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Old 17-04-04, 03:47 PM   #1
my name is Ranking Fullstop
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Default Plan Of Attack

Plan Of Attack by Bob Woodward is the latest in a series of exposes that document the administration's obsession with Iraq.

The account and excerpts from the book, published in an early version of the Post's Sunday edition, support testimony by former White House counter-terrorism adviser Richard Clarke that the Bush administration was focused more on Iraq than the al- Qaeda terrorists blamed for the attacks. In a book by Ron Suskind published earlier this year, former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill said the president began planning to oust Hussein within weeks of taking office in January 2001.

``What it amounts to is what the intelligence people would call multiple-source confirmation that the Bush presidency arrived in office with an agenda,'' said Leon Fuerth, national security adviser to former Vice President Al Gore. ``They used Sept. 11 as a way to realize that agenda.''

be kind of interesting to see how the administration responds to this....the usual smear stuff a la Paul O'Neill and Richard Clarke isn't gonna quite cut it this time on Bob Woodward. they loved his book Bush At War and gave Woodward unparalleled access to write it, so it's gonna be a lot harder to paint Woodward with the "disgruntled insider/agenda-mongering lefty" brush.
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Old 19-04-04, 07:29 PM   #2
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it must get tiring for people like Condi Rice and Colin Powell....every time a new book comes out (seems like it's monthly anymore), it's minions like them that get trotted out for the Sunday morning talk shows to defend Bush. wonder if they ever wake up on a nice Sunday morning and think, "fuck this silly bullshit - i wanna go golfing today, not hang out with Tim Russert for the umpteenth time, defending this mess".

but the revelations keep on coming - tidbits in Woodward's book include the following:

Other allegations are that the White House made a secret deal with Saudi Arabia for lower oil prices before this November's election...
that would dovetail nicely with the current record level gas prices - i'd bet money gas comes down in time for the election, for whatever reason.

...and that the Bush team secretly used $700m (£390m) of funds earmarked in 2002 for Afghanistan to prepare for an attack on Iraq.
think soldiers heading to Afghanistan, having to buy their own flack jackets.

Among the most controversial points are the claim that Mr Bush decided to go to war in early January 2003, rather than not making up his mind until almost the eve of the invasion, and evidence that relations between General Powell and Dick Cheney, the Vice-President and arch-hawk on Iraq, were so bad that the two were hardly on speaking terms.
the neo-cons hate Powell anyway...if Bush gets re-elected, you can color him gone. but what a book he could write, no?

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Old 20-04-04, 02:51 AM   #3
floydian slip
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besides the cheap gas in november look forward to another terrorist attack or at least another terrorist panic attack.

US facing attack in leadup to November poll: Rice

"I think that we do have to take very seriously the thought that the terrorists might have learned, we hope, the wrong lesson from Spain," Dr Rice told Fox News Sunday.
wtf does "we hope" mean?

straighten me out here span
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Old 21-04-04, 04:27 AM   #4
floydian slip
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this just in...

BOB WOODWARD'S "SILENT COUP" - Is Woodward the executioner?

Posted By: ShermanSkolnick
Date: Wednesday, 21 April 2004, 1:58 a.m.


Part 53
The Hang-man Cometh!

by Sherman H. Skolnick


The monopoly press dare not ever tell you how important he really is.

At the time of the Second World War, his father was a top official of both Army Intelligence and
Naval Intelligence. Savvy folks recognize that as being actually a top officer of OSS, precursor to
the America Central Intelligence Agency.

This elder family member later became Chief Judge in the Chicago-area. By suppressing court
records, he quietly ruled on one of the most important cases in American history.

Following in this path, his son posed as a start-up journalist with a small publication near the
nation's Capitol. Without an actual apparent journalism background, this was simply a cover for his
role as top agent of a faction in the U.S. Military Establishment. Admirals and Generals had a
serious grievance against the highest official in the Executive Department of the U.S. Government.

