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Old 11-11-04, 01:23 AM   #1
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Default Bon Voyage Arafat.....Terrorist fuk

Couldn't cheat death this time scumbag. Its about time the world was rid of your two faced flip flopping ass. Only John Kerry changed his support more than you did.

Your whiny supporters are already crying martyr and how you were a scapegoat. You were a cold blooded murdering criminal. The world is a happier safer place without you. Good riddance. Hopefully your stranglehold of control of the PLO will hopefully be its final undoing.

May your eternity be only pain and suffering like you brought to this world.
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Old 11-11-04, 11:39 AM   #2
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I disagree, it is the Israeli's who do not want peace and there still is a terrorist in power in the area and he is fully backed by the United States of America, this terrorist uses his army to kill at will any Palestinians including a child sitting at their desk in school. I can provide links from CNN or other American news sources if you like.

Arafat on September 13, 1993 and then-Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shook hands on the White House lawn to sign the Oslo Accords. Which was a gaint step towards peace in the Middle-East and Palestinian national movement. Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 jointly with Yitzhak Rabin.

The Israelis turned on Yitzhak for trying to have peace, he was labeled a Nazi and there were many threats on his life, but Rabin stood for what he believed in and would not allow the Peace Process to hault and for his efforts a Jewish law student named Yigal Amir assassinated him at a peace rally in King's Square in Tel Aviv. At his trail Yigal Amir told the judge the assassination was meant to halt the Mideast peace process. Anti-Rabin sentiment among settlers and others opposed to giving up Israeli-occupied land intensified after the prime minister agreed to transfer authority to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Anyways Arafat lived to 75 and did many good things for the Palestinians, won a Nobel Peace Prize and will be buried in Jerusalem some day.
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Old 11-11-04, 03:03 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Sinner
Anyways Arafat lived to 75 and did many good things for the Palestinians,
Got a list? Besides killing jews I mean.
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Old 11-11-04, 03:56 PM   #4
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he was a puppet

maybe they can get hold of some of the millions(billions?) of aid money he swindled the palestinians out of ...though i suspect his wife will dissaper into the woodwork with most of that..
and maybe now stuff like the US diplomats he ordered to be shot in africa in the 70's that they have had proof of but kept quiet will come out..
i think there will be much rewriting of history and plenty of propaganda for everyone
in this passing of this classic little arab dude..always reminds me of one of the bad guys from the thunderbirds(one of the hood's disguises maybe?)
a prototype puppet of US and israel that they never quite got right..
i think israels biggest fear is now that there is a vacume at the top of the palestinian ranks there could be a push for an even more militant leadership


Simple people,people who don't exist,prefer things which don't exist,simple things.
"Good" and "bad" are simple things. You bomb me = "bad." I bomb you = "good." Simple people(who,incidentally,run this socalled world)know this(they know everything)whereas complex people--people who feel something--are very,very ignorant and really don't know anything.
Nothing,for simple knowing people,is more dangerous than ignorance. Why?
Because to feel something is to be alive.
"War" and "peace" are not dangerous or alive:far from it. "Peace" is the inefficiency of science. "War" is the science of inefficiency. And science is knowing and knowing is measuring.
Ignorant people really must be educated;that is,they must be made to stop feeling something,and compelled to begin knowing or measuring everything. Then(then only)they won't threaten the very nonexistence of what all simple people call civilization.
Very luckily for you and me,the uncivilized sun mysteriously shines on "good" and "bad" alike. He is an artist.

E. E. Cummings

Last edited by multi : 11-11-04 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 11-11-04, 10:11 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Sinner
I disagree, it is the Israeli's who do not want peace and there still is a terrorist in power in the area and he is fully backed by the United States of America, this terrorist uses his army to kill at will any Palestinians including a child sitting at their desk in school. I can provide links from CNN or other American news sources if you like.

Arafat on September 13, 1993 and then-Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shook hands on the White House lawn to sign the Oslo Accords. Which was a gaint step towards peace in the Middle-East and Palestinian national movement. Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 jointly with Yitzhak Rabin.

