clone https://github.com/jagannatharjun/qbt-theme later, I have a directory full of god knows what. I cd to the right directory and try again, with the following syntax:

python make-resource.py -style stylesheet.qss -config config.json

But in return, I get this:

/Builds/tools/rcc -binary -o style.qbtheme resources.qrc
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "make-resource.py", line 80, in <module>
if not subprocess.call(cmd):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 172, in call
return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 394, in __init__
errread, errwrite)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1047, in _execute_child
raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

(Note the beautifully named python function _execute_child, which is coincidentally what I want to do when I have to spend time on debugging code for a language I don't know)

Right. Line 80 it says. Line 80 of make-resource.py reads as follows:

if not subprocess.call(cmd):

Clearly, cmd is a variable, which is coincidentally defined a few lines above, on line 77:

cmd = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'tools/rcc'), '-binary', '-o', args.output, 'resources.qrc']

What I gather from this, is that the script is attempting to call a binary located at tools/rcc. But the error Python spits out is No such file or directory, do I have to supply this mysterious binary myself? Huh? That's when I decide to look inside the tools directory.

$ ls -lah
total 1,1M
drwxrwxr-x 2 lars lars 4,0K Jan 3 12:34 .
drwxrwxr-x 8 lars lars 4,0K Jan 3 12:35 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lars lars 1,1M Jan 3 12:34 rcc.exe

rcc.exe. Real bruh moment. Instead of checking for OS or giving a useful error message, this repository bundles a Windows binary of rcc. But what is rcc I wonder? A web search tells me that rcc stands for Renal cell carcinoma, and I'm sure if I keep reading, I'll find out I have it. I have a big brain moment and add "qt" to the search, and find out that RCC is the Qt Resource Compiler. That makes sense, and I probably have this somewhere already since I run KDE, right?

$ whereis rcc
rcc: /usr/bin/rcc

Yay, I already have it installed on my system! I change line 77 of make-resource.py to:

cmd = ['rcc', '-binary', '-o', args.output, 'resources.qrc']

I save make-resource.py as a new file, then run it again with the appropriate arguments, and voilà! It works!

$ python make-resource-linux.py -style stylesheet.qss -config config.json
adding ./make-resource-linux.py
adding ./config.json
adding ./stylesheet.qss
rcc -binary -o style.qbtheme resources.qrc
resources.qrc: Warning: potential duplicate alias detected: 'stylesheet.qss'
resources.qrc: Warning: potential duplicate alias detected: 'config.json'

For some reason the script added itself to the resource file, but whatever. I save the resulting .qbtheme-file as ~/.local/bin/style.qbtheme for safekeeping, then I apply the theme in qBittorrent.

Tada! It works!

Doesn't that look just positively lovely?

The conclusion

Now, this task, making previously white text white again, took me, a technical person, a non-negligible amount of time to figure out (on the magnitude of an hour or two). How is it expected that a normal, non-technical end user is supposed to accomplish this same task before the heat death of the universe? Why do they have to in the first place?

Please, for the love of all that is good and decent in this world, the next time you force a visual change upon users, include a colour picker option to let the user override your choices, or, you know, respect the system theme. I appreciate that qBT is free and open-source software and that resources are limited, but this is UX 101. If you define one colour, you have to define all colours. The best is to define none and let the user decide. Don't get me wrong, credit where credit is due: I love qBittorrent with a passion, and it is one of my single most-used pieces of software. Functionally, it is fantastic. That being said, hard-coding colours was a bad move.

You can download the resulting all-white-text .qbtheme-file here. Place it somewhere safe, then open qBT, and go to Tools > Preferences > Behaviour and check the checkbox for "Use custom UI theme". Then browse to the theme file, click OK, and restart qBittorrent.

Chinese Researchers Claim They Cracked Encryption with Quantum Computers
Jason Nelson

While the world continues to reel from how far artificial intelligence has come with projects like ChatGPT, Chinese researchers recently claimed that they have been able to crack encryption using quantum computing—something scientists have assumed was years away from happening.

A group of Chinese researchers published a "scientific paper" last month that said they used quantum computers to break a standard RSA algorithm that many industries—including banking, mobile phones, and data storage—use for their encryption measures.

According to the Financial Times, the Chinese researchers said they had used their algorithm to factor a number with 48 bits on a quantum computer with ten qubits (quantum bits) and that they had not yet tried to scale it up to work on a much bigger system.

While the claim has raised some concern about the state of the art in security, many experts consider the breakthrough to be impossible—at least for now.

"A colleague of ours calls it the biggest hoax he has seen in about 25 years," Global Quantum Intelligence CEO & Co-Founder Andre Konig told Decrypt in an interview. "The paper itself doesn't announce anything really new."

