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Old 16-12-04, 05:45 AM   #41
my name is Ranking Fullstop
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Originally Posted by jcmd62
Well now your just lying. You had no way of knowing what would or will Iraqs fate be. You "predicted" all kinds of ridiculous scenarios. I remember horror stories about Iraq being the next Vietnam. Not even close. You disagreed with the war and were against it but on a military standpoint your opinion, and yes it's only your feeble opinion, "clusterfuck" is only your limited emotional response brought forth from the obvious mental trauma you suffered with Kerry's loss that you have yet to come to terms with.

Fact is you and the rest of your prophets of doom made all sorts of baseless uneducated and just plain crazy paranoid "predictions", You should all have your own cable shows since TV is the only place your reality will ever exist. Remember that "dismal" is only a sore losers opinion of the better teams superior performance and continued success given right after the LOSER'S own dismal defeat by the better team....usually just referred to as "SOUR GRAPES"

You really are pathetic......I don't know how you look your imaginary girlfriend in the face.

Just like this Mission Accomplished crap. Every little phrase, every mispoken word nit picked, blown out of proportion and made into a huge conspiracy like a bunch of old women gossiping at the beauty salon. Ok fine....during the election all the lying and deceit was because you wanted your Man to win the election. The election is OVER now. Hate to announce the obvious but some of you haven't figured it out. Are you really going to spend the next 4+ years pouting like a bunch of spoiled children that didn't get their way. Did Daddy Kerry drive away from the bank and forget to get you a lolli-pop? Get over it.

Mission Accomplished. Wasn't this vessel headed home for refit/resupply "after" a successful mission. I may not have paid enough attention to this little scrap of news since I'm not a whiny ass liberal looking for something to cry foul about, but I understood that President Bush was coming aboard to praise the ships crew for doing a good job or how they say in the military "Mission Well Accomplished".

This couldn't possibly be what the crew was referring to eh? Their particular "MISSION" being accomplished? The last act of which was catching the plane carrying the Commander in Chief, obviously an important honor for any ships crew. Might explain their actions, they were probably pretty pumped up for the Presidents arrival.

Regardless.. it hardly warranted the bravado it was given, just like the way the president arrived aboard the ship didn't. Like any of you whiny liberals were to become president you wouldn't also see the photo op it was and utilize it just like the president did. Seems most voters saw it for the innocent act it was despite all the liberal screaming. JUST like Rumsfelds comments......

Rumsfeld may be an ass, but the job pretty much requires it. His answer to those "men" may have been short and matter of fact, but it was the damn truth, something those men may not have "wanted" but damn well "needed" to hear. No since he didn't sugar coat it and give an hour long 14 page summation of political double speak on the question, it's a huge tramatic event in those poor military men who actually got a truthful to the point like it or not answer.........and the liberals still bitch......and will continue to cry until they get their way just like a bunch spoiled brats.

There's always a certain few that join the military and then have second thoughts, most of these are weeded out and let go before they finish boot camp and are permanently assigned to units, unfortunately some can handle the discipline and routine until they find out that their 4 years of service won't be just easy war games with their buddies where no one gets hurt or killed. This was a few scared soldiers whining to the media. The fact is in any WAR we will always need/want better and safer means to wage it. We need a trauma suit that protects our soldiers from head to toe. We still wage war with what we have.
geez, your posts on this subject are starting to take on the faint whiff of desperation, JC...blame the election, blame the liberals, blame the media yada yada. avoiding responsibility has become a hallmark of this administration - obviously, you got the memo
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Old 16-12-04, 06:38 AM   #42
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Ah yes the queen of spin accusing someone else. I could give a fuk about your political fiction Stone but stop pointing out where I said anything unless you have the quotes to back it up. I never said 900 killed is "NO BIG DEAL" nor anything remotely close to this bullshit. Don't read what you want into my posts and repost it with your pathetic and limited liberal mentality.

Go play the symantics game with one of your fellow fantasy freaks. I shouldn't have to point out that ceasing "Major Combat Operations" and our soldiers defending themselves are two different operations, and yes "defense" also includes OFFENSIVE operations as needed to ensure the safety of our troops, the Contractors, Iraqi civilians from attacks by these terrorists.

Now your pissed because only 10% of the wounded are dying. You are a pathetic fuk. BTW he's YOUR ignorant blowhard President too.

As for Bill Clinton, Clinton got re-elected, because he begged us for 4 more years and again PROMISED to deliver this great FREE FUKIN HEALTH CARE his huge military cuts and the rest of his cuts were going to pay for. The very same Health Care he promised to deliver in his FIRST TERM IN OFFICE. In 2004 when he again failed to deliver after 4 MORE years and his Vice President starts his campaign promising the same fuking bullshit Health care that most now have come to understand isn't going to happen, they said enough is enough.

