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Old 05-03-04, 04:46 PM   #54
Keebeck Canuck
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Only a shitless, gutless, coward low life like you would disclose one's true user name for all to see on a public board. You want to have your name known publically, it's your own damned buisness, just don't do it to others who have a differents views of what is happening than your own. What you did was a breach of my privacy and that is an unacceptable behaviour from your part.

you need to read/watch more news, no noe has mentioned a connection in months. and yes, for the record i don't think there was a connection but sometimes you have to scare useless institutions (cough cough UN cough cough) into action despite their own lethargy.
I read the news and even if the so called connection between bin ladden and saddam has not been mentionned for a few month, it's prolly because the Bush adm realised that it just wouldn't fly. One would need to be pretty gullable to buy this war propaganda shit.

when there are 16 resolutions from supposed world authorities telling Bush to stop then you can come back to me with that arguement, until then it's at the least and bad comparisson and at the most ignorant.
Now what would be a 'supposed world authorities' span? And why 16? Even if you were able to find me 16 countries who has"authoritie" what ever you mean by that, none of them would publically oppose bush for fear of being labeled sympathiser of the terrorists. Ain't it bush's tactic afterall, those who don't join us are against us?

so you support courageous martyrs that strap bombs to their chests for a chance to kill innocent women and children? color me suprised
No I don't. Never supported any extremist groups and certainly not the most extremist of all, the bush adm. And how easy it is for you to post words i've never written. Going in circles and never answering this question. If a race who lived 1000 years ago where you live right now were to come back and claim the land for their own, i'm pretty sure you'd do everything in your power to stop the invasion. You'd probably have a kick ass time of watching your house being bulldosed down by those invaders because that is what the actual jewish gov does to palestinians, in their own territories! After more than 50 years of jewish occupation, witnessing the destruction of countless palestinians neighbourhood, being pushed out of their own country, yeah, I can understand why they strap bombs to their bodies and try to take as much enemy lives as they can. I'm dead against those tactics because violence only brings more violence. The sad truth is, they will keep on killing eachother until there are none left of either palestinians or israilites. The killing of women and childrens you say? Did a little search on Sharon as a war criminal, guess what popped up

Sharon, nicknamed "The Bulldozer" for his preference for clearing Palestinians off their land, has one of the most extensive and brutal records of war crimes, spanning more than 50 years. To Palestinians, Sharon represents massacres at refugee camps, bulldozed homes, and a complete disregard for the rights and lives of Arabs in the region...But no one is more convinced of his peaceful intentions than Ariel Sharon himself. In an effort to remake his image, he is talking about peace and watching his words more carefully today. However, some might recall his advice for dealing with demonstrators in the West Bank: "Cut off their testicles."6 Sharon's base of popular support among the most right-wing and racist elements in Israeli society expresses his strategy in a more uncensored form than Sharon would be able to say himself. "Death to the Arabs" and "The only good Arab is a dead Arab" are their favorite chants...During the pre-state days of Israel, Sharon joined the Haganah, the underground military organization formed by the Labor wing of the Zionist movement. In 1953, he was given command of the infamous Unit 101, whose mission was to lead "retaliatory" strikes against Arab terrorism. In reality, these missions took the form of indiscriminate violence aimed at civilians, not at direct sources of terrorism...Unit 101's first documented assault took place in August 1953, on the El-Bureij refugee camp, south of Gaza. The reasoning given for the attack was "retaliatory," despite no evidence of provocation.7 An Israeli historian reported 50 refugees killed. United Nations commander Major General Vagn Bennike described the scene: "[b]ombs were thrown through the windows of huts in which the refugees were sleeping and, as they fled, they were attacked by small arms and automatic weapons."...In October 1953, Unit 101 descended on the Jordanian village of Qibya. This time the "reprisal" was for the killing of a mother and two children in an Israeli village. Jordan condemned the murders and offered to help in the investigation. No connection between the murders and Qibya was suspected. Nevertheless, Unit 101 showed no mercy on the people of Qibya. They blew up 45 houses, a school, and a mosque, and they killed 69 civilians, including dozens of women and children...The United Nations (UN) military observers who arrived two hours after Sharon's commandos had left the scene reported:

Bullet-riddled bodies near the doorways and multiple bullet hits on the doors of the demolished houses indicated that the inhabitants had been forced to remain inside until their homes were blown up over them.... Witnesses were uniform in describing their experience as a night of horror, during which Israeli soldiers moved about in their village blowing up buildings, firing into doorways and windows with automatic weapons and throwing hand grenades
There are plenty more I could post so much it sickens my stomach, All of these atrocities were comitted through Sharon's commands.

