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Old 04-07-08, 11:27 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by albed View Post
Sure you can, you're just too much a ballless pansie to try. I can't imagine you doing a job that gets you sweaty and dirty but a wet washcloth, deodorant and a change of clothes in the bathroom will get a real man through the day. A pansie like you will no doubt want fresh hair gel too, so watch "Something About Mary" and go at it.

But if you're some fat greaseball of a human being then you're right; you can't.

You rent rooms out to your fellow whiners and actually make money.

Funny you never mentioned that in all your numerous whining posts before but other people must be getting really, really desperate over there.

Because we all didn't buy one. But what you want is a whining-powered car. Try google.
Well, you sure have proved what a one dimensional mind you have.

Let's just face the facts:

1. Your an idiot
2. You DON't have a life
3. Your a pathtic excuse for a human being.
and last but not least, you REALLY are a backwoods fuck, I knew it.

In repsonding to your unfounded rants:

I take a shower every day, you should try it sometimes, you would smell less that the stinky arab you are.

I don't take the risk of renting out rooms when I have a family, I might rent it to some psycho like you.

Since electric cars AREN'T mainstream and affordable yet, google won't help a thing. You really are an ignorant fuck now.

Shut up and go take a shower.
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