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Old 02-09-06, 09:26 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Nicobie
I'm armed and ready for that.

You sound like a bill o riley kind of guy to me. (hehe)

Our govm't is no good. It's failing on most all fronts. The immigration issue is one of them. Curtailing our freedom is another. The gov bureaucrats are taking over at the expense of the working man.

Anarchy is starting to look better and better all the time.


the constitution doesn't seem mean much to our 'elected' officials anymore either.

My above post was picking on ms slivers continuous anti United States of America slamming. The twit might be more credible if even once she/he had a nice thing to say about the United States of America. But she doesn't and prolly never will. I'm just reacting to her negativity. Get used to it, because until he/she lightens a bit up on the United stated of America, I'm gonna reciprocate with the like.


Fair enough.

Actually there is quite a lot that is good about our country.
For a country that is still in it's infancy; I think we have done pretty damned well considering that just 500 years ago this entire place was nothing but wilderness.

The best thing about our government is that the rable rousers that started it all went to great lengths to make it easy to change if it gets out of control as it has been for the past 30 years or so.
Unfortunately for we the people, those who should be doing the change, are content to sit idly by and do nothing.

The Joe Lieberman loss of late and his desperate and embarrassing bid to cling to power is a great example of we the people taking action when our elected reps refuse to do so.

Both Bush and Cheney have commited various impeachable offenses while in office and the do nothing about it congress is in for a rude awakening in 2 months, I believe.

I will also be very surprised if the Bush admin survives for very long after the enablers are replaced.

Note: I didn't say Democrats or Republicans. Doesn't matter to me which party is in power as long as they do their damned job and so far with this current crew, no one has with the exception of maybe Murtha.

What is almost unbelievable to me is: This admin still thinks they can pull off another illegal and undeclared war.
Maybe they have a plan for another 9 / 11 type attack that they can convieniently blame on Iran?
Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.
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