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Old 04-11-04, 12:26 AM   #1
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Thank god the American people saw the real LIAR that was trying his best to defraud this country. Let the chickenshit flip-flopping two faced Herman Munster looking freak go and find solace with Hanoi Jane Fonda.

KERRY YOU SUCK! Johnny boy hitched a ride on the loser train. Edwards you loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And a great big AHAHAHHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! to Phil Mahr, jon stewart, michelle Moore you farenhype jackass, and the rest of the liberal fuckin media that only helped BUsh with all their rhetorical lying and made up completely unbelievable bullshit.

Four more years of BUSH you liberal FUCKOS.....I fuckin luv it. Just for the IMMENSE PAIN I know it causes you liberals. The chances of the next President being a Democrat just went to slim and fucking NONE. Finally the minorities are seeing through the liberal shit storm and realizing what a bunch of lying and out for themselves con artists they are.

So much for that huge "latino" voter turn out liberal scum, seems they voted republican after all. Gutr the only thing Kerry spent too much time on was explaining why he changed his opinion and his votes on every fucking issue he talked about or voted for.
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Old 04-11-04, 05:26 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by jcmd62
Thank god the American people saw the real LIAR that was trying his best to defraud this country.
I don't know you but based on your response here, I'd have to guess that you're one of the few that is rich enough to have received one of GWB's tax breaks.

That's the only thing he did during his 1st term, give the "have's" more.
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Old 04-11-04, 05:39 AM   #3
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That's the problem with liberals, their reality is completely warped. When the government isn't taking from people to the liberals it is giving, as if everything belonged to the government to dole out to the people. I still pay taxes but since I don't pay as much somehow the government is giving me money. And when the government reduces welfare it is taking from the poor, as if they had something to take.

Liberals live in their own world of bullshit and until they learn to deal honestly with reality they'll always be the whining losers in the end.
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Old 04-11-04, 06:10 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by albed
Liberals live in their own world of bullshit and until they learn to deal honestly with reality they'll always be the whining losers in the end.
I do my best to honestly deal with the bullshit I have to live with. It's all I have. Unlike our current administration, I can't spend it until I have it. That my friend, is reality.
For most Americans, the last four years have represented a low point in our economic history. But for the big-business interests financing the Bush campaign, these have been high times. In previous eras, and even under previous Republican administrations, corporate America was one of a number of players in the public-policy arena. But under the Bush administration, big business is both the player and the referee, having finally won its decades-long campaign to eliminate the boundary between executive suite and public office. No longer does the private-profit motive compete in the legislative process with public good; profit now owns the process, and the middle class is left to the cultures.
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Old 04-11-04, 06:17 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by RoBoBoy
I do my best to honestly deal with the bullshit I have to live with. It's all I have. Unlike our current administration, I can't spend it until I have it. That my friend, is reality.
If you don't understand borrowing you're living in a world of incredible ignorance as well as bullshit.

How do you people survive?
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Old 04-11-04, 08:33 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by RoBoBoy
I can't spend it until I have it. That my friend, is reality.

That my friend is liberal reality...most call it FICTION.

Reality is..........you can't spend it until you EARN it, or BORROW it.

Amusing the way liberals always say "Have's" & "Have Not's" or when they speak of their own income its what they "Have" and not what they EARN.

That little fucking 400 dollar tax credit I got was MY DAMNED money to begin with that I paid into this country a thousand times over, MONEY I EARNED. Bush and the Gov. only gave me a well deserved refund, and don't ya know that a week after I get my refund check my Real Estate Taxes mysteriously and unbelievably increased by 400 dollars.........Coincedence? Hardly.

I'm really fucking sick of this twisted liberal "Robin Hood" mentality that they ram down your throats. This bullshit "Let's tax the RICH to feed the poor," "lets take from the HAVE's and give to the HAVE-NOTS as if I am automatically looked at as some silver spoon fed trust fund baby and not the hard working educated 40 yr old that has had a paying job since he was 15. Not the guy who built a company from BORROWED money that took him 10 years of barely breaking even to pay off that borrowed money so he could actually start turning a profit. NO Im a "Have" a "Rich" person and because of this ANYONE who has less than I do, I now somehow owe these people a living. BULLSHIT

Its more like there are those that are willing to work any damn job they can get for whatever it pays because it means caring for their family and becoming a tax paying contributing member of society, and those that refuse to work any damn job when they can live off all those great LIBERAL hand outs that liberals keep taxing from the Tax paying contributing members of society and handing it out to these lazy degenerates that blame their own self imposed poverty and drug addictions on anybody and everybody that actually pays their own way in this country. It's all SOCIETY'S Fault their poor.