Their target, they contended, was committing treason to aid and give comfort to sworn enemies of
the United States of America. Offenses of treachery plainly subject to provisions of the U.S.
Constitution, Article Three, Section 3.

In the view of some at a decade earlier date, a prior secret group deemed themselves warranted and
justified to conduct
a public execution of the highest official of the nation. That is, in full view of the anguished
naive public, to blow out his brains in an open car, using military-style triangulation firing. But
that infamous event was far too well studied by assassination researchers. Replicating the same ten
years later would be unraveled, and not subject to blame simply on a lone, deranged assassin.

How to carry out the sentence of a secret tribunal having ordered the removal short of a firing
squad, a beheading, a crew of assistants knocking out the pins on the gallows to hang the
found-guilty grand vizier?

The headquarters of the doomed leader was a spy's dream. The basement had admirals and generals.
Supposedly simply carrying messages, from that site up and back to the Pentagon, was somebody
seemingly as harmless as a messenger. This supposed courier later started quietly as an alleged
reporter on the major circulation newspaper in the District of Columbia.

Sitting right at the door of the Oval Office was a highly-skilled officer of the America CIA. Step
by step, the Chief Magistrate, the President, was ensnared in a scandal. A group of CIA operatives,
some current, some former, one actually in charge of the physical security of the CIA headquarters,
was ordered to supposedly break into a hotel complex, at the time, owned by the Pope. One of the
burglary crew for years and years, under various pen-names, had written supposed fiction books
enveloping the espionage business in swirls of romance and intrigue.

As later understood, one or more of this group of wire-tappers and records snatchers, actually
wanted the operation exposed to be blamed as having been under the supervision of the President and
the U.S. Atttorney General, and others in their circle.

So as the primary agent of the Military Junta, as ordered by a faction in the Aristocracy, the
alleged "Pentagon messenger" had been installed as an ambitious supposed "reporter" of the
Washington Post. This pretended scrivener was assisted by a left-wing leaning journalist, Carl
Bernstein, apparently not on to what was really happening.

The events were dubbed the Watergate Affair, named after the hotel where the CIA break-in crew was
exposed and grabbed by the authorities. Just prior to one of the break-ins, the long-time dictator
of the secret political police, J. Edgar Hoover of the F.B.I., was apparently assassinated, May,
1972, by being poisoned within his private residence. Just one University publication, the
Crimson, apparently of Harvard, carried the reputed murder details.

Richard Milhous Nixon, bolstered by his top official, the infamous Henry Kissinger, a Rockefeller
puppet, were engaging in treasonous arrangements with the North Vietnamese. At the same time, they
promised to bring the Southeast Asia conflict to a conclusion. On that basis, part secret, part
public, Nixon in re-election in 1972, swept the nation. His Democrat opponent carried just one
state of the fifty.

None of the real scandalous details came out prior to November, 1972. This was for various
reseaons. In October, 1972, a young fellow named William Jefferson Clinton, drove Congressman Hale
Boggs (D., La.) to an airport. Boggs together with an Alaska official named Begich, took off for a
flight to Alaska. Their airplane disappeared somewhere in Alaska. The media version was that the
airplane could not be found. However, our later interviews with investigators convinced us the
plane was found by a secret team of U.S. Military Intelligence who would not publicly reveal what
happened to Boggs and his associate.

Boggs had been a member of the Warren Commission whose fraudulent 1964 report asserted that a lone
assassin slaughtered President John F. Kennedy. In years thereafter, however, Boggs expressed
misgivings. He said there was a cover-up. Moreover, he dared reveal that J.Edgar Hoover, through
wire-tapping, was spying on Congress. Boggs knew further of the role of Nixon with the planning
group just prior to the Dallas assassination.