Quotes taken from

OMG a country that looks after their own interests before the interests of others!?!?! SHOCKING!...let me provide a little info for you, the US doesn't give a damn about the Israeli cause, they are a democracy in the middle of islamofacist hell, that alone is reason to insure their survival at any means. if the jihadist succeding in felling Israel do you think they'd suddenly give up their weapons and quit?
Yes, the US gives a damn about the Israelis

While the Bush administration calls for the heads of Iraq's Saddam Hussein and Serbia's Slobodan Milosevic, it has promised "rock solid" support for Sharon. And, instead of reporting on Sharon's bloody history, the mainstream media has conducted a whitewashing campaign that tries to portray Sharon as a legitimate politician. The New York Times assured us that "in private, the combative rightist is known as a charming raconteur and a gentleman farmer with a love of classical music."2 Another Times article explains: "Despite a professional history that makes him a reviled figure in the Arab world, Mr. Sharon repeats often that he has never offended the Palestinians in his personal meetings with them. This is an important point for him, that he deals respectfully with 'the other.'"
I truly wonder why the Bush adm. would protect such a bloody war criminal As for the jihadist, the holy war soldiers, we christians caugh, caugh, do share the same bloody history, the crusades. As for laying their arms down if they drive out every jewish ppl out of their territories, prolly wouldn't happen. They would most def try to protect their piece of land from ever being invaded again

so allies should be determined by a countries military might? then i guess Canada should have ZERO allies then.
Right now, i'm afraid that we have more than you do

When you're the strongest nation by a factor of ten, you don't need to play nice. You can be a bully, and if other countries don't like it, too bad. Under Bush, we've seen this arrogant attitude regularly. He walked away from Kyoto, from the land mine treaty, from the international women's rights treaty, and the international criminal court. He ignored the pleas of long-time allies, insulting them childishly. It will be decades before we can regain the respect of the world.
taken from

oh yeah those Europeons just love the jews! i mean once you get past the part were they killed 6 million of them 60 years ago i guess they could tolerate them just enough to ignore the fact that Islam is trying to add even more to that number. someone once said "If Palestinians dropped their weapons they would get their own state, but if the Israeli's dropped theirs they would get pushed into the sea", i'd think that irrefutable fact would be enough to turn any Jihadi lover like you but unfortunately that would require a modicum of rational thought on your part.
Lol, you are truly shortsided to make such a statement span, didn't know the germans were the whole of the european ppl. Islam is trying to add more to that number? didn't know the whole of Islam was at war with the jews. Only the palestinians so far. Why not read some more history

69,878 Jews were sent to Palestine as illegal immigrants between 1945 and May 1948
Now that surely pissed off a lot of palestinians span. I'm not a Jihadi lover, but if your country were invaded, you'd fight as hard and dirty as they do.

you're all over the board here, gather up your facts and points before making a statement, thats the first rule of a debate.
Hey, i'm not a citizen of the USA. I don't get to vote on who is gonna be the next president who will influence my way of living! True, I learnt in school about canadian politics and history, they don't teach us the US history in school, we get snippet of it. Had to learn, watch the news, read about it. So don't shit on my head if I don't know everything about your political system span since it's now obvious you don't know squat about canadian politics.

you do realize if 9-11 didn't happen that there would be no war on terrorism? we didn't start this war you fool, 19 hijackers did. I think everyone was expecting (myself included) a rather ho-hum presidency from Bush.
Fool? think not. 9/11 was a despicable act. Several innocent civilians died on this tragic day No you didn't start this war, Afganistan taliban leaders needed to be put out of comission. But then again, ain't it like ww2? No need to get involved in a war that will get us nothing until we get hit? IMO the US gov and you, couldn't care less about Afganistan until 9/11. Also, the war in Iraq was inevitable since Bush Jr wanted to finish what Bush Sr already started. War on terrorisim was originally aimed at Afganistan, not Iraq.

