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Old 10-10-06, 10:01 AM   #30
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Over and over again those that claim to be the holder of America's morals and virtues have been exposed as hypocrites and frauds. Republican Bill Bennett was outraged on America's moral decay while dropping $100,000 a night at various casinos. Newt Gingrich was outraged at President Clinton for the Lewinsky scandal while at the same time having an extramarital affair with a committee member. Republicans were outraged that President Clinton's Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy accepted gifts for sports tickets and trips to games. Espy resigned. Now you have members of Congress and White House staffers taking all kinds of gifts including sporting events and trips. Susan Ralston a former Jack Abramoff assistant quit her White House job as an aide to Karl Rove after it was disclosed she received tickets to sporting events and concerts from Abramoff. But the mother of them all is House Speaker Dennis Hastert and the Republican Congress covering up a potential sex offender Congressman Mark Foley's perverted instant messages and e-mails to under aged male pages. Americans send their children to Washington to be pages to learn about government with the understanding that they will be protected. The ruling party is in charge of the pages. When so-called "overly-friendly" messages appeared from Foley to an under age page it was the responsibility of Republican Rep. John Shimkus who is head of the House Page Board. Did he take up the sick Foley e-mails with the full page board? No instead he kept it secret from the board and told Hastert and his Republican cohorts Rep. Tom Reynolds and House Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio. These types of messages should have raised enough red flags to bring it to the full page board but instead Rep. Shimkus failed the pages and the parents that send their children to Washington under his care. He was more concerned about a Republican sexual predator than the children of which it is his job to protect. He gave Foley a slap on the wrist and Foley continued his lewd behavior. Not long after Foley donated a $100,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee; that is outrageous if not criminal! Hastert, Shimkus and Boehner knew Foley was sending sexual suggestive electronic messages to young male pages and did nothing. Why? Because Foley bought them off for $100,000. An independent council should look into crimes that have been committed, nobody can trust Congress to look into itself, the Republican leadership is not trustworthy; they are corrupt and slime balls. Hastert, Shimkus and Boehner and their staff should testify under oath what they knew about Foley and when they knew it. Anything less can't be trusted...

The Republican Party always claims the high moral ground. Letting a sexual predator get off with a warning is beyond reason. The Republican Congress is a sleazy criminal predator Congress more concerned with their own power and fortune than the children that they are responsible to protect. Where is the moral conservatives' outrage? All those pro-family, pro-life people are very quiet. The less they say, the more they sound like hypocrites...
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