Konig calls the paper's claims hype-driven and a spin on existing methodologies and approaches, lacking a proof of concept that would demonstrate the successful breaking of current encryption standards.

What is Encryption?

Encryption helps protect information from being accessed even when it's intercepted by hackers, malicious actors, or nation-states that might try to steal personal or financial data. This secure means of scrambling and unscrambling information is key to blockchains like the Bitcoin network and cryptocurrency in general, which stores things like transaction details on a decentralized ledger made widely accessible over the internet.

What is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computing uses quantum mechanics to perform operations on data at much greater speeds than modern computers. Many times more powerful than an average desktop PC, quantum computers are attractive in calculation-heavy cryptography, but are much more challenging to build, program, and use. Their speed and processing power, crypto enthusiast fear, may one day be able to break the encryption used to secure Bitcoin.

"Some people in our industry call it Y2Q," Konig said. "Y2Q," Konig noted, is the unknown moment in the future when quantum computing achieves a mainstream breakthrough—referenced the way "Y2K" was used in the late 1990s in the computer industry. At the time, the industry looked to midnight, December 31, 1999, as the day when computers worldwide would go down, causing a global meltdown.

Konig says that while researchers do not know when Y2Q will happen, the industry is exploring the possibility of the day when quantum computers come into their own. "I think it's going to take about ten years to happen," he said. "But if you're one of these providers with critical information, you need to worry about it today."

What is the threat to Bitcoin?

Bitcoin has never been successfully hacked, but many see brute force attacks using quantum computers as the likely tool someone would use to take down Bitcoin.

According to the cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, a brute force attack uses trial-and-error to guess strings like login credentials and encryption keys, working through all possible combinations hoping to find a match. With current technology, these attacks can take years, even decades, to succeed.

Quantum computers could theoretically untangle complex encryption within hours or minutes.

"It would completely and utterly destroy the market," David Schwed, COO of the blockchain security firm, Halborn, told Decrypt. "But it's not just crypto; it's anything encrypted; whether you're breaking ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) or breaking RSA, you'll be able to break any encryption."

Could Quantum Computers Defeat Bitcoin? Not So Fast.

Schwed believes that if researchers were successful in developing quantum computing, the first target would not be cryptocurrency but massive stores of leaked and stolen encrypted data that nation-states have accumulated over the years.

"[They are] just waiting for the day that they can decrypt that data," he said. "That, to me, would be more concerning, not necessarily to crypto."

"The Chinese are not going to tell us that they can break encryption if they can break encryption," Schwed added. "They're just going to break encryption and do whatever they're gonna do with it."

Schwed and Konig agree that announcing the ability to break encryption would be odd for a country to do.

Who is Working on Quantum Computing?

While quantum computers may still be years away from posing a threat to encryption and cryptocurrency, several companies—including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin—have entered the race to bring quantum computing to the market.

"I think [it's] extremely urgent," Konig said. "Because no matter if it takes five years, ten, or even 15 years, patching your systems is going to take up considerable resources. So you really have to get started today."

The TON Foundation launches TON Storage - a next generation file-storage solution

News provided by
The TON Foundation

The TON Foundation has today announced the long-awaited launch of TON Storage, a decentralized file-sharing and data storage solution that is set to solve a host of the issues posed by the volume of data our modern way of life requires. TON Storage is similar to peer-to-peer file sharing through "torrents," but uses the TON (The Open Network) blockchain to transfer data through a decentralized, secure, and private computer network. In this way, users will be able to exchange files of any size freely and securely, with all data automatically backed up and encrypted.

In traditional torrents there is no guarantee of storage - a file will only exist if there is at least one node storing it. However, when using traditional torrents there is no incentive to store a file, and therefore its storage cannot be guaranteed in the long-term. This might be suitable for unimportant data, but for important data a storage guarantee is vital. TON Storage is revolutionary, in part because it can guarantee storage virtually in perpetuity. TON Storage will use financial incentives with the help of smart contracts on the blockchain. A node operator and a user create a smart contract on the TON blockchain that guarantees that the user will pay a fixed amount in Toncoin to store files for a predetermined amount of time.

Anyone can become a node operator on the TON network and receive payments from other users for hosting files – even if operating just one node. The accessibility of this new product will incentivise new, independent users to join the TON network, helping to grow the TON ecosystem even further.

Moreover, TON Storage combines powerfully with TON Sites and TON DNS to enable sites to launch on the TON Network without requiring a fixed IP address, a centralized domain, or a certified centralized centre. TON Sites can be hosted on TON Storage – without the need for a web server. This puts the next piece of the puzzle in place for the TON Foundation to achieve its goal of a totally decentralized internet.

Anatoly Makosov, founding member of the TON Foundation, said: "The launch of TON Storage was long-awaited; this technology can be used by both individual users and services with a multimillion-dollar audience. Providing a reliable distributed storage solution is the next step in realizing our vision of a decentralized, open internet. We can't wait to see what products our community will create using this technology."

