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Old 26-03-01, 09:51 PM   #18
gone for good
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Red face hmmm

the thing that really bugs me about this whole p2p sharing system is how the media (at least of what I've seen) never seems to share what napster has to say back to the recording industry about this whole ordeal. the media always seems to cover what the recording industry is charging against napster, but doesn't give any attention to how napster is responding to the pressure. napster and other programs are trying their best to please both customers and the artists but the media doesn't always show this, so I think some people get the wrong picture of napster.
also i think the recording industry means well in protecting their artists but they need to allow more leeway in how the artists can handle their music. i feel the industry should look at how they handle contracts and different things, and really consider giving back to the artists more instead of hoarding a lot of the money.

i don't have anything against the media, i just feel they could do a better job reporting on the issues of file sharing. i don't know if you guys have seen news stations that say that napster shares music via it's website, but that just bugs the poopies out of me each time they say that!

(yes I know the following has nothing to do with the thread, but thought it interesting)

just to prove that I really enjoy the news I was watching the cbs evening news the other night, and they had an eye on america segment concerning cruelty to animals in movies. they showed how the group who monitors how animals are treated in movies, is funded by the movie industry itself. this is leading to animals getting killed or being over worked and nothing being done since if the group who monitors this, says anything bad to the industry about it, they lose their funding. the group says nothing is wrong with being paid by the movie industry, but you just know they are lying.

anyway that's my 2 cents for this thread. this is probably one of the longest replies i have typed .
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