Couldn't possibly be the 16 kids, Dads in jail cause he'd rather sell crack to children than work a MCDonalds. Momma's crying cause she can't feed her kids yet she weighs 400 fucking pounds, ain't missed a damn meal in 20 years and the fat bitch is pregnant AGAIN cause another baby means 35 more dollars on the weekly welfare check. Yep the white man and white society did this, these people aren't to blame because their lazy, listless, burdens on society. As long as they have liberals to feel sorry for them and keep handing out free passes to be scumbags they will never choose Hard work over sitting on their lazy asses crying to liberals and their media.

You don't have a fucking clue about me robobaby. Yet you judge me by one remark about a lying sack of shit like Kerry. This only proves your ignorance and immaturity. Reality still escapes you my friend.
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Old 04-11-04, 09:06 PM   #7
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Liberals live in their own world of bullshit and until they learn to deal honestly with reality they'll always be the whining losers in the end.
Maybe we should all get a clue from our happy and well-adjusted poster-boy of conservatism in the post above, who sounds like he's about to have a fucking stroke as he whines and whines about crack selling convicts and fat welfare mothers who are somehow getting more of his money, which is more deserved, than ours.

Does it ever occur to you insular freaks that there are plenty of liberals who actually have jobs and also have worked hard all their lives to get what they have and are also cognizant of what comes out of their earnings and where it goes and still manage to be HUMAN, or is it just safer in your little imagined worlds to simply believe that we're all living in carefree luxury while we plot how to take working people's money and arbitrarily give it away to lazy parasites and junkies?

It's the funniest thing I've ever seen to be lectured about what constitutes 'reality' by solipsistic assholes so willfully out of touch with it.

P.S. To Jughead, or whatever your name is. If you really want to remain the mysterious working class hero we know nothing about, you'd fare better to not to wave your delusional martyr complexes around.

Oh yeah, and...

Four more years of BUSH you liberal FUCKOS.....I fuckin luv it. Just for the IMMENSE PAIN I know it causes you liberals.
Could you please lecture us on the subjects of ignorance and maturity again... Please?
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Old 04-11-04, 11:35 PM   #8
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Ramona, jcmd, people don't give money to the poor or take money from the rich out of pity, they do so out of guilt. The economic difference between liberals and conservatives is that the left feels guilty for achieving success and the right feels proud for achieving success; neither is virtuous. People should not be demanded by other people to give charity to those in need. And people should be perfectly willing to give some of what they have in order to support those in need. In essence, the decision for the rich to support the poor should always be the individual, personal decision of the person giving, and yet giving is still compulsory. Somewhere between guilt and pride lies compassion.

And keep in mind that even though being a welfare reciepient isn't something for a person to be proud of, they shouldn't feel guilty either. The system is there to put people back on track, and it usually works like it's supposed to. Though it isn't always possible for the welfare system to operate on the principle of compassion, the government should behave as if it did. There are many who abuse the system, but maybe they'd be more motivated to get off welfare if those government checks weren't treated like a God-given right by liberals and a waste of funds by conservatives. Maybe if rich people gave willingly then poor people would recieve graciously. In truth, 'redistribution of wealth' is a misnomer, welfare was never intended to promote socialism. Unfortunatly it has that potential and because of that some people think it should be socialized and others think it should be done away with all together, both groups are dead wrong.