The Israelis turned on Yitzhak for trying to have peace, he was labeled a Nazi and there were many threats on his life, but Rabin stood for what he believed in and would not allow the Peace Process to hault and for his efforts a Jewish law student named Yigal Amir assassinated him at a peace rally in King's Square in Tel Aviv. At his trail Yigal Amir told the judge the assassination was meant to halt the Mideast peace process. Anti-Rabin sentiment among settlers and others opposed to giving up Israeli-occupied land intensified after the prime minister agreed to transfer authority to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Anyways Arafat lived to 75 and did many good things for the Palestinians, won a Nobel Peace Prize and will be buried in Jerusalem some day.
Where's the MONEY????? Where's the billions of dollars Arafat was given by the International community. Arafat had MANY chances to give the Palestinians a real country they could be proud of. Many more chances to stop the damn children suicide bombs. Every time he would sign a damn peace treaty to get those international funds, a week later he he would do something like blatently accepting 150 million from Saddam Hussein to back him in the invasion of Kuwait.

This cocksucker has been playing both sides against the middle for his entire life. He has lived in luxury while the palestinians starved and live in poverty. Please do point out all the good he's leaving behind. Show me how Palestine is better off with him than without him. I don't see it.

I don't disagree with your stance on Israel. We Americans are indeed guilty of backing Terrorism when it comes to turning a blind eye to Israel's complete and blatent refusal to pursue any sort of peace process. Then fund and give them weapons that are used daily as weapons of terror instead of weapons of defense. We blur the edges and claim that its defensive and warranted because of the suicide bombings, but the truth is Until that Terrorist fuk Ariel Sharon drops dead and the U.S. says no more weapons and money until you learn how to play well with others then there will never be anything but what presently exsists for Israel and Palestine.

We shall see what Palestines new Tag Team leadership does to bring Palestine into the 21st century and if there is any real want on their part for peace. No doubt Israel has an oppurtunity to pursue peace with Arafat's death. So Israel and Palestine, Olive Branches or more children suicide bombers and hellfire missles?
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Old 11-11-04, 11:34 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by jcmd62
Where's the MONEY????? Where's the billions of dollars Arafat was given by the International community. Arafat had MANY chances to give the Palestinians a real country they could be proud of. Many more chances to stop the damn children suicide bombs. Every time he would sign a damn peace treaty to get those international funds, a week later he he would do something like blatently accepting 150 million from Saddam Hussein to back him in the invasion of Kuwait.
Good question. Heard he was worth 220 million CAN money, maybe more, Hell, Dubya is only worth 15 milion. Arafat war prolly a greedy fuck but his wife is also at the end of the payroll, she'll will prolly inherit everything Bitch!

Originally Posted by jcmd62
This cocksucker has been playing both sides against the middle for his entire life. He has lived in luxury while the palestinians starved and live in poverty. Please do point out all the good he's leaving behind. Show me how Palestine is better off with him than without him. I don't see it.
He did place palestine on the international map, maybe in the wrong way but atleast we do know what is happeneng there because of his actions, even tho they are highly debatable.

Originally Posted by jcmd62
I don't disagree with your stance on Israel. We Americans are indeed guilty of backing Terrorism when it comes to turning a blind eye to Israel's complete and blatent refusal to pursue any sort of peace process. Then fund and give them weapons that are used daily as weapons of terror instead of weapons of defense. We blur the edges and claim that its defensive and warranted because of the suicide bombings, but the truth is Until that Terrorist fuk Ariel Sharon drops dead and the U.S. says no more weapons and money until you learn how to play well with others then there will never be anything but what presently exsists for Israel and Palestine.
Well said, cant wait to see him on trial right beside that son of a bitch, Milosevich, for war crimes against humanity. He's a fucking butcher with a LOT of blood on his hands. Those fucking dictatorships has to end!

