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Old 14-05-04, 04:21 PM   #17
Keebeck Canuck
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Originally posted by pisser
Well, that's are of course entitled to your opinion....I know that we are not the only country in the world, but we are the most POWERFUL country in the world...don't forget it.
Powerful? beside being powerfully armed with WMD and powerfully in debt, I don't see much power. In fact, you are the most broke country in the world! You have no money. Ever since the 1929 crash, you have no money. Do me a favor, get yourself a nice 1$ bill and read what's on it.

It says "Federal Reserve Note" and ''This note is legal tender forALL DEBTS, public and private '' Now what the fuck does that mean? It means that if you have a 100$ bill in your pocket, you are not 100$ richer, your Country is 100$ in debt. It's a fucking misconception that some ppl think you owe other country money, the fact is, you owe it to the Federal Reserve.

Finally, we have a government that is willing to stand up and take the heat for the principles that it believes in. If you thought we were just going to sit back and take and the rest of you yellow bellied liberals are so sadly mistaken.
Yes, you do. A war time President. A president that keeps repeting in his speaches those same word over and over again...The great Axis of Evil. As for the Sitting back and not taking it, it's your own opinion but to my knowledge, Iraq is not related to 9/11. So why invade them if not to finish what Bush Sr. started?

I for one wouldn't mind just wipeing out all arabs, for they are the source of the worlds problems, poor demented souls.
I for one wouldn't mind seeing ppl who says that all arabs must be wiped out, go to Iraq to defend their country from this "great axis of evil". And so far, if we have to compare who has been around the longest, the arabs win by a couple of thousands of years. As for those poor demented souls, they think the same thing about your country! It's a no win situation

If you didn't like the idea of us going to war, why didn't YOUR government do something about it. I'll tell you why, because we have canada in our back pocket and it will always be like that.
Our gov did something about it, we didn't go to war with Iraq. And If you have Canada in your back pocket, how come you couldn't convince us to go to war?

Bye bye canuck-e
For so many reasons i'm gonna remember you typed that!

P.S. San Jose is going to kick Calgary's assssssses! hehe
Who knows, they have to make the better of it since hockey is going bye bye for atleast a year And if we are lucky, the NHL will go down for a long long time Finally some ppl are waking up! Why pay millions a year for someone who has acquire the knowledge to push a puck?
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