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Old 06-11-03, 03:09 PM   #1
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Default Last weeks South Park...

Last week's South Park covered file sharing. you can grab the episode at mrtwig. i'd link it but I think that's a no-no here. Search on Google for mrtwig and it'll be your first hit back.

What's nice is that it's a pro-file sharing point of view for once, which is so rare on these large media owned outlets (even Doonesbury is not necassarily taking a positive stance, though the strips are funny).
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Old 06-11-03, 03:26 PM   #2
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Old 06-11-03, 04:07 PM   #3
Down like a clown Charlie Br.. Down like a clown Charlie Br..
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Not only does that episode have file sharing themes, it was also easily the best of the 3 episodes so far this half-season. The ending was classic, Butters and Token rule

It's Episode number 709: Christian Rock Hard

cartmanland is another great southpark site worth googling
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Old 06-11-03, 05:16 PM   #4
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Originally posted by greedy_lars
pfft. that thread is in the underground. you expect me to have to go through all that crap? :P
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Old 07-11-03, 11:43 AM   #5
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no, use search, doh
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Old 07-11-03, 01:04 PM   #6
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South Park Spoiler

"This month he was hoping to have a gold-plated shark tank bar installed right next to the pool, but thanks to people downloading his music for free, he must now wait a few months before he can afford it."


Kyle: Dad, can I borrow three hundred dollars?
Gerald: Three hundred dollars?? What in the world for??
Kyle: Our band can't find a stylistic direction to go in. We need to go down to the mall to buy hundreds of CDs to listen to so we can define our sound.
Gerald: Sorry Kyle, we gave you your allowance already.
Kyle: Ugh. Can't you see this is my dream?? Music is my life!
Gerald: It wasn't your life yesterday. [resumes reading]
Kyle: Hold it. [plaintive] Pops, I've got the music inside me. It's in my soul. And I know my place is up on that stage. I'm gonna make it to the top. And I just want your blessing, Pops.
Gerald: The answer is no, Kyle.
Kyle: Aw, come on Dad, don't be such a Jew!
Sheila: Kyle, don't belittle your own people!
Kyle: [turns and walks off in frustration] Aaaargh! [heads for the front door and opens it. Stan and Kenny approach the entrance. It's night out.]
Stan: Hey dude.
Kyle: It didn't work! My stupid Jew dad won't lend me money for CDs!
Stan: No, dude, it's cool. Kenny says you can download music for free on the Internet!
Kyle: Really?
Kenny: (Yeah!)
Stan: You got a computer?

[Stan's Dad's den, moments later. The boys are at the computer. Stan works the keyboard as Kyle and Kenny watch.]
Stan: See? Everyone on the Internet copies their music from their CDs, and then we can download them for free and play them on the computer!
Kyle: All right, cool. [takes over] Let's donwload some Metallica, and some Stevie Wonder. [with each name, he clicks on some songs and a download indicator shows download progress for each one. It's an extremely fast connection]
Kenny: (Oh you forgot to get some Judas Priest.)
Stan: Kenny's right. We should download some Judas Priest, too.
Kyle: [types in the search box] Judas Priest. [a two-tone bell sound indicates a successful donwload] Wow! Downloading music for free is awesome! [immediately, helicopters are heard coming and the light outside turns bright white. A night sun hovers overhead and stops at a position in which the helicopter pilots can see inside the den. Police sirens are then heard]
Stan: What the hell is that?
Kyle: I don't know. [drops from the bench and walks over to a window] Let me go check. [an FBI agent crashes through the window, falls and rolls into a standing position, then aims his firearm at the boys. The boys are startled and jump]
Agent 1: Freeze!! FBI!! [a second agent crashes through the other window and rolls into position as well. A third agent leaps in through the second window]
Agent 2: Down on the ground! Down on the ground! [the boys are herded closer together. Three thumps are heard on the door and more agents break in with a battering ram.]
Agent 3: Hurry up! Let me see those hands! [the boys quickly raise their hands as more agents pour in. The boys are handcuffed]
Agent 2: [into his walkie-talkie] Tango Teamus to Point Bravo! Suspects in custody! [the boys are escorted out of the room]
Agent 4: Move move move move move move! All clear, men! [to the boys] Get your ass going!
Agent 5: Move move move move move move! Move!
Gerald: [appears at the door with Sheila] Kyle, what did you do?!
Kyle: [being herded into an FBI van with the other boys] I don't know!