To blackmail her way into the top level of the monopoly press, on ABC Television network, the
Congressman's daughter, Cokie Roberts (nee Boggs), made public statements she was in a position to
know were false. Namely, that her late father was satisfied with the Warren Commission Report. And
further, that her father's airplane flight was never found. As a further pay-off, her mother, widow
of the Congressman, briefly held his seat. The widow Boggs became the first actual U.S. Ambassador
to the Vatican. Previously, no such Ambassador was sent to the theocracy, only a "delegate" to the

Cokie Roberts' brother, Thomas Boggs, became one of the most plugged-in lobbyists in Washington. At
one time, according to an article in the Wall Street Journal, in 1982, Tommy Boggs was the lobbyist
for Central American death squads. Tommy's lobbyist/partner, was U.S. Commerce Department
chieftain, Ron Brown, murdered in 1996, by a sabotaged plane crash in Yugoslavia. He survived the
crash and was on the crash scene, shot through the top of his head, according to forensic details
dared to be discussed by government officials. Brown was part of a Red Chinese Secret Police
scandal, if he lived, which would have without question, put his business partners, Bill and
Hillary Clinton , in prison for treason, bribery, and other federal crimes.

At the same time as the murder of Ron Brown, his business partner, Tommy Boggs, traveling also
overseas, survived an assassination attempt.

A driving force in the Watergate burglars, was long-time CIA officer, E. Howard Hunt. His wife,
Dorothy Hunt, courier of hush money to various spies, assassins, and operatives on behalf of the
Nixon White House, was part of twelve Watergate related operatives murdered by way of a sabotaged
plane crash in Chicago. That was in December, 1972, one month aftter the re-election of Tricky

Right after the Nixon re-election , Pentagon operative, Bob Woodward, under cover as a "reporter"
for the Washington Post, wrote story after story about the Watergate Affair. Woodward contended he
was getting details planted, for example, in a purported "flower pot" at his apartment. Or, that
certain "sources" were meeting him in underground auto parking garages.

The real role of Woodward did not become plain until the 1991 publication of "Silent Coup: The
Removal of a President", by Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1991. The
entire book can be read ON-LINE, www.nixonera.com/etexts/silentcoup/contents.asp

Various of the Military Junta are named and identified in the book; those who wanted Nixon removed
for treason and other high crimes using Bob Woodward as their driving force. The history of Naval
Lt. Robert U. Woodward and his top Pentagon security clearance on super-secret projects, and his
role with General Alexander Haig, are mentioned such as at pages 69-70 of the book. The monopoly
press either ignored the book or it was for a while tied up by various proceedings.

[Bob Woodward's father was Du Page County Chief Judge Alfred Woodward. The Judge had the infamous
"Equity Funding" case, litigation of a giant insurance firm with vast investments. Who were those
who quietly made multi-million dollar claims against the firm's assets? Why Watergate officials
such as Leon Jaworski and the family of top Nixon staff member Erlichman. Others, like a Teacher's
Pension Fund were denied payment. The case became a giant money laundering device. When I asked
the Chief Court Clerk for the file, he informed me that I could not have it because it was locked
up and suppressed in the Office of Chief Judge Woodward. When I insisted to the Chief Judge that
court files are to be public records in the custody of the Chief Clerk's office, the Judge set
about to have me arrested for contempt. When I told the Chief Judge I would sue him for false
arrest, he relented and turned over a copy to me of the entire file. So, we are the only ones that
still have the secret file.]

[In other litigation, Chief Judge Woodward was identified, as documented, in a court case, as being
also a director of a hospital that engaged in satanic rituals on children.]

[In another Woodward detail, Bob Woodward's first cousin was murdered, to remind Bob Woodward he
better stay shut about certain details regarding certain Admirals and Generals.]