Thanx for the jobs and extra money in the bank Bill, but they don't mean shit without that great free government health care you PROMISED over and OVER, a military thats bankrupt and unable to pay its soldiers, and a country too weak to defend itself against terrorism much less defend itself or its allies should the need arise.

So Gump why didn't Gore win by a landslide if Bill was such a great President? he was Bills boy. Groomed for the job. How could an idiot like Bush win against a former Vice President of such a great president? Oh thats right Gore didn't want Bill any where near his campaign, must've been jealous of Bill's popularity.

We re-elected Bill and gave him a second chance to deliver that health care plan, and again he failed. His presidency ended with him pardoning criminals including one that stole millions in dollars of peoples whole retirement savings and then flushing the toilet he parked the economy and our military in and left them swirling the bowl for Bush to bail out and fix. Narrow eyes see only what they want. You betcha...You just keep harping on those jobs and deficit reduction while you ignore the damage he did. The American people said they weren't worth the cost and all the shit Clinton brought with him and voted BUSH.

Another self proclaimed prophet...WHY don't you STFU and stop the rhetorical prophecies of doom that are only your paranoid fantasies. I'd rather see what reality produces. I'm confident that Bush can get this country back on track. If he doesn't we will survive despite your paranoid predictions and you can look forward to a Democrat being elected huh?

avoiding responsibility has become a hallmark of this administration
Yea knife exactly like you liberals avoid Clintons responsibility for the economy and 9/11. Well we did have 8 years to learn it from the master of avoiding responsibility. I didn't INHALE and I didn't have sexual relations with Ms Lewinski. Ok maybe he's just a lying sack of shit.
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Old 16-12-04, 10:05 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
You might REMEMBER that Clinton signed several antiterrorism acts including The Iraqi Liberation Act. Maybe you should read that again and REMEMBER that it states, in part, "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime."
The Iraqi Liberation Act http://www.iraqwatch.org/government/...lation/ILA.htm

the bill passed the House 360-38 and on 10/7/98 passed the Senate without amendment by unanimous consent.


It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime.


Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize or otherwise speak to the use of United States Armed Forces (except as provided in section 4(a)(2)) in carrying out this Act .


(a) AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE- The President may provide to the Iraqi democratic opposition organizations designated in accordance with section 5 the following assistance:

(2) MILITARY ASSISTANCE- (A) The President is authorized to direct the drawdown of defense articles from the stocks of the Department of Defense, defense services of the Department of Defense, and military education and training for such organizations.

(B) The aggregate value (as defined in section 644(m) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961) of assistance provided under this paragraph may not exceed $97,000,000.

funny you should mention The Iraqi Liberation Act stoner. this was the bill that so frightened Saddam, he kicked out the UN weapons inspectors shortly after it passed. it allocated a whopping 97 million dollars in military assistance, out of which the I.N.C. received less than 1 million dollars. this was clearly a case of Clinton paying lip service rather than his more accustomed position on the receiving end. so what happens when a Republican President actually does what this bill supports? well, we all know the answer to that.
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Old 16-12-04, 01:47 PM   #44
my name is Ranking Fullstop
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Originally Posted by jcmd62
I'd rather see what reality produces. I'm confident that Bush can get this country back on track.

5th year's the charm, eh?
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Old 16-12-04, 07:15 PM   #45
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Default Carefull Alpha dudette...

Originally Posted by jcmd62

This is where I BLAME Bush. Unlike in WWII, Bush failed and still has yet to organize both our own industry and our allies industries to provide these hum-vees and other things our soldiers are lacking. There is no excuse that he hasn't set aside at least a couple of auto plants in the US alone to produce NOTHING but this needed military equipment. This goes for any other type of industry both local and abroad that can supply our troops with the tools they need to perform their jobs with the highest degree of safety possible.

We've got Auto plants closing down and laying off thousands, why hasn't Bush put these people and plants to work building Hum-vees? We would be keeping these people employed, supplying our troops with this much needed equipment and at the same time be putting some of those billions of war dollars back into revitalising our own economy.

Next thing we know, u'll be promoting the GOOSE STEP.