Kyle: [some seconds later] Um, sir-
Detective: Shiut up!! [the boys jump in their seats, then look down, chagrined] You downloaded a lot of songs! Says here you even downlaoded Judas Priest? That's hard time you boys are lookin' at. You got anything to say for yourselves?
Kyle: [rubs the table a bit] We d-didn't think it was that big a deal.
Detective: [pissed off] Not a big deal! You think downloading music for free is not a big deal?! Put your coats on! I'm gonna show you something! And I don't think you're gonna like it!

[A mansion, somewhere, day. The agent has taken the boys for a ride and arrived here. He leads them to the main gate]
Detective: This is the home of Lars Ulrich, the drummer for Metallica. [they approach a bush] Look. There's Lars now, sitting by his pool. [he's seen sitting on the edge of a chaise longue, his face in his hands, softly sobbing]
Kyle: What's the matter with him?
Detective: This month he was hoping to have a gold-plated shark tank bar installed right next to the pool, but thanks to people downloading his music for free, he must now wait a few months before he can afford it. [a close-up of Lars sobbing] Come. There's more. [leads them away. Next seen is a small airport at night] Here's Britney Spears' private jet. Notice anything? [a shot of Britney boarding a plane, then stopping to look at it before entering] Britney used to have a Gulfstream IV. Now she's had to sell it and get a Gulfstream III because people like you chose to download her music for free. [Britney gives a heavy sigh and goes inside.] The Gulfstream III doesn't even have a remote control for its surround-sound DVD system. Still think downloading music for free is no big deal?
Kyle: We... didn't realize what we were doing, eh...
Detective: That is the folly of man. Now look in this window. [they are at another mansion, and they look inside a picture window] Here you see the loving family of Master P. [He's shown tossing a basketball to his wife while his kid tries to catch it] Next week is his son's birthday and, all he's ever wanted was an island in French Polynesia. [his mom lowers the ball and gives it to the boy, who smiles, picks it up and drops it. It rolls away and he goes after it]
Kyle: So, he's gonna get it, right?
Detective: I see an island without an owner. If things keep going the way they are, the child will not get his tropical paradise.
Stan: [apologetically] We're sorry! We'll, we'll never download music for free again!
Detective: [somberly, dramatically] Man must learn to think of these horrible outcomes before he acts selfishly or else... I fear... recording artists will be forever doomed to a life of only semi-luxury.

Gerald: Thanks for releasing them to us, detective. Sorry for all the trouble they caused.
Detective: It's all right. I think these boys learned their lesson.
Stan: Boy, I'll say!
Detective: If you parents will just step over here, you can pay their four hundred dollar release and penalty fees.
Randy: Four hundred dollars? Just for downloading some songs off the Internet? It's not that big a deal.
Detective: Not a big deal, huh?! Come with me! I'm gonna show you something! And I don't think you're gonna like it! [leads the parents away]
Stan: [walks off in the opposite direction] Wugh, dude. I can't wait to just go back home and get back to band practice.
Kenny: (Yeah)
Kyle: No! Didn't you guys learn anything? Look, if we make an album, all that's gonna happen is that people are gonna steal our songs for free off the Internet. We won't make a dime!
Stan: Oh yeah.
Kyle: Until we get people to stop downloading music for free, I say we refuse to play!
Kenny: (Yeah!)

Field Reporter: Tom, I'm standing in South Park, Colorado, where the rock band, MOOP, has refused to play. The strike started yesterday and could go well into next week.
Cartman: [walks up] Oh hey guys. How's it going?
Kyle: We're not letting you back in the band, Cartman! Fuck off!
Cartman: [brushes off Kyle's comment] I don't wanna be in your crappy band, guys. I just wanted to let you know, the album for my Christian rock band, [brings out the CD] Faith + 1, is about to go platinum.
Stan: It is?? [Kyle's jaw drops]
Cartman: That's right. We already sold thirteen copies. You wanna pay me that ten-dollar bet, Kyle? Nyanyanyanya nya nya! [tugs at one of the lobes on Kyle's hat] Hahahaha ha ha!
Kyle: You get a platinum album for selling one million copies, you fat turd!
Cartman: It's just a matter of time, my friends. This weekend is Christfest. The single largest gathering of Christians in the Midwest. Each one of them a walkng, praying wallet full of cash. And I'll be there selling my album.
Kyle: You'll never get a platinum album doing Christian rock, Cartman! It was a stupid idea then, and it's a stupid idea now!
Stan: Yeah, you don't even know anything about Christianity.
Cartman: I know enough to exploit it. Just get that ten bucks ready, Kyle. Tata! [walks off]
Kyle: Go ahead! People will just download your songs for free on the Internet anyways!
Stan: What a dumbass. Our band is way cooler than his.
Kenny: (Yeah.)
Stan: [sighs] Dude, I didn't know being in a band was gonna be this tough.
Kyle: Yeah, it's tough. But it's times like these that... you see what your band is made of. We've gotta fight through the rough times like Journey!
Field Reporter: [the News 4 crew is still there, too] Tom, we're now entering the second day of the rock band MOOP's refusal to play, and the second day of absolutely no other news to report on. In a recent poll we asked people if MOOP's refusal to play would stop them from downloading music off the Internet. One percent said yes. Two percent said no. And ninety-seven percent said, "Who the hell is MOOP?!" Back to you, Tom.

