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Old 03-05-04, 03:25 PM   #3
Keebeck Canuck
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Originally posted by schmooky007
rogue nations with nuclear weapons are always dangerous because they tend to sell the technology to the highest bidder in order to sustain themselves. north korea is one example.pakistan is another.
Oh please!

Pakistan acquired the nuke bomb to protect against India, likewise, India has a nuke bomd to protect themselves form pakistan! to my knowledge, pakistan is the only muslum nation to have a nuke so far.

About North Korea, citizen there are so antagonised by "communists" thinking by their leader, even though he rides in luxury cars.

people (generally terrorists or nations who are aspiring to have nuclear capability) are willing to pay big money on the black market for nukes, especially portable warheads.

in my opinion, nuclear weapons are an effective deterrent as long as they lay in the hands of responsible nations. while i think the US is a responsible nation, russia is certainly isn't. russia's stockpile on nuclear warheads is probably bigger than america's.
Fuzzy math

Do you truly believe that anyone holding nuke warheads are truly responsible? No nation is responsible enough to be entrusted with the care of such a deadly weapon or just to yank the chain WMD. Just the fact to have a nuke, only one nuke is provocation enough Either it's US or Russia or North Korea or pakistan, it's still a weapon that will do damage if launched. No Country should have such a capibility!
yet in russia, scientists from the soviet era are selling the technology and materials on the black market for millions while the russian government sits back and do nothing.
It happens everywhere, anyone who has enough knowledge about uranium will know which type of uranium to buy to make a bomb, Hell, even the blueprints are on the net!

in fact, bush recently committed to putin $10 billion to get this problem under control. as for rogue nations like north korea, they sold nuclear technology to iran and syria. pakistan is widely believed to have been libya's largest supplier for parts and manuals on how to build nuclear bombs.
Then again, why is Bush spending much more money in the creation of new nukes? Is the US safer because it's armed to the teeth?

Armed peace was/is not a solution. to me the real terrorists are the one claiming to go to war for WMD when they have some of their own!

Just so you know, with the right connections and the right information access, anybody could build a nuke.

Just a thought
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