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Old 15-06-08, 05:05 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Ðiego View Post

McBush is a modern day Robin Hood: taking from the poor and giving to the rich. What a nice fellow.

Obviously your pissed because gas prices are also driving up illegal dope prices. You really are a brain dead stoner if you believe a liberal democrat president is going to be any different.

The wealthy have ALWAYS existed in this country and gotten the biggest tax breaks regardless of the current presidents political affiliation, as have the oil companies since the day we set this country/economy up to operate solely on oil/fossil fuels for our energy.

Democrats love to bullshit the working class and poorest citizens in this country with their lies about taxing the RICH to give more money to the POOR. When in fact our taxation system isn't individualized and when ANY president raises our taxes its done across the board to anyone and everyone that actually pays their taxes and is gainfully employed with a federal tax I.D. number.

The wealthy don't pay any higher percentage of their income to the IRS than some 20k a year construction worker does. Who do you think is hurt more by losing 30% of their income, Bill Gates, or a 20k per year construction worker? This has ALWAYS been the problem with our Income tax system, it doesn't tax "poor" people LESS and extremely wealthy people like Gates MORE.

Gas pumps don't automatically charge a wealthy person higher tax on a gallon of gas than a poor person, nor do the rich pay more sales tax than the "poor" you freaking stoned idiot. Furthermore in your brain dead stupor you seem to actually believe that our taxes go into some Tax Soup Kitchen, then handed out ONLY to help those poor people you love to whine about and act like you actually give 2 shits about.

Maybe you should put the bong down and wake up to the realization that the majority of those very taxes ends up back in the pockets of the rich greedy corporate bastards you love to constantly bitch about and so despise. Obama isn’t going to do away with the thousands of federal grants and tax breaks those corporations and the wealthy enjoy. Are you really that ignorant and stupid?

Americans pay more income tax now than ever thanks to liberal democrat presidents. Americans pay more tax on energy, cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and other goods than ever thanks to republican presidents. This has always been the taxation difference between democrats and republicans. Republicans tax our goods and Democrats tax our income. At least I can reduce my energy usage, stop buying cigarettes and alcohol, and choose how much I spend on taxable goods. Income Tax isn't a choice.

Obama has already made it clear that he will raise our income tax along with his bullshit plan of taxing the oil companies profits. So you can kiss even more of your paycheck goodbye and expect to pay even more for your gas because every penny that he taxes the oil companies will be immediately reflected in the price per gallon at the pump and the oil companies will continue to get rich while the "poor" pay these new "profit" taxes for them.

You think Bush is taking from the poor and giving to the rich, wait till Obama becomes president and your paying $10+ a gallon for gas and triple what your paying now for groceries and goods 4 years down the road with a smaller paycheck.
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