The public execution of JFK is detailed in our website, Overthrow, part 42. The murder of twelve of
the Watergate group by the sabotaged plane crash is documented in the four part website series,
"The Secret History of Airplane Sabotage". Butterfield was the CIA officer sitting at the door of
the Oval Office, who just happened to mention, during Congressional hearings, 1973, that Nixon had
a secret taping system in the Oval Office. That led to the Impeachment Resolutions being prepared
against Nixon, culminating in his resignation as President in August, 1974.

[From about 1996 to recent dates, we have posted on our website how a group of disgruntled Admirals
and Generals tried, in vain, to arrest their Commander-in-Chief Clinton for treason, which they are
authorized to do under the Uniform Military Code. Further, that a now larger such group are
determined to remove, by arrest, or whatever other means available, Commander-in-Chief George W.
Bush for treason and other federal criminal offenses. ]

George W. Bush would not dare to deny Bob Woodward to interview him. Bush, though considered a
misfit and incompetent, still in all, knows enough that when the Aristocracy sends their front man,
Bob Woodward, to question Bush, that Bush better permit the interview. Like the faction in the
Aristocracy, and their operatives, the Military Junta, they are jointly attempting to rescue
themselves by, in some manner, throwing away Bush and his circle of iron-fisted Fascist types. Of
course, the cynical joke is, there is a wrong assumption that the Establishment, "the powers that
be", the Ruling Class---that is THEM---are not at the same time war-mongers and creators of
financial Depressions, and vowing to cause destruction of Nation-States, such as the now developing
disunited Breakaway States of America.

With inside details and powers, on behalf of a faction in the Aristocracy, Bob Woodward, as a
supposed book author, often using ghost writers did the following:

===The U.S. Supreme Court was sitting on an important spy case. Bob Woodward, through inside data
from a faction in the aristocracy, was able to penetrate the secrets of the high court's judges,
law clerks, and offices. This, by way of pressuring and blackmailing the judges as to the spy case.
"The Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court", by Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong, 1979.

===On behalf of insurance companies that carried the liability insurance, and movie completion
liability insurance, as to numerous movie stars, Bob Woodward, with a ghost writer, came up with
secret inside details of movie stars who were a liability to the insurance firms, in that such
celebrities were users of dope, in many instances making the completion of certain movies doubtful.
The insurance firms apparently violated the privacy of certain movie stars by divulging to Woodward
and his ghost writer, details of what movie stars are addicted to dope. "Wired: The Short Life and
Fast Times of John Belushi" by Bob Woodward, 1984.

===With numerous reputed fake details of the Watergate Affair was Bob Woodward's 1974 book "All The
President's Men". To promote himself, Woodward came numerous times to the Chicago area, at press
conferences. I was present at most every such event. The moment Woodward showed up, he announced to
the gathered mostly mass media reporters, "That man there in the wheelchair(pointing to me), the
police and the security patrol have to remove him or the press conference cannot proceed." I was
sitting there without having uttered a single word. I informed the police and the security patrol,
that if they arrest me, without me having said or done anything but sit there, and I being a fairly
well-known free lance journalist, that I would sue Woodward and the police and security patrol for
false arrest. So, they backed off, although throughout the press conference, Woodward persisted in
threatening not to proceed unless I was removed and jailed.

Evidently Bob Woodward was worried I would say something about his father, the Chief Judge, having
permitted the suppressing of the records of the massive insurance company, Equity Funding, and the
unlawful payments, supposedly authorized by the Judge, to various Watergate officials.

By the way, the Washington Post as a business is based on the embezzling of huge federal government
sums by a member of the Federal Reserve Board, namely, the father of long-time Washington Post boss
Katherine Graham. Also, as to the swindling/spy-riddled background of the newspaper, see my website
story "The Late Grand Dragon of the Washington Post".

Some may consider it not pertinent, but I feel it is very revealing of his character, that Bob
Woodward, according to reliable other news reporters, has been a vicious wife-beater.

In April, 2004 was published the book supposedly by Bob Woodward, with a ghost writer, with
Woodward having interviewed the occupant and resident of the Oval Office, namely George W. Bush,
and numerous others. "Plan of Attack" by Bob Woodward.

