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Old 29-04-02, 08:50 AM   #24
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Default imorpheus

Try the above link for an iMorpheus installer, it's a spyware-free version of Grokster 1.5.1 with a "Morpheus" flavoured skin, connecting to the main FastTrack network and working a treat..

I'm afraid you've lost me on most of the rest of your post. I know about ports, and I know that KazaaLite does things I'm not aware of, but I try to limit the damage by using adaware regularly and keeping vigilant on any new files that appear. I got a bit familiar with the FastTrack registry entries after Morpheus got switched off in an attempt to reconnect it, but like you I couldn't make head nor tail of alot of the stuff in the network_config key. I had limited success with restoring the registry key from the time I first installed Morpheus, but eventually that stopped working too, persumably when all the old Morpheus supernodes got killed off.

The thing that worries me about the recommendations is that if the system is dumping these files full of lists of things people are sharing onto my c: drive behind the scenes, might it also be dumping lists of the things that I am sharing onto other peoples c: drives without my knowledge?

As I said, iMorpheus (above) doesn't do this, and it also has alot less registry entries (It uses the same registry keys as Grokster)

It's worth checking out anyway :¬)

Keep probing!

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