Originally Posted by jcmd62
We shall see what Palestines new Tag Team leadership does to bring Palestine into the 21st century and if there is any real want on their part for peace. No doubt Israel has an oppurtunity to pursue peace with Arafat's death. So Israel and Palestine, Olive Branches or more children suicide bombers and hellfire missles?
As long as the hatred remains alive, atleast 3 generations if they begin today a peace process, I doubt the hostilities will end. Some palestinian kids aspiration is to become a martyr, it's now a thriving seed on a minority, kinda of, of their sociaty. Seen a doco named, Death in Gaza. One of the rebels were asking this kid if he was ready to die for it's country, Palestine. Even tho, he was only 10, even tho he already knew how to make explosives, grenade like, even tho he had lost so many childhood friend due to IDF random shooting, he was ready, was in fact was his dream to become a martyr to the great dismay of his mother, who only wished he'd get a bit of education. T'was a chilling portrait of their dayly realities. It will take a very long time. Like when you had that secession war, the south against the north or vice versa, for more freedom, more equality for just more rights, took a long time ti'll segregation came to an end. Even if, with wishfull thinking, the palestinians and the jewish state came to a peace agreement, I fear we will not even be alive to see it's true outcome.

Peace JC
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Old 12-11-04, 02:45 AM   #7
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Could Mahamood Abbas be Nostradamuses Mabus?
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Old 12-11-04, 02:26 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by jcmd62
Where's the MONEY????? Where's the billions of dollars Arafat was given by the International community. Arafat had MANY chances to give the Palestinians a real country they could be proud of. Many more chances to stop the damn children suicide bombs. Every time he would sign a damn peace treaty to get those international funds, a week later he he would do something like blatently accepting 150 million from Saddam Hussein to back him in the invasion of Kuwait.
I don't know about getting billions of dollars in aid and has Far as I know I believe Arafat only sighed one peace treaty and it was the Israeli's who were againts it, like I said above they Killed their own Prime Minister at a Peace Rally to stop the Peace Process and then years later elect a Prime Minister who was and is wanted in Brussel's to stand trail for War Crimes for the killing of un-armed Men, Women, and Children at a refugee camp. Children were not being used has suicide bombers but it is sport for the IDF to shoot un-armed children in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Women were used though and I have seen no proof Arafat was behind any of them. There are other groups operating there. Yes Arafat did have many chances to Palestinians a real country but Israel would not allow it to happen and still will not as the Israeli Government came out today to say they will not change their policy towards the WestBank or Gaza Strip.

Originally Posted by jcmd62
This cocksucker has been playing both sides against the middle for his entire life. He has lived in luxury while the palestinians starved and live in poverty. Please do point out all the good he's leaving behind. Show me how Palestine is better off with him than without him. I don't see it.

He was not living in Luxury, I am sure he had millions of dollars but have you seen the compound he was living in? He has been a prisoner in his own country for the last 3 years. He could not leave Palestine in fear that the Israeli's would not allow him back in. Arafat was a revolutionary to his people, he was not a Statesman tho, and that is why he failed to make his dream of a Palestine Country in my opinion.

Originally Posted by jcmd62
[color=black]I don't disagree with your stance on Israel. We Americans are indeed guilty of backing Terrorism when it comes to turning a blind eye to Israel's complete and blatent refusal to pursue any sort of peace process. Then fund and give them weapons that are used daily as weapons of terror instead of weapons of defense. We blur the edges and claim that its defensive and warranted because of the suicide bombings, but the truth is Until that Terrorist fuk Ariel Sharon drops dead and the U.S. says no more weapons and money until you learn how to play well with others then there will never be anything but what presently exsists for Israel and Palestine.]/color]

3.5 Billion dollars in Aid from the US goes to Isreal. Isreal then sell weapons to the Chinese to make more.

Originally Posted by jcmd62
We shall see what Palestines new Tag Team leadership does to bring Palestine into the 21st century and if there is any real want on their part for peace. No doubt Israel has an oppurtunity to pursue peace with Arafat's death. So Israel and Palestine, Olive Branches or more children suicide bombers and hellfire missles?

Ariel Sharon does not want Peace so the Pals will have to do it on their own. The IDF will continue to kill Arabs for sport, women children doesn't matter to them, and then the international community will have to step in and force the USA and Isreal to stop the violence, land grap, water grab, etc and give the Pals a country.