In time, answers may emerge, to the following questions:

===Bush had to allow Woodward and his ghost writer to scandalize Bush, or the faction that wants to
blame the Iraq U.S. Military eventual disaster on Bush, might have to do something more severe or
even violent to Bush, by way of throwing him away. What is THEIR plan and time-table?

===A country like the U.S. is like a giant ship. Is Woodward's attack, also through CBS' "Sixty
Minutes" interview of Woodward, the beginning of turning this big ship around? Remember, CBS, like
the other mass media networks, are skilled blackmailers. CBS has long had a Military Games
Division, planning, scheming, and otherwise testing, various ideas for and on behalf of the
Aristocracy, the Bilderbergers, the Bohemian Grove gang, and other high-level satanists and
malefactors, of counter-insurgency, the overthrow of governments, and similar dirty business.

So, is Bob Woodward the front man, on behalf of the Aristocracy, out to lynch George W. Bush for
acts of treason and other high crimes against the U.S. Constitution and the people of the U.S.?

Is Woodward actually the black-hooded executioner, having arrived, on behalf of the Aristocracy, to
chop off the head of George W. Bush, and maybe, the head of his father as well? As part of a cover
up of the home-grown, not Arab involved, violence of 9-11 and the false-basis attack on Iraq simply
to seize their oil treasure?

More coming. Stay tuned.
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Old 21-04-04, 07:38 AM   #5
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Is Woodward actually the black-hooded executioner, having arrived, on behalf of the Aristocracy, to
chop off the head of George W. Bush, and maybe, the head of his father as well?
one can only hope.

- js.
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Old 21-04-04, 05:41 PM   #6
my name is Ranking Fullstop
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Newsweek recaps the book here

Bush wanted to invade Iraq. What's striking, Bob Woodward's new book reports, is how little he discussed it with anyone
y'know, you'd like to think that, before Bush made the decision to launch a war that killed thousands, affected millions more, cost billions, and will be a drain on the nation's resources for years (if not decades), he would have agonized over it...consulted everybody who is anybody about it...taken every conceivable step to avoid it...

but no. if Woodward has it correct, it was a done deal in his mind from day one and he hardly sought advice from anyone. the war was a foregone conclusion, and all the intelligence was gathered with intent of supporting that conclusion.

Bush was so free of doubt about going to war that he didn't even ask most of his top advisers what they thought. Bush explained that he already knew that Vice President Dick Cheney was gung-ho, and he decided not to ask Powell or Rumsfeld. "I could tell what they thought," Bush told Woodward. "I didn't need to ask them their opinion about Saddam Hussein or how to deal with Saddam Hussein." Rumsfeld told Woodward that he couldn't recall whether Bush had ever asked him, "Do you think I should go to war?"
war's easy when you know you're not going to die. i'm not enamored with Kerry, but i think there is a lot to be said for having a president who has been in a war and therefore might think twice before starting one.

"Powell thought that Cheney had the fever," Woodward writes. "The vice president and Wolfowitz kept looking for the connection between Saddam and 9/11. It was a separate little government that was out there—Wolfowitz, [Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, I. Lewis (Scooter)] Libby, [Under Secretary of Defense Douglas] Feith and Feith's 'Gestapo office,' as Powell privately called it. He saw in Cheney a sad transformation. The cool operator from the first gulf war just would not let go. Cheney now had an unhealthy fixation."
"a separate little government" these guys are every bit as scary as i imagined them to be. the GOP calls this behavior evidence of "character" and "conviction" in the Oval Office, but it sounds like something out of Dr. Strangelove.

Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader says it's evidence that Bush is unstable.

"We are dealing with a messianic militarist," Nader told the Christian Science Monitor. "Talk about separation of church and state — it is not separated at all in Bush's brain and this is extremely disturbing."
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