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Old 01-12-02, 06:32 AM   #4
Posts: n/a

This strikes me all too easily as bullyboy threats
If they were so sure of their ground they wouldn’t hesitate in prosecution as the ultimate deterrent so why the deal over charges It's because they have no real proof and are relying on the fear factor to panic users into wiping their hard drives

The easiest defence is for everyone in the household to deny and blame each other, without a specific suspect their screwed. You can't prosecute several people on the pretext that one of them committed a crime

This only goes to prove that there isn't a level to which they will not stoop in order to intimidate the public p2p is exploding and has to win by shear weight of numbers in the end

Hopefully this IS the final thrashing of a terminally wounded beast and the end of any global monopoly can't come too soon.

Don't get me wrong I'm not against the industry per say it's the nature of their current business tactics that is so abhorrent to me
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