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Old 27-01-07, 04:22 PM   #1
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Default Huge Crowd Protests War in DC

between 50 to 100k people protested Bush's dirty little war.

No one had a problem counting the war supporters at the counter-protest.

There were only 40 of them.

Was one of them named Tom?

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Old 27-01-07, 05:53 PM   #2
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It is a noble thing that happened today but do you think it's gonna change a single thing? Bush and his cabal are still in power and nothing is gonna change unless the people storm the white house and forcebly remove Bush\Cheney, lock them in a cell and throw away the key until they are trialed for war crimes.

Even if this scenario happens, the dammage is already done and he only thing that is left in the end is picking up the peices and clean the mess this administration left in it's wake.
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Old 27-01-07, 11:20 PM   #3
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You don't think the administration should clean up their own mess?
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Old 28-01-07, 12:09 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by miss_silver View Post
Bush and his cabal are still in power
I think what you meant to say was Bush is still in office, for now, anyway...

We sent his rubber stamp congress packing last November.

And we can send him packing as well if he doesn't open up those huge elephant ears and start listening to us.

As for the big mess aka the Iraq war well; just like Nam, most likely, it will be congress that ends it.

The cleaning will have to be done by the Iraqi people.
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Old 28-01-07, 04:25 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by RDixon View Post

The cleaning will have to be done by the Iraqi people.
I am afraid it will not be so easy to do due\because of secterians violence. Irak is now a quagmire or a clusterfuck religion wise RD. They should go the way India and Pakistan went, to each his own country and is own religion... next, to each his own nuke bomb

Seriously, Irak if fucked for the next 25 years in the least, and hopefully they will ditch that US puppet gov that is in place right now for their own good. If this is what you meant by cleaning their own mess, I sure hope so they will in the near future.

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Old 28-01-07, 07:21 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by miss_silver View Post
I am afraid it will not be so easy to do due\because of secterians violence. Irak is now a quagmire or a clusterfuck religion wise RD. They should go the way India and Pakistan went, to each his own country and is own religion... next, to each his own nuke bomb

Seriously, Irak if fucked for the next 25 years in the least, and hopefully they will ditch that US puppet gov that is in place right now for their own good. If this is what you meant by cleaning their own mess, I sure hope so they will in the near future.


What in the hell are you talking about?

Irak fucked ... puppet government ... nukes for everybody?

I think you should limit your political comments to what is happening in your own country as you do not seem to have a clue of what is happening in the rest of the world.

Is the USA that bad to where you have to bad mouth it in every one of your posts. Seems like I read today that Canada had to pay out a few million to some guy that they falsely arrested of terrorist charges and locked away and tortured for a 3 years.

What do you think about that? Is that the USA's fault too?


May your tote always stay tight and your edge eversharp :wink:
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Old 28-01-07, 08:38 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Nicobie View Post
What in the hell are you talking about?

Irak fucked ... puppet government ... nukes for everybody?

I think you should limit your political comments to what is happening in your own country as you do not seem to have a clue of what is happening in the rest of the world.

Is the USA that bad to where you have to bad mouth it in every one of your posts. Seems like I read today that Canada had to pay out a few million to some guy that they falsely arrested of terrorist charges and locked away and tortured for a 3 years.

What do you think about that? Is that the USA's fault too?



You cretard, once again...

I do not hate the USA, Canada should take some pointers IMO. I do loathe the current ADM and that you damn well know or are you such a retard you cannot make the diff between those 2 facts?

Better swallow up your words dilweed for you will choke on them... Is it the Adm fault on this one, yes it is. I do agree the canadian gov should have done something sooner but hard to do when the world police breathing down your neck no?

I'd bet 10$ you can't even recall that poor fellow's name but hey, time for a dose of reality on this one.

We sure as hell didn't deport him back to Syria, then who did Dilweed? I'll tell you who in little whotown to this little whodilweed...

It was your ADM, plain and simple and this news is old BTW, more than a year ago.

From CBC online

U.S. actions in Arar case called 'extremely troubling'
Last Updated: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 | 11:29 AM ET
CBC News

A senior foreign affairs official has told the Maher Arar inquiry he was troubled by the way the United States handled the Ottawa engineer's deportation case, though he defended Canada's role in the affair.

Dan Livermore, the director general of the department's security and intelligence bureau, said the Syrian-born man was deported to Syria while returning to Canada through the U.S. in 2002 because of a controversial American process called extraordinary rendition.

That's a secret system that was allegedly set up to send terrorist suspects to another country for questioning in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks against the United States.

