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Old 12-11-04, 02:26 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by jcmd62
Where's the MONEY????? Where's the billions of dollars Arafat was given by the International community. Arafat had MANY chances to give the Palestinians a real country they could be proud of. Many more chances to stop the damn children suicide bombs. Every time he would sign a damn peace treaty to get those international funds, a week later he he would do something like blatently accepting 150 million from Saddam Hussein to back him in the invasion of Kuwait.
I don't know about getting billions of dollars in aid and has Far as I know I believe Arafat only sighed one peace treaty and it was the Israeli's who were againts it, like I said above they Killed their own Prime Minister at a Peace Rally to stop the Peace Process and then years later elect a Prime Minister who was and is wanted in Brussel's to stand trail for War Crimes for the killing of un-armed Men, Women, and Children at a refugee camp. Children were not being used has suicide bombers but it is sport for the IDF to shoot un-armed children in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Women were used though and I have seen no proof Arafat was behind any of them. There are other groups operating there. Yes Arafat did have many chances to Palestinians a real country but Israel would not allow it to happen and still will not as the Israeli Government came out today to say they will not change their policy towards the WestBank or Gaza Strip.

Originally Posted by jcmd62
This cocksucker has been playing both sides against the middle for his entire life. He has lived in luxury while the palestinians starved and live in poverty. Please do point out all the good he's leaving behind. Show me how Palestine is better off with him than without him. I don't see it.

He was not living in Luxury, I am sure he had millions of dollars but have you seen the compound he was living in? He has been a prisoner in his own country for the last 3 years. He could not leave Palestine in fear that the Israeli's would not allow him back in. Arafat was a revolutionary to his people, he was not a Statesman tho, and that is why he failed to make his dream of a Palestine Country in my opinion.

Originally Posted by jcmd62
[color=black]I don't disagree with your stance on Israel. We Americans are indeed guilty of backing Terrorism when it comes to turning a blind eye to Israel's complete and blatent refusal to pursue any sort of peace process. Then fund and give them weapons that are used daily as weapons of terror instead of weapons of defense. We blur the edges and claim that its defensive and warranted because of the suicide bombings, but the truth is Until that Terrorist fuk Ariel Sharon drops dead and the U.S. says no more weapons and money until you learn how to play well with others then there will never be anything but what presently exsists for Israel and Palestine.]/color]

3.5 Billion dollars in Aid from the US goes to Isreal. Isreal then sell weapons to the Chinese to make more.

Originally Posted by jcmd62
We shall see what Palestines new Tag Team leadership does to bring Palestine into the 21st century and if there is any real want on their part for peace. No doubt Israel has an oppurtunity to pursue peace with Arafat's death. So Israel and Palestine, Olive Branches or more children suicide bombers and hellfire missles?

Ariel Sharon does not want Peace so the Pals will have to do it on their own. The IDF will continue to kill Arabs for sport, women children doesn't matter to them, and then the international community will have to step in and force the USA and Isreal to stop the violence, land grap, water grab, etc and give the Pals a country.

---Arafat has an ugly side. Every world leader, no matter how well-respected, has skeletons in their closet. You don’t amass power without getting your hands dirty from time to time. Its hypocritical of the Israelis of course to label one person a terrorist when some of their own leaders, like Sharon and Begin, have committed war crimes and acts of terrorism (like the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946 that killed scores of British soldiers, the infamous massacre at Deir Yassin in 1948, and of course, Sabra and Shatilla). But one person’s terrorist will always be another person’s freedom fighter. That’s been true throughout history.

---I don’t think arafat was a hero or a particulary good person. I think he was a resistance leader and the champion of a noble cause, the same cause the American revolutionaries fought for – freedom and independance. I think many of his tactics were reprehensible, just as many of the things che guevara did were – but when faced with a massive and seemingly indomitable enemy, and when you believe your cause is just, you’ll do anything you have to in order to win. it’s understandable if a little gross. however – if you can’t recognize that arafat is a crucial figure to the middle east and a figurehead for a worldwide movement, you’re being naive. He’s the symbol of righteous arab resistance to perceived Israeli oppression in every muslim nation
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