The government does give and it does take, and often it does too much of both. But when we realize that it is as Lincoln said 'a government of the people, by the people, and for the people' then we begin to understand that some of its functions are redundant and can be handled without a supreme authority dictating our conscience. Charity is a prime example of that fact, because welfare is nothing more than our collective will codified into law. The next step becomes obvious, it isn't the welfare system that needs reform but the welfare proponents and beneficiaries who need to change the way they see the situation. The law will eventually change, it always does, and it will accuratly reflect our preconcieved notions. As long as we recognise charity as the legimate child of compassion then those laws will be burdons easily borne and rarely abused.
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Old 05-11-04, 05:26 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
P.S. To Jughead, or whatever your name is. If you really want to remain the mysterious working class hero we know nothing about, you'd fare better to not to wave your delusional martyr complexes around.
Oh Ramona, could you please complain to us again about the three jobs you're holding...Please.
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Old 05-11-04, 05:50 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
Maybe we should all get a clue from our happy and well-adjusted poster-boy of conservatism in the post above, who sounds like he's about to have a fucking stroke as he whines and whines about crack selling convicts and fat welfare mothers who are somehow getting more of his money, which is more deserved, than ours.

Does it ever occur to you insular freaks that there are plenty of liberals who actually have jobs and also have worked hard all their lives to get what they have and are also cognizant of what comes out of their earnings and where it goes and still manage to be HUMAN, or is it just safer in your little imagined worlds to simply believe that we're all living in carefree luxury while we plot how to take working people's money and arbitrarily give it away to lazy parasites and junkies?

It's the funniest thing I've ever seen to be lectured about what constitutes 'reality' by solipsistic assholes so willfully out of touch with it.

P.S. To Jughead, or whatever your name is. If you really want to remain the mysterious working class hero we know nothing about, you'd fare better to not to wave your delusional martyr complexes around.

Oh yeah, and...

Could you please lecture us on the subjects of ignorance and maturity again... Please?

Where were all those hard working, managing to be HUMAN liberals on VOTING DAY Sean?

VOTING FOR BUSH thats where they were! While the rest of your liberal friends
all living in carefree luxury threw their votes away on another liberal living in carefree luxury who was planning on spending the next 4 years plotting how to take working people's money and arbitrarily give it away to lazy parasites and junkies?

For someone who uses a thesaurus so well you don't have a grasp of what your reading or saying. Your post was nothing but sour grapes from a loser that votes for losers and lives in his own internet fantasy world where he can make believe he's important and needed unlike in the REALITY of his own sad pathetic existance in humanity.

You lecture me on how to fair better in this world, and you think I'm delusional.
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Old 05-11-04, 04:04 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by jcmd62
Thank god the American people saw the real LIAR that was trying his best to defraud this country. Let the chickenshit flip-flopping two faced Herman Munster looking freak go and find solace with Hanoi Jane Fonda.

KERRY YOU SUCK! Johnny boy hitched a ride on the loser train. Edwards you loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And a great big AHAHAHHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! to Phil Mahr, jon stewart, michelle Moore you farenhype jackass, and the rest of the liberal fuckin media that only helped BUsh with all their rhetorical lying and made up completely unbelievable bullshit.

Four more years of BUSH you liberal FUCKOS.....I fuckin luv it. Just for the IMMENSE PAIN I know it causes you liberals. The chances of the next President being a Democrat just went to slim and fucking NONE. Finally the minorities are seeing through the liberal shit storm and realizing what a bunch of lying and out for themselves con artists they are.

So much for that huge "latino" voter turn out liberal scum, seems they voted republican after all. Gutr the only thing Kerry spent too much time on was explaining why he changed his opinion and his votes on every fucking issue he talked about or voted for.
so, in other words, the majority weren't voting for Bush - they were actually voting against Kerry? well, then it all makes sense - thanks for clearing that up.
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Old 05-11-04, 04:25 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by theknife
so, in other words, the majority didn't vote for Bush - they were actually voting against Kerry? well, it all makes sense then - thanks for clearing that up.
Originally Posted by theknife
according to the exit polls, apparently the electorate is most concerned with moral values.
Originally Posted by theknife
apparently, people are more worried about abortion, gay marriage, and stem cell research than the carnage in Iraq, the miscalculations that put us there, and the economy.
What's with all this fishing for reasons for Kerry's loss. Didn't you say you'd hold your nose and vote for the slimeball? One of you liberals did and most indicated they hated Bush more than they liked Kerry. Just face it; the guy's disgusting even to liberals so why are you looking for reasons he lost?
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