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Old 04-02-02, 03:00 PM   #15
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 58

Morpheus may be all very well for folk who want to download low bitrate Britney Spears songs, but nothing even comes close to Audiogalaxy for acquiring rare imports and the work of less well known artists.

Only newbies and idiots download Audiogalaxy from the company website - everyone else uses the spyware-free version that's readily available on the net.

Audiogalaxy automated music piracy. Unlike Napster, when you had to hover over every single download, with Audiogalaxy you can queue up 500 songs, go out to dinner, and when you return a good proportion of them will be waiting on your hard drive. That represents a quantum leap forward. Why people still use antiquated programs like Morpheus I'll never understand.

That's not to diss Napster - the program enabled me to get hundreds of songs that I never expected to hear again. But there were many, many artists whose work I could never find on Napster. On Audiogalaxy, I've been able to find every song I wanted, eventually.

I tried Morpheus once. Not one single song was available by any of the artists I searched for. There was nothing but low bitrate files of chart junk.

Audiogalaxy has an incredible selection of songs available and the program makes it possible to specify a bitrate for each file. It's downloading rare Anthony Phillip's songs even as I type.

Let the chart-victims who couldn't care less about quality use Morpheus - the rest of us will stick to Audiogalaxy, thank you very much.

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