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Old 15-11-04, 03:44 PM   #13
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The death of Yasser Arafat has somehow been portrayed as the opening of a window for peace; anybody that thinks that doesn't understand the region or the characters in the play. Arafat was irrelevant because whether he wanted peace or not as long as there is radical Islamic groups bent on the destruction of Israel, there will never be peace. Hamas and Islamic Jihad believe that all of Israel should be part of a greater Islamic Palestine. They have been sending suicide bombers into Israel and killing any Palestinian as a collaborator that wants peace with Israel. It is unlikely that Hamas and Islamic Jihad would suddenly put down their arms just because Yasser Arafat is dead. Sure they might run for political office and win control over the Palestinian Authority making it an Islamic state at war with Israel or they will lose and go back to their arms. People have to understand that they don't think like rational people. If Hamas and the Islamic Jihad loose, they won't be like Senator Kerry and the Democrats and be gracious in defeat, they will go back to what they know best bombs and guns. They want an Islamic state that includes all of Israel. After the 9/11 attacks, the Palestinians shown cheering on CNN were supporters of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. They are tied to bin Laden and should have been taken out then. Dubya had his chance to quell the militants after 9/11; he could have shown a relationship with bin Laden and gone in and cleaned them out but he didn't. So don't expect Arafat's death to be a window of peace, he is just as irrelevant in death as he was in life...

As Iraq, the Palestinians and Israel continue down their wayward paths, look for some not so good old-fashioned terrorism in the homeland. Osama Bin Laden's M.O. is to take the time to plan carefully and methodically. We have been hearing of the nuclear suitcase for sometime and it is just a matter of time before we see it. Although before we do their tactic will be a more primitive method. Now I don't claim to be a remote viewer but my guess is that the terrorist cells we assume are in this country will start using an effective method used in Iraq, kidnapping and beheading of government workers and those companies that work in Iraq. A few years back a couple of dumb ass snipers gripped the country as they picked off people for their own entertainment. Imagine if you will, Pentagon staffers in suburban Washington or Halliburton employees in Houston being kidnapped on their way to work and later beheaded on video. Bringing the barbaric tactic of beheading an enemy to America would put this country in a tailspin. The media would play it nonstop and the effect would be devastating. Which would go down more, Halliburton's company morale or their stock value? It would be a lot easier for terrorists to terrorize us by beheading people in this country than by acquiring nuclear bombs. Once they start beheading people in America, they will set off another civil rights war when some will want to pass a law requiring I.D. to buy a knife. Bush likes to tell us he took the fight to Iraq so we wouldn't have to fight them here. I can't wait to hear his excuse for the war in Iraq when they start beheading Americans in America....

I hate to be pessimistic but I am also realistic and that is why I have always been right. The Bush Administration has always been optimistic and unrealistic, looking through rose-colored glasses and that is why they have always been wrong. Cheer up my friends; the worst is yet to come...
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