"I find troubling the entire course of activity the American government has embarked upon since about 2001 with respect to what they call extraordinary rendition, a practice which we knew absolutely nothing about," said Livermore.

Livermore added that he was also disturbed by the way the U.S. suddenly decided to deport Arar one early October morning in 2002.

"I find it extremely troubling that the Americans would hold an administrative tribunal in the middle of the night and deport someone back to his native country, where they must have known it was difficult, to say the least, for him."

Arar claims Syrian officials tortured him before he was released more than a year later and returned to Canada.

Yet Livermore defended how Canadian officials acted in the case, saying the practice of sharing consular information with the RCMP and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service was necessary, given the heightened global terrorist threat.

Arar's lawyer, Marlys Edwardh, said much of that information was provided to Canadian security forces by the same Syrian authorities that Arar says later tortured him.

She pointed to information the RCMP leaked to Canadian media, alleging Arar had links to Muslim extremists.

"This is a very destructive thing to have done in respect of Mr. Arar in circumstances where information is neither confirmed or proven, given its alleged source," she said.

Livermore agreed that the media leak was devastating to Arar, and said he found it "personally distasteful."

The public inquiry looking into the Canadian government's role in Arar's deportation continues in Ottawa.
Who deported who? come again, didn't hear you choke on your words yet. Yes we are to blame aswell because we didn't have the authority to stop this from happening like I told you, very hard to do when the world police is breathing down your neck.

Care to send his a letter of apologie for what yor adm did to him Nic? I'd also bet another 10$ that when you saw that news, they forgot to mention that fact eh?

I basically thought that you were a lame dilweed, now you have proven that you are a cretin aswell when it's time to bash on Silver for you surely had no clue that it was your ADM that deported him back to Syria to begin with.

FYI Irak government are as much US placed puppets as the afgan prez is right now. Why do I say this? Got to admit, Discovery Time is indeed a fascinating channel, learned things I suspected happened but it only confirmed it.

Iran\Iraq war

Saddam was backed by the US adm to wage war on Iran, the ADM decided to turn a blind eye toward the Iraqie population misery during that time while it suited them, same goes for Osama and those taliban thugs back in afghanistan, the US adm backed and armed those loons to wage war on the Soviets and yet again turned a blind eye to Afghanies plight under the rule of the Talibans.

Liberate Iraq? Oh please!!! They will not be able to vote in the next election anyway and that goes for either Dems or Reps so they basically do not give a shit about them to begin with, they only makes you think they do. Since they cannot vote for either one of those political parties, it makes them useless to either one of those parties. Got to admit, it makes a good angular stone for both party for the next upcoming election.

Thank you nic, you just gave me another reason to loathe even more your current administration.

Happy now Cretard?

If it wasn't for your retarded Adm, Arar would have made it safely back home in Ottawa. Can you undrestand this fact Dilweed or should I spell it out for you?

Utterly dumb
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Old 30-01-07, 07:35 PM   #8
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I didn't expect you to have a spaz attack.

Hope you recover soon.

May your tote always stay tight and your edge eversharp :wink:
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Old 30-01-07, 10:02 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Nicobie View Post

I didn't expect you to have a spaz attack.

Hope you recover soon.


FYI I had to go down on you hard for you to understand this message. I just hope by now you do understand that I only have love for the citizen of your country (beside rednecks)

You thought that you would make whatever point with your previous post and debunked you big time on this one. Your pathetic try to let the issue slide aka was not lost on me, only gave me more "hargne" JS knoes what that means toward your's truly Dilweed.

You pushed to an extreme previously with your comments against me and my people and you tried to make me feel whatever toward that Arar case when you should have research the issue in depth, it was your undoing right then and there. Again, care to write him an appology letter for what your ADM did to him by deporting back to Syria in the first place?

You Dillweed did dig your own tomb and nailed that coffin by your own volition and snide comments, I am only burrying what is left since you left me no choice to begin with, you barked too loud, I bit back with a vengence. That shovel is heavy but it is a damned pleasure to fill this pit right now.

Get used to it, I do loathe your current Administration that is run by the biggest simian known to humanity so far and i'm not about to stop either so either make your peace and let things slide without calling me an USA hater for I will keep adding earth to that pit you dug for yourself.

You used to be a sweet one Nic, I just hope you can grasp this concept. On this one, please quit you snide comments on my province for if you do not, i'm afraid i'll have to clamp down with an iron fist. Like I said previously, get the fuck over it, ok!

I told you in a PM that if you ever came back, i'd be glad to be your guide and show a better side that you didn't see in quebec, reckon it slipped your mind and you started to bark a bit too loudly for my taste. FYI, that offer still stand as long as you back down. The ppl who knows me also knows have a hard time to keep a grudge but if you keep fueling it, I will be all fire and brimstones.

