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Old 17-06-03, 03:38 PM   #185
P2P Pundit
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: London
Posts: 80

I'v been active over there.
Lots of links on in the resources thread.

>90 + GB of stuff for the napsterites!!!!
I started a mesh without a network id, within
a couple of days it amalgamated with half a
dozen others.
The public mesh peaked at 150 simultaneous users and 3.8TB.

Multi, any objection to me distributing your waste installation

>Who's IP begins with a 172?
Usually people with a 172.16-32.*.* LAN-only ip that
is not reachable across the internet.

NAT support in waste is poor at the moment, it seems
that the force-ip option has to be used to broadcast the
correct internet ip as well as configuring port forwarding.
Waste would work significantly better if it did edonkey style
internet ip detection.

Since it bears repeating;
>With someone's public key, you could decode the
>traffic encrypted using that person's key.
Nope, you need the corresponding private key to
decode traffic.

>in other words, someone could theoretically monitor
>you as an individual, from info gleaned from your>posted public key,

>does anyone know if there is going to be an
>pdate or any kind of upgrade in the near future??
There is a new version called wasted with some minor fix's.

>I already heard rumors of a Linux port being available.
Server only at the moment, no front end for chat/browsing.
>this doesn't do multisource downloading yet, right?
Bug reports and feature requests are being collected
I encourage people on private networks to post a summary
of their waste experiance

>Network chatter is also fairly low
for firewalled people possibly, for open routing nodes
it is large, with files being relayed between
firewalled users the traffic will fill a T1 on a large mesh.

I remember the first public tests of bittorrent some time ago.
I suspect waste activity is going to go quiet for a while, the
early adopters who try out anything new have had a go and
the major work that the waste protocol requires will take time.
My guess it that an improved waste will be massive in a year
or two.
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