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Old 05-06-02, 05:25 PM   #27
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re few sources for quick links, a couple of points that might redeem FT/Sig2Dat somewhat:

1. sources for Quick links: LAN ips keep getting in there, wasting time and making the client think that once it's checked out all those LAN addresses, it's done a useful search of the network. Indy's working hard on this issue to cut out all the LAN ips, hopefully future sig2dat links will be more effective.

2. File 'splits': seems that even if no-one really does anything to a file, it can still end up receiving tiny changes that make no difference to us watching or listening the final result, but does make a difference to the FT network, which thus gives its own separate hash sig.
So you get file 'splits' with the same movie/whatever having more than one hash; and the different 'versions' flux in popularity.

e.g. tried d/ling a movie off FT overnight from a quick link on JD's site, came back next day: not a single KB d/l'ed! ('More Sources Needed'). And I had been running FastTrack Accelerator too. So i shut down & restarted with MorpheusX; after a few hours still no luck. ('More Sources Needed')
So then I did what I would have done before quicklinks: i ran a search in grokster for what I wanted. Two versions with the exact same file size came up (and exactly the same as the size mentioned for the quick link): one with only one source, the other with plenty of sources. I clicked on the second, and it started d/l'ing straight away! With geuinely plenty of sources contributing to my download speed.

I suspect that quicklinks are often made for one branch in a file 'split' that happens to become a dead end for some reason, the other split became more popular on the network, which sees them as completely different files and won't 'reunite' them.

And quick links are no more intelligent than FT itself, so so they are just as much victim to file splits as the network.
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