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Old 06-06-05, 09:02 AM   #1
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Default Desecrating The Koran

It turns out that the United States military has been desecrating the Koran down at their penal colony in Guantanamo Bay. From the television reports I have seen people are shocked, shocked I say, that this could happen. What I find shocking is that people would be shocked that some soldiers desecrated the Koran. I also am shocked, shocked I say, that anyone even gives a Taliban's ass about what goes on in Gitmo, much less that they have desecrated the Koran. After having seen pictures of U.S. soldiers torturing prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison one would have to be a complete moron to think that it didn't or doesn't still happen today at various U.S run prisons. Keep in mind that the Bush Administration doesn't consider the Taliban or al-Qaida as prisoners of war, they consider them terrorists and since they are not POWs they are not accorded certain rights under the Geneva Convention. The Bush Administration does like to call their fight against the Taliban and al-Qaida the "War on Terror" until they capture one, then they insist he is a detainee and not a POW from the War on Terror. The Bush Administration uses semantics like Bill Clinton used interns, it's a mouthful...

According to reports, some of the bad deeds done to the Koran at Gitmo include getting wet from water balloons, an expletive deletive was written in one, a soldier stood on one and a soldier relieving himself outside a cell accidentally got some on the Koran and a detainee when his pee was sucked through a vent. Shocking! Keep in mind that Gitmo holds the Taliban and al-Qaida, those that were tied to the 9/11 attacks and not prisoners from Iraq. As much as Bush likes to mesh the two they are two very different wars with no connection. The war against the Taliban and al-Qaida was started by the Taliban and al-Qaida when they attacked America on 9/11/2001 that led to the necessary attack on Afghanistan. The war against Iraq was started by the Bush Administration to help the oil companies and military contractors like Halliburton make a profit over the next decade. The difference is stark, the Iraqi prisoners were defending their country from an unwarranted attack from the United States while the Taliban and al-Qaida detainees led an unwarranted attack on United States civilians...

The Taliban and al-Qaida fly planes with innocent civilians into buildings with innocent civilians in them and people are shocked that someone stood or got water on their Koran. Has everybody just gone insane? I watched Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on television trying to dance around the military's desecration of the Koran. Shouldn't he be out finding bin Laden instead of explaining that some guy accidentally peed on a Koran? You want to stop the desecration of the Koran? I have a solution; quit giving the Koran out to detainees. A) They are not POWs so they are not entitled to them and B) There are laws against church and state and the United States military shouldn't be handing out religious books to anyone...

The Iraqi POWs were made to masturbate and form nude pyramids; they had a reason to complain. The Taliban and al-Qaida detainees are upset that someone wrote nasty words in their Koran. They are like spoiled kids in high school mad that someone wrote a bad thing in their yearbook. NEWSFLASH to the Taliban and al-Qaida detainees, YOU ARE IN PRISON. If you don't like it, don't be flying planes into buildings. A word to the Taliban and al-Qaida detainees, you like to say 'God willing' a lot. Turns out God was willing to put you in prison, think about that...
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