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Old 09-01-04, 02:15 AM   #22
BANG BANG BANG (repeat as necessary)
tambourine-man's Avatar
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So... some inspectors have left... there's jack shit to be found... well, excuse me if I don't piss my pants in surprise.

It amazes me that there are still people on this board (like Span... yes, I'm singling you out) that fit perfectly into the knee-jerk, xenophobic, binkered, characature-like terms that 'The Left' like to describe 'The Right' in.

First of all, we have people arguing that the reason the US went to war wasn't about the 'presence' of WMD, but about the possibilty of Hussain becoming a further danger... but remember sheeple, Bush never said said the word "imminant".... oh no, no... he said the words "grave and gathering danger", with his fellow chum Cheney claiming that Hussain possessed "reconstituted nuclear weapons" - which as we all know is entirely different to giving the impression that there's any "imminant danger". Use your fucking common sense... the repeated statements about Iraq/Hussain at the time were designed to stop short of claiming attack was imminant, but to make people feel threatened enough to feel comfortable with a pre-emptive attack on Iraq.

Ah yes.... then there's the issue of 11th Septempber. I agree with you Span, being reactive after terrorist events isn't good enough (then, neither is letting it happen). Rather than bombing the shit out of people and calling it progress, there's an interesting idea that involves trying to undestand why terrorism is happening... (i'll give you a clue: it aint because "evildoers hate our freedom and way of life"). I know that's a difficult concept to entertain - the fact that there might be shades of grey out there surrounding terrorists and that... god forbid... there might be an argument to be had over policy, but try... try.

Which leads nicely onto a shitload of issues - one of which is Israel. It amazes me that in a supposed desire to promote freedom and democracy around the globe, that anybody who dares to criticise Israel, it's links with terror or it's present role... is suddenly faced with subtle accusations of being anti-semite, anti-jewish or some such other bullshit like "blaming it on dem dirty joooos". Why not go the whole hog and suggest anyone who questions the obvious bullshit surrounding Israel, could be (but possibly not) a holocaust denier? You seem to have no problem with the of labeling US citzens that question their government as 'traitorous'... and non-US citizens who crititcise US policy as anti-american or GWB-haters.

Well, I can't stand GWB for many reasons. But you're right about one of the reasons, Span. I find it frustrating that people are prepared to go along with someone like Bush... but then again, the populous of both our countries are no different when it comes to facing home truths... a nice comfortable lie feels so much more cushy. As for anti-americanism... it's a convenient phrase considering there's so much of it in the world. There are people who hate the US and there are people who like what America used to stand for (that Constitution thing you guys always used to bang on about)... and it's usually the latter that criticise the present government - but why bother make a distinction between the two - it's much easier to blanket the whole lot as anti-american?

A distinct theme emerging here..... take a variety of views, throw them into the same tincan, slap the 'evil' label on them and a use-by-date that says 'do not open until 2005'. Nice try.

Sleep tight, Span.
"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction" Dick Cheney - August 26, 2002

"I did not authorise the leaking of the name of David Kelly. Nobody was authorised to name David Kelly. I believe we have acted properly throughout" Tony Blair - July 22, 2003

Last edited by tambourine-man : 09-01-04 at 03:30 AM.
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