On this, good night and I hope your citrus production will be ok for I do know what Calif went through, just google Ice storm 1998. It was pure hell back in southern quebec.

I really do hope to see your oh so sweet side again Nicobie but I fear it will not happen this year if you keep going down this path.
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Old 01-02-07, 06:47 PM   #10
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quoted from the uptight US hater Ms Silver,

Get used to it, I do loathe your current Administration that is run by the biggest simian known to humanity so far and i'm not about to stop either so either make your peace and let things slide without calling me an USA hater for I will keep adding earth to that pit you dug for yourself.

Have You ever been to the United Stated of America? Ever been to Mississippi? Montana? California? How about Alaska or maybe one of the USA's islands? Do you know anything of the US other than what your extremely liberal Quebec news tells you? Reading your posts, I think not.

Myself, I've been to almost every part of Canada many times. I feel that western Canada has their shit together, but anything east of Ontario is just plain worthless. Most them are like you, rude and loud. It also seems that a good bunch of you are on the dole and that the rest of Canada is sorry to be stuck supporting your 'poor downtrodden masses'.

If I lived in Calgary I'd want to get rid of you "keebeckers", make you live on your own and quit sucking the life blood of others.

BTW, It was over $3 million that your gov gave to the falsely accused person that THEY (Canadians) arrested on terrorism charges.
May your tote always stay tight and your edge eversharp :wink:
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Old 01-02-07, 06:59 PM   #11
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BTW, MS...

Shouldn't you be posting in french?

I thought Quebec had a law about that. You know, everything needs to be in french?

That's making your part of the country a lot of friends......

la dillweed (Pepeta la `pue)

honk honk
May your tote always stay tight and your edge eversharp :wink:
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Old 01-02-07, 09:59 PM   #12
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Damn Nic, another shovel full of earth thrown upon your grave...

Originally Posted by Nicobie View Post

Have You ever been to the United Stated of America? Ever been to Mississippi? Montana? California? How about Alaska or maybe one of the USA's islands?
Which Islands? Do you mean Hawaii, islands that were taken by force? One of your colonies such as porto rico? Na never went there but since you insist...

I've been to florida 3 times already, each time for a month. Been to miami twice, my dad's idea, last time it was Fort Myers where the beach is close to pure white, don't have to run from towel to towel in order for the sand not to burn your feet, this one was quite cool even at noon.

Also spent a month in south carolina, I nicknamed it miniput land FYI. Wildwood twice already, Lake champlain for another month and NYC twice before that insane mayor cleaned all the street merchants, NYC was much more livelyer back them. Kansas twice already for 3 weeks and i'm still here Dilweed, leaving on superbowl sunday. States that I visited by roads?

Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, west virginia, virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois. Even paied a visit to Greatdj1 while I was in chicago.

UGH, Nashville stars is about to begin on USA channel, time to switch to comedie central...

Do you know anything of the US other than what your extremely liberal Quebec news tells you? Reading your posts, I think not.

1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.

2. (often initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.

3. of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism.

4. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, esp. as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.

5. favoring or permitting freedom of action, esp. with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers. Dixie Chicks anyone?!?

6. of or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.

7. free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners.

8. open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.

9. characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts: a liberal donor.

10. given freely or abundantly; generous: a liberal donation.

11. not strict or rigorous; free; not literal: a liberal interpretation of a rule.

12. of, pertaining to, or based on the liberal arts.

13. of, pertaining to, or befitting a freeman.


14. a person of liberal principles or views, esp. in politics or religion.

15. (often initial capital letter) a member of a liberal party in politics, esp. of the Liberal party in Great Britain.

[quote]Myself, I've been to almost every part of Canada many times.[/b]

Good for you Nic! Want a pat on the back for your outstanding achivement?

I feel that western Canada has their shit together, but anything east of Ontario is just plain worthless.
FYI, Ontario and Quebec enjoy a good trade, always did, we supply dairy, we get their fruits and veggies. Oh and BTW, Ontario and Quebec do constitute half of the country in case you didn't know, I'm sure you didn't because researching solid facts is beyond your capability mentally wise, It truly shows in your reply, another shovel of earth added to your grave.

Most them are like you, rude and loud. It also seems that a good bunch of you are on the dole and that the rest of Canada is sorry to be stuck supporting your 'poor downtrodden masses'.
Considering that we are almost a quart of the canadian population, we quebeceers do supply a quart of incom taxes to ottawa which is then redistributed to other provinces, same goes for ontario FYI. Even we provide the rest of the country with a quart of their need with our taxes, we only receive a tenth, this is why it is called a fiscal imbalance.