Lars Ulrich: [the guys from Metallica approach] Hey, are you the guys protesting free Internet music downloading?
Stan: [awed] Hey, it's that Lars Ulrich guy!
Lars Ulrich: That's right. Metallica is behind you dudes a thousand percent!
James Hetfield: We're gonna sit here and protest with you until free downloadin' stop, hyeah!
Field Reporter: Tom, it appears now the musicians' strike is growing! As I'm speaking, more musicians are arriving! It looks like Alanis Morissette, Blink 182, Britney Spears, and dozens of others are going to join MOOP in not playing music. This is a veritable Strikapalooza!

[Kyle's house, day. Various musical acts, some of them from Chef Aid, have gathered to strike agains free music donwloads with MOOP, including the Lord of the Underworld.]
Stan: I can't take this much longer. Maybe we're just, not cut out to be in a band.
Kyle: You guys, we can't give up on our dreams now! As soon as this strike ends, we're gonna be the biggest band ever!
Lars: Yeah, if we all give in now, people might never stop downloading our music for free!
Kyle: I'm sure we're gonna get word any minute that people have agreed to stop. [a vehicle is heard pulling up. It's a U.S. Mail van. The driver steps out and approaches the crowd]
Driver: Certified letter for the rock band MOOP?
Kyle: [steps down to get the letter] That's us! [the driver hands him the letter and leaves. Kyle opens the envelope and reads] "Dear MOOP. This letter is to inform you that Faith Plus One's debut album has just sold one million copies."

Stan: What??
Kyle: "We cordially invite you to attend the platinum album award ceremony, which will be held tomorrow morning at ten. Details and proof of sales enclosed. P.S. Nananana na na. Hahahaha ha ha." [stands silently for a moment, then hands the letter to Stan and walks forth a bit] He did it. Cartman got a platinum album.
Stan: Is this for real?? This is for real!
Kyle: He beat us. Because all this time we've been so caught up with how to protect our music that we forgot to just play.
Lars: But why play if we're not gonna make millions of dollars.
Kyle: [turns around and addresses the crowd] Because that's what real artists do. People are always gonna find a way to copy our music and swap it for free. If we're real musicians, then we should just play and be stoked that so many people are listening.
Stan: [joins Kyle and faces the crowd] Beside, maybe our sound would have gotten downloaded for free, but if they were good songs then people still would have bought tickets to see our band in concert. [shots of Rick James, Ozzy, Britney and two other acts.]
Kyle: From now on, MOOP isn't about money. MOOP is about music! We're not striking anymore! Who's with us?! [grins, but gets no response]
Britney: ...We're just about the money.
Other acts: Yeah, yeah.
Kyle: [casts his eyes down] Oh.
Stan: So... Dude, what are you gonna do about your bet with Cartman. Are you- gonna pay 'im?
Kyle: I don't have a choice, dude. I'm gonna swallow my pride, face Cartman, and say "Congratulations. You were right" And I'm gonna give him the ten dollars. And hopefully, he won't make a big deal out of it.
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Old 07-11-03, 10:49 PM   #7
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Originally posted by greedy_lars
no, use search, doh
even if i wanted to search through the useless garbage that is that forum, there are good reasons why threads on p2p related topics should be brought here in addition to there. one reason would be that the average internet user has no access to that forum, while everyone can see this one. also, this is an on topic forum on p2p, while the underground is a space for people to proclaim what color underwear they are wearing. in short, i'm never going to feel the need to check whether the underground has a thread i'm starting if its on topic here, because i don't think it's a faux pas to start a duplicate thread here anyways.

as i'm starting to sound like i'm posting on an underground thread, i'll now stop.

[good one with the transcript, mr. spratts. you continue to rawk.]
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Old 08-11-03, 03:11 PM   #8
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geeze 3 dud episodes since resuming the season. yea they had a couple of funny parts, but not near the calibur of red mans greed, or taco flavored kisses. hope they can pull it out for the end of the season and come up with at least one more kick ass episode.
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Old 10-11-03, 09:31 AM   #9
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personally i'd like to see cartman make someone else eat their parents
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Old 10-11-03, 04:00 PM   #10
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