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Old 21-02-05, 08:53 PM   #5
Thanks for being with arse
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P2p's big claim is that stealing doesn't hurt the Artsits or the RIAA
when did anybody ever give a shit about the RIAA?

p2p could eventualy kill off parasites like the RIAA over the course of a few decades..
bands and artists might still have mangers by then..but they wont have a need for the big music advertising machine that controls what we get to listen to..RIAA and all the other corporate scum that use artists to get their paychecks and their families will all live rich fat and happy for years to come on what they have already sucked up...
the same shit that gets promoted by them over and over by them... the big stars with the big bucks
that only got rich because they were being marketed in large volumes by a greedy industry to every MTV type music show in existance.
they have their clear channel buying up every radio they can control what gets airplay wich dictates the 'top 40' wich in turn has controlled wich artists stay in the rotation...

not just p2p but the internet in general will changed this fucked up has been long overdue..but still could take decades to happen
there are plenty of starving artists ,sound engineers ,audio-visual technicians..ect
that if the imbalance of how only certain already rich ones get any exposure continues and crap like DRM and copyrights and DMCA are imposed on consumers and creators ,in the future wont have the basic tools and material they have had for the last few thousand years to create with....

the only real hope is for them to have any of their work out there for people to listen to is to give it away take the chance on the lawsuits by mixing up already known stuff what ever...

..i think most of us can only hope the RIAA as we know it dies a slow and agonising death

i beat the internet
- the end boss is hard
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