again, not a change we asked for, they picked the fight, don't get your french panties in a bunch because someone finally had the balls to stand up to this shit.
Yeah, some had the balls alright! he also compremised the first, fourth, fifth and sixth amendment rights of citizens and non-citizens alike. The patriot act you say, the patriot act is fachisim in it's purest form.

me am smart

Daniel Pipes said it best; "Radical Islam is the disease and moderate Islam is the cure". someone has to drag that assbackwards religion, kicking and screaming if need be, out of the 12th century before they kill even more people.
Who the fuck do you think you are to make such a statement. Islamist religion was as much screwed up over the centuries as the Catholic religion was. Pretty sure you would be pissed off if another country called you religion an assback one. Islam got bashed in by the crusades span, even it it was centuries ago. Our ancestors were no better than they are right now. Extreme religious beleifs only brings more war. You just cannot drag more than a billions ass out of the middle ages. Changes has to come from within their own beliefs, a wake up call. Try to impose you way of life on them and it will only result in more misunderstandings between a country who has god quotes on their money and another religion who doesn't even recognise the christian/jewish god. The crusades are still going on afterall

but if they were they'd be working the soup kitchen. using "Canada" and "army" in the same sentence is punishable under the PATRIOT ACT.
Did also a search on this Patriot Act, Yeah if you call detaning ppl indifitely for questionning without counsel, raids on houses and personnal belongins, mail, and the rest, yeah, you do live under a fachist regime right now. Atleast Canadian knows how to make a good soup and know how not to have their ass killed, unless it's friendly fire, eh

if you think terrorism is locally confined to the US then you're a simpleton of the highest magnitude, i guess attacks in Bali and Riyadh along with a host of others don't count?
No it isn't. terrorisim in all it's form is unacceptable.

hey thats one you guys caught, now how many have you left slip through the border?
I wasn't aware that we should do all the job of screening ppl who crossed your border, thought it was the job of the US custom. The one who slipped by your borders are your own responsability.

while it's painful to say, 500+ soldiers lost in 3 years during 2 wars is a pittance considering the amount of damage done to worldwide terrorism, and of course theres that whole part about freeing about 50 million people from their respective oppressive regimes.
Tell that to the families who lost their loved ones. It's easy to say that 500 soldiers died for freedom. You truly need a wake call on this one span, guess your right-wing opinions would change overnight if you were to be drafted and sent to the front lines in Iraq without a pay because you would be defending your country freedom. Yes, you are a Bush friend, would you give your life for your country? How come you are not fighting physically this war on enemy territories? Are you in the army? Have you ever killed an enemy? Have you ever killed at all? Prolly not! Before making another stupid ass comment on war on terrorisim, do ask yourself, would you be willing to die oversea for what you believe is the truth? And yes, from your point of view, it's really easy to say that 500 soldiers died to liberate ppl from an oppressive regime since you prolly never met any of them or their family. I truly hope the weight your balls are matching the weight of your brain span.

a safer one, i can only imagine the world if Bush sat on hands after 9-11 and did nothing, talk about an open invitation to attack us again.
He did on the first day, he kept on reading to a bunch of kids a storie about goats Also while the mayor of NY was covered in dust from the fall of the twin towers, Bush was nowhere to be found He's a coward, never went to war, never witness the horror of wars. I can understand you want to protect your country span, so why don't you do something about it, like enlist in the army

yeah i have Bush handlers looking over my shoulder right now
But you do Think Big Brother doesn't read your e-mail everyday? Or your mail for that matter?

All points being said, I will not stoop lower than your low life class span, and also BTW, if you want to give out my full name for the world to see on a BB, atleast have the decency to SPELL IT RIGHT you wallnut sized brained idiot.

scooobiedooobie, thanks for the info on this Don't have the time to read all news allday long
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