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Old 22-11-01, 09:43 PM   #3
Earthbound misfit
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This reminds me of an interestng program I got by email a while ago. It was a multiple choice test. An image or word is given for each question and you're supposed to pick which of the three answers most closely resembles the given word or picture. After about 25 questions it tells you whether you are more a right or left brainer and it also tells you whether you're more of a visual or aural thinker. When I first took it it told me that I was perfectly balanced on both, 50/50 left or right, 50/50 visual or aural, which it said is pretty rare. I wish I still had the program because it said that your score can change with time. But I thought it made a lot of sense and it seems to have something to do with this article.

However they make it sound like manual dexterity and aural cognizance are opposites. It seems to me that a good musician needs both. So what they should do is make their test subjects listen to different sounds or songs and watch a corresponding visualization at the same time and see how they respond.
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