If I lived in Calgary I'd want to get rid of you "keebeckers", make you live on your own and quit sucking the life blood of others.
Damn Nic, did you know that Alberta was one of the poorest province before they were able to extract the oil from those bituminous sands? All thanks to the help of the canadian government funding. Now that this province got filthy rich and canada want's it share in their welth, they spit upon this country. If one province is to seperate from canada, it will be them before us, mark my words cretard. Alberta used to be OUR major blood sucker, so please don't make me laugh with your Calgary comment. But I cannot blame you for being so dumb about canadian affairs since the USA doesn't carry canadian major network such as CBC, CTV and Global contrary to us which have all major networks such as NBC/ABC/CBS and Fox, even in Quebec.

BTW, It was over $3 million that your gov gave to the falsely accused person that THEY (Canadians) arrested on terrorism charges.
OMFG, you really are a retard Nicobie, on this 5 more shovel of earth on your grave...

From CBC news Fucktard

U.S. refuses to take Arar off watch list
Last Updated: Friday, January 26, 2007 | 10:00 PM ET
CBC News

The United States has not lifted its restrictions on Maher Arar, even though the Canadian government apologized to him on Friday and offered him a $10.5 million compensation package.

Arar, a Canadian citizen who was born in Syria, was detained in 2002 by U.S. authorities who suspected him of terrorist links and deported him to his homeland, where he was jailed and tortured. Arar's name was later cleared by a Canadian judicial inquiry, which blamed his deportation in part on the RCMP.

The U.S. State Department said Friday it would keep Arar on its security watch list, even though Ottawa has been pushing for his name to be removed.

"We remain convinced that Mr. Arar's presence on the watch list is appropriate," the department said in a statement. "Ultimately, the United States will decide for itself who is or isn't on the watch list."

The U.S. ambassador to Canada, David Wilkins, said the United States would not change its mind.

"This is a situation where our two countries will continue to disagree," Wilkins said in a written statement.
Harper issues strong rebuke

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, as he formally apologized to Arar and his family on Friday and offered the compensation, also issued his strongest rebuke yet to Wilkins. The ambassador told Ottawa earlier in the week to back off from its demands that Arar be taken off the list.

"Canada has every right to go to bat for one of its citizens when the government believes a Canadian is being unfairly treated," Harper said.

In December, Wilkins revealed that Arar had never been removed from the watch list, which restricts him from travelling to the United States.

The Canadian judicial inquiry released a report in September 2006 concluding U.S. authorities may have detained Arar at a New York airport and deported him in part because the RCMP had given misleading information to American authorities that wrongly alleged Arar may be linked to terrorists. The inquiry also concluded there was no evidence to support such claims.
Arar's contacts, travel history said to be issues

On Friday, a State Department official told the Canadian Press that Arar remains on the U.S. watch list because of his personal associations and travel history.

The official did not want to be identified by name. gee, I wonder why?

The official stressed that while Arar's associations and travel history do not warrant his presence on a Canadian security list, they do qualify him for the U.S. list.

Public Security Minister Stockwell Day said Friday that the government will continue to work to remove Arar from the American list.

"The issue won't be closed," Day told CBC News. "This conversation will come up again."
And I sure hope it does. Your post 9/11 ADM paranoia made this possible. 3 millions? Dilweed, you want canadian news, go at the source before making a bigger ignorant ass of yourself. As I said previously, get your head out yar ass cretard, you might actually see the world as it is. So again, care to write him a letter of apologie on behalf of your own administration paranoia that got him deported while in transit in the US back to Syria where he was tortured thanks to your current administration?

As I also said previously, Utterly DUMB

Oh, flew to Venesuela twice and spent one month in France aswell.

ha ha ha ha ha ha, Watching the new Sarah Silverman show on comedy central, quite funny when she said "burn down the white house" LOL Now she is an american, will you accuse her of being a liberal quebeceer?

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Old 01-02-07, 10:21 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Nicobie View Post
BTW, MS...

Shouldn't you be posting in french?

I thought Quebec had a law about that. You know, everything needs to be in french?

That's making your part of the country a lot of friends......

la dillweed (Pepeta la `pue)

honk honk
Many many thanks for exposing yourself as an ignorant cretard again Nicobie. If you are referring to law 101, this law basically is bilangual sings on commerces, either french and english, french and chinese, french and Italian, french and Korean...

