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Old 03-05-04, 10:56 PM   #5
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Originally posted by miss_silver
Pakistan acquired the nuke bomb to protect against India, likewise, India has a nuke bomd to protect themselves form pakistan! to my knowledge, pakistan is the only muslum nation to have a nuke so far.
reality check: pakistan is hardly a stable nation. pervez musharraf is not a democratically-elected leader, and pakistani scientists have openly sold nuclear technology to rogue nations such as libya. these scientists could not have done such dealings without the knowledge of top people in musharraf's inner circle.

just because the bush administration choose to look the other way for a time because musharraf is helping them, to some extent, to capture al-kaida militants doesn't mean that pakistan is in any way a responsible nation. and india has much to be concerned about. pakistan is too unstable. pakistan continues to finance islamic terrorists that kill indian civilians on a regular basis. the global war on terror created a surge of radical islam in pakistan. can you imagine what will happen should islamic fundamentalists come to power in pakistan? the way these two countries publically taunt each other with nukes is stupid. imo neither of them should have such weapons because neither countries are responsible enough to have such power.

Fuzzy math

Do you truly believe that anyone holding nuke warheads are truly responsible?
yes. maybe the US is not the perfect example, but yes, i believe there are responsible nations who have nuclear weapons and don't sell the technology to any other country, let alone terrorists.

No nation is responsible enough to be entrusted with the care of such a deadly weapon or just to yank the chain WMD. Just the fact to have a nuke, only one nuke is provocation enough Either it's US or Russia or North Korea or pakistan, it's still a weapon that will do damage if launched. No Country should have such a capibility!
well, now with the end of the cold war and europe reconciliation and unifying, nukes are becoming less of a necessity. nonetheless if you want to maintain the title of "superpower" i guess some countries think "they have theirs, i have mine" though no one is probably gonna use their nukes against another country.

It happens everywhere, anyone who has enough knowledge about uranium will know which type of uranium to buy to make a bomb, Hell, even the blueprints are on the net!
you're right but it's not that simple. you still need an engineer to weaponize the uranium and this is something that not every person can do. there's definitely no shortage of such people.

Then again, why is Bush spending much more money in the creation of new nukes?
he's spending more money trying to eliminate nukes from getting into the hands of terrorists. i think bush is acute to the threat of scientists in former soviet blocs selling their knowledge and technology to terrorists or rogue nations to create compact nuclear weapons. the money america spends on its own nukes probably has to with upgrading and maintaining as well as eliminating some of its unconventional arsenal.

Is the US safer because it's armed to the teeth?
yes, it is, in a conventional way. but with raging global terrorism it isn't safe at all. terrorists like bin ladin already proved they don't care what weapons you have. they certainly don't see nukes as a deterrent not to launch terrorism on american soil.
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