---Arafat has an ugly side. Every world leader, no matter how well-respected, has skeletons in their closet. You don’t amass power without getting your hands dirty from time to time. Its hypocritical of the Israelis of course to label one person a terrorist when some of their own leaders, like Sharon and Begin, have committed war crimes and acts of terrorism (like the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946 that killed scores of British soldiers, the infamous massacre at Deir Yassin in 1948, and of course, Sabra and Shatilla). But one person’s terrorist will always be another person’s freedom fighter. That’s been true throughout history.

---I don’t think arafat was a hero or a particulary good person. I think he was a resistance leader and the champion of a noble cause, the same cause the American revolutionaries fought for – freedom and independance. I think many of his tactics were reprehensible, just as many of the things che guevara did were – but when faced with a massive and seemingly indomitable enemy, and when you believe your cause is just, you’ll do anything you have to in order to win. it’s understandable if a little gross. however – if you can’t recognize that arafat is a crucial figure to the middle east and a figurehead for a worldwide movement, you’re being naive. He’s the symbol of righteous arab resistance to perceived Israeli oppression in every muslim nation
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Old 12-11-04, 02:43 PM   #9
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From the NY Post today. Take it anyway you want:

November 12, 2004 -- Suha Arafat, who jealously guarded her husband's bedside during his final hours, brought his body home from France yesterday for burial — after sealing a deal that will make her a very rich widow.
Suha agreed to a settlement with the Palestinian Authority that will reportedly pay her as much as $22 million a year for divulging the secrets of her husband's fortune.

The 41-year-old wife of Arafat had been demanding half his billions in hidden assets and threatening to withhold details about where to find them from the new Palestinian leadership, according to newspapers in Italy and Israel.
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Old 12-11-04, 05:12 PM   #10
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True that the last few years have not been Arafats most prosperous ones. Only due to his own continued violence against Israel.

My main problem with Arafat is that he was given the funding, the ability, and the support of the international community, with which he could have easily started/built a true Palestine government instead of the bloody, violent "existance" that he gave Palestinians.

Sinner the man was a scumbag, but he was a rich scumbag and a smart scumbag. Don't think that there aren't billions in offshore Swiss and Caymen Island bank accounts. 22 million PER YEAR settlement just to turn over the LOCATIONS PLURAL of Arafats hidden BILLIONS my friend. She will turn over enough to garner her 22 million annual payment and she will keep the rest.

The man could have made Palestine a real economically viable country with an actual government, but instead did nothing but funnel millions into safe locations for his greedy self.
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Old 13-11-04, 11:41 AM   #11
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Apparently, when Arafat was wheeled out of the French hospital, he was draped in the Palistinian flag. Sadly, the flag got caught in one of the trolley wheels - resulting in his legs being exposed and, to the horror of his wife, he seemed to be wearing a pair of football boots! I don't know how true this is, but I've heard that when she pulled up the Palistinian flag that was covering the rest of his body, Arafat was wearing the full England football uniform - complete with white shirt, blue shorts and socks.

Allegedly, when his wife asked who had dressed him like this, one of the doctors spoke up, claiming that it was his last request, and that the last words out of his dying body were...

"Bury me... in... Gazza strip..."
"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction" Dick Cheney - August 26, 2002

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Old 13-11-04, 08:13 PM   #12
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Arafat is happier in death than he was in life .... finally he has some land that he can call his own
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Old 15-11-04, 03:44 PM   #13
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The death of Yasser Arafat has somehow been portrayed as the opening of a window for peace; anybody that thinks that doesn't understand the region or the characters in the play. Arafat was irrelevant because whether he wanted peace or not as long as there is radical Islamic groups bent on the destruction of Israel, there will never be peace. Hamas and Islamic Jihad believe that all of Israel should be part of a greater Islamic Palestine. They have been sending suicide bombers into Israel and killing any Palestinian as a collaborator that wants peace with Israel. It is unlikely that Hamas and Islamic Jihad would suddenly put down their arms just because Yasser Arafat is dead. Sure they might run for political office and win control over the Palestinian Authority making it an Islamic state at war with Israel or they will lose and go back to their arms. People have to understand that they don't think like rational people. If Hamas and the Islamic Jihad loose, they won't be like Senator Kerry and the Democrats and be gracious in defeat, they will go back to what they know best bombs and guns. They want an Islamic state that includes all of Israel. After the 9/11 attacks, the Palestinians shown cheering on CNN were supporters of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. They are tied to bin Laden and should have been taken out then. Dubya had his chance to quell the militants after 9/11; he could have shown a relationship with bin Laden and gone in and cleaned them out but he didn't. So don't expect Arafat's death to be a window of peace, he is just as irrelevant in death as he was in life...