A Beginner's Guide to Anime Seasons: When, Where, and How to Watch
Reuben Baron

Twenty years ago, keeping up with the official American releases of anime series involved spending $30 per disc on DVDs containing three or four episodes of shows that were probably already two or three years old in Japan. How dramatically things have changed: today, you can stream almost every new anime to air in Japan within hours of its original airing. If you’re someone who wants to start following more new anime as they air, here’s a guide to when and where to watch such simulcasts, as well as the quirks and frustrations to be aware of.

Anime Seasons Explained

If you want to start a new anime series as it’s airing, you’re almost always going to do so in one of four months: January, April, July, or October. Anime seasons (sometimes called “cours”) operate on a quarterly schedule, lasting three months and typically 12 or 13 episodes. The majority of anime tell (or at least attempt to tell) a complete story within that limited timeframe, with a handful of two-cour (24-26 episode) series continuing from the previous season.

Then there are the few ongoing anime to which seasons don’t really apply. These tend to be shonen action series like One Piece and Boruto (among the most popular anime internationally) or kid-oriented sitcoms like Sazae-san and Chibi Maruko-chan (these anime are typically the only ones not released in America despite their popularity at home). Japanese TV doesn’t really do reruns, so these shows keep pumping out new episodes week after week. Episode counts for such series would make The Simpsons blush: as of this writing, One Piece has aired 1,045 episodes since 1999, while Sazae-san holds the world record for the longest-running animated series with 2,640 episodes since 1969.

The demands of producing an episode a week for years can take a toll on quality. For serialized shonen, one of the biggest problems long-runners face is the need for “filler” arcs, designed to fill time to let the manga source material get far enough ahead in the main story to provide more to adapt. In recent years, there have been far fewer of these constantly-running anime to avoid these issues. Instead, current shonen hits like My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, and Jujutsu Kaisen take extended breaks between two-cour seasons to keep the animation quality higher and avoid filler.

Where to Stream New Anime

When it comes to simulcasting anime in the States, there are basically two games in town: Crunchyroll and HIDIVE. Crunchyroll started as an illegal anime pirating site in 2006, but in 2008, it made the unprecedented move of officially licensing new anime for streaming. Now a fully legit service, Crunchyroll was officially acquired by Sony in 2022, merging with its former competitor in anime licensing/streaming Funimation. Not only does Crunchyroll release subtitled episodes right after their Japanese premieres, but it also produces a number of “simuldubs,” which are made available either the same day as the subbed version or (more commonly) a few weeks later.

HIDIVE is the streaming service for Sentai Filmworks, an anime distribution company that emerged from the older ADV Films. Sentai and HIDIVE were acquired by AMC Networks in 2022. Since this acquisition, HIDIVE has been simulcasting a greater number of shows per season, though it’s worth noting that their line-ups tend toward more niche otaku interests while Crunchyroll gobbles up the more mainstream titles. For comparison: Crunchyroll’s big Winter 2023 shows include the Trigun reboot and an adaptation of the hit videogame NieR:Automata, whereas the most popular show on HIDIVE’s Winter 2023 line-up appears to be the fourth season of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?

Netflix follows its own rhythm when it comes to releasing anime. Some of the anime marketed as “Netflix Originals” do in fact premiere on Netflix in the same full-season batches that the streaming service releases most of its shows. However, many so-called “Netflix Original Anime” premiere on TV in Japan and are merely licensed by Netflix internationally. For a long time, Netflix released such shows in binge batches weeks if not months after the end of their seasons in Japan, frustrating fans used to simulcast. Fortunately in the past couple years, Netflix has started releasing episodes of some anime weekly, not quite as simulcasts but only a couple weeks after the episodes premiere in Japan. Winter 2023’s Vinland Saga Season 2 will mark a rare true simulcast for Netflix; the viking action series will also be simulcasting on Crunchyroll.

Two wild cards worth paying attention to in the anime sphere: Hulu/Disney and Adult Swim/HBO Max. Hulu has traditionally licensed anime from other companies, often getting Funimation’s most popular shows in a given season, but parent company Disney has started directly licensing anime for streaming. Thus far, only the highly anticipated Bleach:Thousand-Year Blood War has been simulcast by Disney on Hulu; their other anime licenses have been released internationally in the Netflix-esque binge style. Adult Swim has been in the business of producing its own anime for the Saturday night Toonami block; these shows used to stream on Crunchyroll, but now HBO Max is their streaming home. They typically have one original per season at most, but it looks like their original output will be increasing in 2023 if Uzumaki, the new FLCL seasons, and Rick and Morty: The Anime arrive according to schedule.

Until next week,

- js.

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