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Old 29-09-06, 01:17 AM   #11
floydian slip
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Originally Posted by Mazer
Google: definitions of empire

Pick any definition you like and show me where the USA fits the description. Having almost 1,000 military bases in foreign nations that don't answer to us nor obey our rule does not make us an empire.
having that much military around the world makes us what then? a kinder gentler empire? using covert methods maybe makes us an empire by proxy?

And what is so foul about our form of government that no one outside the US should be subjected to it? It works pretty well here, if you ask me. And anything is better than the dictatorships that ruled Afghanistan and Iraq.
You mean the dictatorships we helped set up in afghanistan and iraq. do you not believe that osama and saddam were taxpayer funded assets of our agencies? Democracy at gunpoint is kind of an oxymoron no? Why are we not concerned about the dictator in Zimbabwe, Somalia, Lybia (we seem to be getting along real well with them) How about Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan? China? dictators all around and full of "muslim extremeists".

1979 was an interesting year in afghanistan, iran and iraq to say the least. Not much has changed since then. Kissinger, Brzezinski, Rumsfeld ect. and the gang seem to still be at thier game of global domination. Now that Wolfowitz is the head honcho of the World Bank(appointed by Bush) im sure it will make things much easier.

Ever read the Grand Chessboard by Zibignew Brzezinski? Its all about power and conquest, err geostrategic imperatives as he calls it. It works well with the Project for the New American Century.

But hey we've been kicking ass for over 200 years, might as well keep doing what we are good at eh.

Edwin Starr's song is wrong, the lyrics should be changed to

What is it good for?
The Economy - Say it again yall!
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