As Iraq, the Palestinians and Israel continue down their wayward paths, look for some not so good old-fashioned terrorism in the homeland. Osama Bin Laden's M.O. is to take the time to plan carefully and methodically. We have been hearing of the nuclear suitcase for sometime and it is just a matter of time before we see it. Although before we do their tactic will be a more primitive method. Now I don't claim to be a remote viewer but my guess is that the terrorist cells we assume are in this country will start using an effective method used in Iraq, kidnapping and beheading of government workers and those companies that work in Iraq. A few years back a couple of dumb ass snipers gripped the country as they picked off people for their own entertainment. Imagine if you will, Pentagon staffers in suburban Washington or Halliburton employees in Houston being kidnapped on their way to work and later beheaded on video. Bringing the barbaric tactic of beheading an enemy to America would put this country in a tailspin. The media would play it nonstop and the effect would be devastating. Which would go down more, Halliburton's company morale or their stock value? It would be a lot easier for terrorists to terrorize us by beheading people in this country than by acquiring nuclear bombs. Once they start beheading people in America, they will set off another civil rights war when some will want to pass a law requiring I.D. to buy a knife. Bush likes to tell us he took the fight to Iraq so we wouldn't have to fight them here. I can't wait to hear his excuse for the war in Iraq when they start beheading Americans in America....

I hate to be pessimistic but I am also realistic and that is why I have always been right. The Bush Administration has always been optimistic and unrealistic, looking through rose-colored glasses and that is why they have always been wrong. Cheer up my friends; the worst is yet to come...
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Old 16-11-04, 08:22 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Repo
Me hate to be pessimistic but me am also realistic and that is why me have always been right....
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Old 16-11-04, 07:48 PM   #15
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What The?

From: SUHA ARAFAT [mailto:suhafat@netscape.net]
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 5:00 AM
Importance: High

Dear Friend,

This mail may not be surprising to you if you have been following current events in the international media with reference to the Middle East and Palestine in particular.

I am Mrs. SUHA ARAFAT, the wife of YASSER ARAFAT, the Palestinian leader who died recently in Paris. Since his death and even prior to the announcement, I have been thrown into a state of antagonism, confusion, humiliation, frustration and hopelessness by the present leadership of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the new Prime Minister. I have even been subjected to physical and psychological torture. As a widow that is so traumatized, I have lost confidence with everybody in the country at the moment.

You must have heard over the media reports and the Internet on the discovery of some fund in my husband secret bank account and companies and the allegations of some huge sums of money deposited by my husband in my name of which I have refuses to disclose or give up to the corrupt Palestine Government. In fact the total sum allegedly discovered by the Government so far is in the tune of about $6.5 Billion Dollars. And they are not relenting on their effort to make me poor for life. As you know, the Moslem community has no regards for woman, hence my desire for a foreign assistance.

I have deposited the sum of 20 million dollars with a security firm abroad whose name is withheld for now until we open communication. I shall be grateful if you could receive this fund into your bank account for safe keeping and any Investment opportunity. This arrangement is known to you and my personal Attorney. He might be dealing with you directly for security reasons as the case may be.

In view of the above, if you are willing to assist for our mutual benefits, we will have to negotiate on your Percentage share of the $20,000,000 that will be kept in your position for a while and invested in your name for my trust pending when my Daughter, Zahwa, will come off age and take full responsibility of her Family Estate/inheritance.

Please note that this is a golden opportunity that comes once in life time and more so, if you are hornet, I am going to entrust more funds in your care as this is one of the legacy we keep for our children.

In case you don't accept please do not let me out to the security and international media as I am giving you this information in total trust and confidence I will greatly appreciate if you accept my proposal in good faith. Please expedite action.

Yours sincerely,

Suha Arafat

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