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Old 17-11-02, 06:22 AM   #9
Thanks for being with arse
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Default sorry to spam your thread here ,jack....but keep finding this stuff

found by gunny_snipes from UTC
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Originally posted by LarsIsMyB****
Subject: 10 reasons why consumers file-share (or DUH, RIAA!)

Record companies can't understand why we do.

What we have here is FAILURE to COMMUNICATE. I hope Axl Rose doesn't have a problem with me saying that - after all, it's a copyrighted work from another copywrited work. I'm sure you understand my hesitation.

Here's a few points that maybe the RIAA can take back and consider. That is, when they aren't spending their 6 figure incomes on, say, CD's.

1. Consumers like freedom. We like to buy something, take care of it, and make sure that what we have is worth keeping. If we lose it, and can't replace it, then its gone and we have to get another one. We like to get the rare, the hard to find, and we would pay for it. Since it's available for FREE and no-where else, why not?

2. Consumers like convenience. We like to make our own compilations. Instead of having 10 cd's in our car, we'd like to condense the songs we enjoy most, put them on one cd, and have a good time with the music. After all, isn't that truly the service you're selling?

3. Consumers like justice. Congratulations to the RIAA on recently getting busted for price fixing! Since YOUR sins towards US are forgivable with no jailtime or personal expense by those responsible at the RIAA, we request the same pardons, forgiveness and understanding of YOU.

In fact, fair is fair - since you ripped us off, you should make ammends. We should be able to bring our CD's to our store of purchase, and get a buck back for each, and the retailer can bill YOU when they figure out the amount.

Maybe we could call it a "draw", and you can go back to your holes where you came from. Because you KNOW that when you rip us off, and can get away with it, you WILL. And we LOSE, never to be compensated. And there's no consequence for you, is there?

4. Consumers are frugal. If the car we buy sucks, we'll go somewhere else. If 100 people say that a specific manufacturer is unreliable, they will lose sales. We do not buy from those who screw us. And we talk to each other. If CD music is horrible, it doesn't matter what format they're on. Many of us don't like Britney, the artist formerly known as squiggle, or that goofy un-coordinated shock-gimp Eminem. We do not RELATE to these products, yet you wonder why frugal customers don't spend billions of dollars on that product. If we don't like ice cream, it doesn't matter how many flavors you offer! We don't like the current lineup, and you offer no alternative. So.. we offer no money.

5. Consumers don't like rules. Especially when they purchase something. If I sell you a computer at a garage sale, I can't tell you weather or not I'm allowing you to be online. Since I sold you my item, I no longer have a say on what you can do with it. CD's, also are a physical sale. When I buy from you, I have expectations that I have purchased something I am free to do with as I please. I already have rules regarding my CD's - such as, I can't play it a 20 decibles at 2am in the morning. I can get pulled over if my car is too loud. I can be chastized by listening to the "wrong music". I don't need rules from the salesman, even if his manager (govt) is standing right there.

6. Consumers don't like being insulted. Calling us names like "thief", "pirate" and the like DO give some a reckless identity, albiet a pre-pubescent one, one all the same. For the rest of us, it singles YOU out as a problem. Consumers don't like problems, especially potential threats from said salesman. We don't buy from you to turn around and get sued because you THINK we have the capability to do something wrong.

Part of being insulted is the "Stealing from a store" comparisons. Give it up! I can't download an orange. I can't download a dress. I can't download a CD. Stop insulting those that pay your salary.

Having Britney Spears and Eminem moralize to US is also akin to the highest form of hypocricy. Britney Spears, when doing a BENEFIT concert demaded her own trailer, lots of food, a wardrobe, etc. that NONE of the other artists would take, for a FUND raising event. Eminem? Well, must we truly go there? I don't want to hear these people telling ME that I'm not a "good citizen". Especially from artists (Eminem) who carry around (and get bitch-slapped) with their own unloaded gun. Did you guys (RIAA) pay Eminem for THAT publicity stunt too? Artists like that "moralizing" to us is insulting.

7. Consumers like the newest, the latest and the greatest. We learned that when CD's first came out. The companies that comprise the RIAA members (namely, Sony) said "oh, the CRISPNESS of a CD"! So, we went out and got one, despite the empty promises of "The prices are high because it's new, prices WILL come down!". Well, we're still waiting. In fact, prices have done nothing but go UP. But in the meantime, we still like the newest, the latest and the greatest. That's why P2P is popular. It's COOL to be online. It's CHIC. It's just plain DANDY. Hey RIAA, don't blame us because we embrace new technology and you reject it - you promoted it long before THIS ever happened!

8. Consumers like VALUE. Since the prices are so high, we want to be assured that what we're getting is worth it. Many of the RIAA's artists and pundints claim that we are ruining the "value" of music. The "value" of ANY property is soley based on WHAT THE CUSTOMER IS WILLING TO PAY. You can say that your 15" monitor is worth a billion dollars. But ONLY if someone is willing to buy it for that price. If not, maybe your assessment, no matter YOUR propensity (aka FEELINGS) towards it, is completely wrong. If FORD tells me that a new truck costs $400,000. and Chevy says theirs is $15,000, that's not wrong. But Ford has to calculate weather or not their customer base is strong enough to justify the expensive difference. In my case, I'd have to choose Chevy. I don't think the value of the Ford is reasonable, and won't buy at that price. Your consumers feel the same. We don't demand free - we've been ASKING for reasonable. So far, you are offering the Ford Truck. We'll take the Ford, but we want the Chevy price.

9. The Consumers are ALWAYS right. A good remedy for re-evaluating the VALUE of your music: ASK (oh wait.. and LISTEN!) to the responses from your customers. The old adage "The customer is always right" applies here. We may not be reasonable, and we may be offensive at times, but we ARE the customer and we expect to be treated as such. If a car salesman is offended by the racial comments of his customer, he risks the sale, and his job, by "educating" the offender, SOLEY because he is a customer. Shut your mouths, hold your tongues and make your best offer. We'll tell you if the price is right.

10. Customers hate sore losers. Everyone in the computer industry (reportedly!) loathes Microsoft because of it's obvious success and name branding. Not everyone buys a MS mouse, though. We prefer the price and quality of Logitec. We don't all buy MS Money, we like Quicken too. But if the people at the top have the audacity to WHINE when they're still obviously successful, and the competition is struggling to keep people on the payroll, we tend to support the underdog and ditch the successor. Don't believe me? Then explain the recent exodus of MS users to Linux and Unix! The RIAA is moving in that EXACT direction. And they deserve it!

The RIAA has overcharged us, denied it, and then admitted it only when cornered. Exactly WHO is ripping off WHOM? They claim to embrace technology, yet using technology to hamper and prevent the customer's enjoyment. The customer revolts, the RIAA brands them as theives and pirates, and tries to enact laws to punish such people.

It's incredibly ingenious, but you didn't quite outsmart all of us.

If the RIAA busts ONE person for wrongdoing, I will never buy another CD again. I will find a way to listen to my music if I have to record it off the radio. Which, by the way, can be digital quality.

I'm your CONSUMER. We can do great business together if you understand my needs. I'm your WORST ENEMY if you treat me wrong.

i beat the internet
- the end boss is hard
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