We do not need this law to make enemies, the canadian mainstream media already does a good job at that, hell, we were called kebeckistan because of our support to lebanon by a crazy asian nuts press lady from Toronto.

Now lets dish it out as it really is. I am sick and tired to be your punching bag for your frustration that your CA family branch is the ONLY ONE that does not speak french. You should have done as the same of the rest of your family and learned it to begin with, this way, you wouldn't have such a hard time while you last visited Quebec.

Only a rude person persists in it's unfounded accusition because he had a bad time while visiting a province. I wouldn't even give you 30 mins in Paris before you run back to the airport, if you thought we were rude to you, try Parisians.

Everyone saw your prejudiced side about my province Nicobie, your cards are up, i'm through with your sorry californian biggot ass.

Beside, you are paranoiac to begin with, I fondly remember you accusing one of our member who kindly set up an ftp for yours truly only to get an attack dog reply accusing that user of being a member of the RIAA, oh pleaze!!!

Even Silver bashing you can't get right because of your lack of information Fucktard.

Again I debunked you in your false ignorant diatribes, you truly suck at this Nicobie, why bother?

BTW, really got a good laugh at that new patriotic tactic I saw today on msnbc, something about terror free gas? Oh please! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.

Last edited by miss_silver : 01-02-07 at 10:40 PM. Reason: forgot to add
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Old 02-02-07, 10:58 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by miss_silver View Post
Damn Nic, another shovel full of earth thrown upon your grave...

Which Islands? Do you mean Hawaii, islands that were taken by force?
In March 1959, both houses of Congress passed the Admission Act and U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower signed it into law. (The act excluded Palmyra Atoll, part of the Kingdom and Territory of Hawaii, from the new state.) On June 27 of that year, a plebiscite was held asking residents of Hawaii to vote on accepting the statehood bill. Hawaii voted 17 to 1 to accept. On August 21, church bells throughout Honolulu were rung upon the proclamation that Hawaii was the 50th state of the Union.

Yeah things got rough there

Not very good at this history thing are you???

EDIT - anyone who reads her post please take it as comedy, esp about Western Canada, it is all false but I do enjoy seeing the veiws on Canada from someone living in Cuebec. LOL...Funny, is that what they really teach in the school system there??? Comedy Gold!!!
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

Last edited by Sinner : 02-02-07 at 11:46 AM.
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Old 02-02-07, 08:35 PM   #15
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Can I quart you on that?


dillweed: (a herb added to cucumbers in order to make pickles)

I enjoyed all the words you just called me. It's like always, if you don't make sense and can't argue, just call them fuctards and do the piss.

Reading your last few posts validated everything I had to say about you.

I honestly would be embarrassed if I were you.
May your tote always stay tight and your edge eversharp :wink:
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Old 04-02-07, 01:11 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by miss_silver View Post
FYI I had to go down on you hard......

Vive le Québec libre!
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Old 04-02-07, 07:07 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by daddydirt View Post

Vive le Québec libre!

love dem palm trees
May your tote always stay tight and your edge eversharp :wink:
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Old 05-02-07, 10:36 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by daddydirt View Post

Vive le Québec libre!
Yeah right, at this point, nic couldn't even get a rise out of me if I had something to rise

Last warning Nicobie

You had a bad time here, granted, your branch of the ca family cannot speak french beside your mummy, get over it and learn it ffs. This is the political asylun meaning speaking out our opinions about several political platform's' and the current adm or other current adms.

I have the free speech to do so even tho I come from a different country. You have free speech aswell but I do decern free speech from bigotry to outright racism.

Just get over it.

Why keep bashing me btw. Span I can understand, but you, are you in love with me or something to have such a fixation
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Old 05-02-07, 10:56 PM   #19
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I honestly would be embarrassed if I were you.
Hardly, takes more than this to embarrassed me Dillweed, how about you?

We talk politics over here, not ppl race or country bashing, ffs.

Cannot deal with what I post, why don't you put me on ignore and be done with it?...

Unless you are hellbent on bashing where I come from like a good ole racist biggot?

For the last time quit it Nicobie.


We seem to have the same political opinions on this matter but yet, you singled me out, why? Racism/biggotry against the french canadians?

Truth is, you wouldn't even dare to go against them like you bash me, why, only the Dillweed can tell.

One last time, back off with your racial slur about thy province, ok!

@ sinner

Yes, like the adm said that the Iraqie ppl would welcome the us invasion with rose petals spread upon under their steps

Yeah right
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Old 06-02-07, 07:35 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by miss_silver View Post
are you in love with me or something
I thinks it might be something.
Can't think what it could be?
Charm maybe?
Beer is for life not just Christmas
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