Thread: surge
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Old 11-12-08, 02:17 AM   #23
Alpha Stoner
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Why would anyone who was against the Iraq invasion ever be wrong when the invasion was wrong? That has never changed and it never will change.

I know Bush would like to re-write history and act like he and his administration didn't lie to America and the world, that they didn't rip off the country billions of dollars and thousands of lives, that they didn't royally fuck up, but he can't. We won't let him.

Bush and those who enabled his administration to fuck the US will never admit their mistakes and how they have put the US into the hole it is, but the world knows and the world will write that history, lay that blame.

The 'surge'? What does it make up for? What did it solve? Fuck all, that's what; fuck all. It won't make up for even one of the more than 4000 US solders killed.

Bush and those in his administration are criminals. It's just that simple.


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