Please be very carefull what u wish for. U are starting to sound like u want more gov.
May your tote always stay tight and your edge eversharp :wink:
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Old 17-12-04, 12:16 PM   #46
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this was clearly a case of Clinton paying lip service rather than his more accustomed position on the receiving end. so what happens when a Republican President actually does what this bill supports? well, we all know the answer to that.
In your imagination perhaps, but not really, because the approach supported in the bill made much more sense than what that Republican president actually did, which was basically to rush in all pumped up with a total disregard for the support of body of nations who had so recently galvanized in the post-911 world and all shared the same concerns, and without any coherent exit strategy, like the whole affair was going to be some two month long publicity photo-op for American superiority, but ironically creating the largest recruitment of specifically anti-American terrorist organizations there could ever possibly be. The Clinton bill was designed to strengthen the democratic Iraqi parties and movements opposed to the regime with international cooperation and to create an international criminal tribunal to indict, prosecute, and imprison the officials of that regime, a situation which you can bet, over time, would have led to the removal, surgical or otherwise, of Saddam Hussein, and a favorable and natural shift in Iraq's basic political equilibrium, while this particular Republican president injected a military presence which failed to shock and awe with sufficient majesty to magically change everyone's hearts and minds and has been reduced to body guards for these democratic Iraqi parties and movements when and if they can find them and ensure their basic survival in the melee long enough to get one 'elected' as a chief target, and a protector of an unstable Iraqi police force which seems to only draw more fire as result of that protection, and sadly in this situation, having Saddam in a little room somewhere doesn't really mean jack.

Be that as it fucking may, you may call it lip service, I was simply using it to show that a problem was being addressed long before Bush insisted it was urgent due to the eminent threat of mythological weapons of mass destruction and allusions to completely unrelated terrorist acts.:shrug: Seems like we all oughta know that from any number of other way more obvious indicators, but at the level of most of these discussions you can never be too sure of anything like that. Sometimes according to some people, it seems like all was darkness and without form before the Time of Bush--they seem to be in a kind of religious ecstasy, filled with the self-righteous glee of televangelists, but instead of 'sinners,' all who do not share this pure adulation are 'sore-losers.'

Funny, I've been explaining why I don't like Bush and his policies for four years, but some of these morons seem to think I should just magically start liking him since he got elected again. Meanwhile these same morons are still whining about Clinton--mostly on the basis of having gotten an extramarital blowjob. I can't tell if this adolescent fixation is a result of pure jealousy or if it pings their guilt, but I have a hard time believing it's actual moral outrage.

So Gump why didn't Gore win by a landslide if Bill was such a great President? he was Bills boy. Groomed for the job. How could an idiot like Bush win against a former Vice President of such a great president?
Very true, Gore didn't win by a landslide, he just won by a small fraction of the popular vote. C'est la vie. Bush certainly has no landslides under his belt either, except perhaps in your little cheer leading head, where the soil seems perpetually loose.

Next thing we know, u'll be promoting the GOOSE STEP.

Please be very carefull what u wish for. U are starting to sound like u want more gov.
Save your breath Nic, you're talking to a guy who got a court order to install cameras in his restrooms. Government is invisible to such hypocritical assholes as long as it serves them and their special interests, but the minute it moves to serve someone else that's when they start bitching about it being too much.
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Old 17-12-04, 06:14 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
In your imagination perhaps, but not really, because the approach supported in the bill made much more sense than what that Republican president actually did, which was basically to rush in all pumped up
Still the "rush in" line after 8 years of waiting for compliance with weapons restrictions, sanction violations, a corrupt oil for food program, Saddam getting richer and more powerful and thousands of people dying under his oppression while waiting for The Iraqi Liberation Act to achieve what? Make him laugh himself to death at the impotence and corruption of world leaders. When are you losers going to quit on the 'rush in' line?

Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
with a total disregard for the support of body of nations who had so recently galvanized in the post-911 world and all shared the same concerns
What was all that diplomatic activity about then? Colin Powell going from country to country giving "total disregard" I suppose. Get a clue.

Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
and without any coherent exit strategy,
Bureaucratspeak for accomplishing set goals. The term means nothing, which is why everyone uses it I suppose.

Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
like the whole affair was going to be some two month long publicity photo-op for American superiority, but ironically creating the largest recruitment of specifically anti-American terrorist organizations there could ever possibly be.
It is a pain waiting for them to become terrorists before killing them but it's all those damn laws and lawyers that have to be complied with.

Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
The Clinton bill was designed to strengthen the democratic Iraqi parties and movements opposed to...
A Clinton bill? You should know better than to lie so blatantly or even dull witted people might begin to disbelieve you. With a veto-proof majority even his signature was meaningless.

Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
Sometimes according to some people, it seems like all was darkness and without form before the Time of Bush--they seem to be in a kind of religious ecstasy, filled with the self-righteous glee of televangelists, but instead of 'sinners,' all who do not share this pure adulation are 'sore-losers.'
If it bitches like a sore loser and whines like a sore loser, it's a sore loser.

Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
Meanwhile these same morons are still whining about Clinton--mostly on the basis of having gotten an extramarital blowjob. I can't tell if this adolescent fixation is a result of pure jealousy or if it pings their guilt, but I have a hard time believing it's actual moral outrage.
The moral outrage comes mostly from his lying under oath on full color video and still being aquitted in an extraordinary example of government corruption that boosted the conservative ascendancy that has liberals crying and throwing tantrums like never before.

Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
Save your breath Nic, you're talking to a guy who got a court order to install cameras in his restrooms. Government is invisible to such hypocritical assholes as long as it serves them and their special interests, but the minute it moves to serve someone else that's when they start bitching about it being too much.
So the government didn't interfere with his cameras. How's that serving him? Hard to see things clearly through that awkwardly placed orifice isn't it? Especially when what you like to do in restrooms blocks it completely.
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Old 18-12-04, 04:33 AM   #48
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Jeez Sean.... I have been harping on Diego for the Jupiter sized EGO. Stone your EGO makes Diego's look like an anthill.

Your a moderator of a tiny little BB you self absorbed, egotistical, infantile little boy. Your view of reality is clouded by your insatiable need for attention. The more you rant the more you do come across as a passive, tree hugging freak who clearly does
just want to sit on their hands, be unpatriotic, and write poetry and send flowers to their terrorist lovers.

You just keep living in that fantasy world of yours where you and George Michael skip off into the sunset hand in hand at the end of the day in your cute little tennis shorts and "Choose Life" T-Shirts . That non-existant world of peace love and harmony, where human beings are perfect organisms that don't discriminate or ever disagree. Incapable of HATE, harming another living thing, treats everyone as their equal and STD's don't exist because they are all Hermaphrodites that can give birth. Those of us that live in reality have figured out that man is human, quite fallable and this "Perfect World" you dream of doesn't exist and NEVER WILL.

Back to the subject you tossed out..... "Iraqi Liberation Act" as if its some huge service Clinton did this country. You are a clueless imp. This was NOTHING more than Clintons continued lack of ACTION. The ILC was NOTHING more than written PROOF Clinton was going to do NOTHING about Saddam. No wonder Saddam immediately tossed the Un Inspectors out. He just got Clinton's equivelant to Ralph Kramdens " One of these days ....Alice!.....One of these day's." This is all the ILC really says. This act was like giving Saddam a warning instead of actually writing him a ticket for being a murdering fuk. Saddam knew it was nothing to worry about as long as Clinton was President. Yea it scared the hell out him. Couldn't toss those inspectors out fast enough so he could get back to building palaces and starving his country.

Clinton's action? The best you can produce is the couple of times Clinton gave Saddam nothing more than a slap on the wrist by taking out a few Radar sites that made the mistake of painting our aircraft in the no fly zone. He wasn't "addressing" the disease of, he was washing his hands of Saddam and putting him off for the next President to deal with.

Haiti?? Kosovo?? You are kidding right? Somalia?? Yea lets talk about Somalia. Talk about knee jerk responses and acting like the world police. Classic example of a military operation RUSHED into a situation TOO FUCKING SOON, without the manpower and firepower needed or even close by for back up. What little recon that was done only attempted to determine Aided's location and not the number of troops/citizens that may defend him or even what kind of weapons they might have. Thanks to Bill we had NO, "0", NADA, NONE when it came to inside intelligence. We left with our tails tucked, never got the target and let those men get slaughtered for NOTHING. Fine job by our Commander in Chief. The only positive note was that those few lightly armed Rangers that died killed over 300 heavily armed Somalies before they were killed. Keep whining about how "unprepared" our soldiers are for actual combat.

As for my camera.... Only in the mens room and of course angled only to see the backs of everyone at the toilet and urinals. Of course the sink is at a different angle and if you use it to relieve yourself smile cause your on candid camera and let it be known I'll yank your ass out of there mid stream or mid shit, If I happen to catch it live. This wasn't the only reason, but a plus to finally know and identify ignorant fuks that relieve themselves where my employees wash their fukin Faces and hands. I can understand it at ball games and concerts when you have lines and thousands and the sinks are used for this purpose all day since there is never enough toilets.

I got the camera with the help of the HEALTH dept. when the latinos took over the area and started frequenting the place. The dirty little fuks have shit where they eat for so long they develope a sick fascination when exposed to indoor plumbing. The filthy scum get a huge thrill out of shoving full toilet paper rolls in the urinals and toilets, then flushing them and flooding the place. Of course then they giggle and can't speak english when you confront them.

They clogged a urinal so bad I couldn't clear it. I cleaned it, put a sign on it saying it was out of service and of course it became a fukin ashtray. By the end of the night it would be full of cigarettes and at least one dirtbag will have pissed in it. The worst was one person was regularly taking a shit in the sink obviously because they got a sick thrill knowing someone would have to clean it up. Needless to say I couldn't wait to catch this guy.

Don't worry about all those civil/constitutional rights that I'm abusing Stone. The camera was temporary and only allowed to stop/catch the most ignorant and let the rest know that they are being watched, so that even after its gone people will still think its there and behave. Oh and the Police threatened to arrest me if I didn't put my "No Loitering" sign back up. Its a law. I put it back up in Spanish.

Last edited by jcmd62 : 18-12-04 at 04:54 AM.
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