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Old 11-11-04, 11:39 AM   #2
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I disagree, it is the Israeli's who do not want peace and there still is a terrorist in power in the area and he is fully backed by the United States of America, this terrorist uses his army to kill at will any Palestinians including a child sitting at their desk in school. I can provide links from CNN or other American news sources if you like.

Arafat on September 13, 1993 and then-Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shook hands on the White House lawn to sign the Oslo Accords. Which was a gaint step towards peace in the Middle-East and Palestinian national movement. Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 jointly with Yitzhak Rabin.

The Israelis turned on Yitzhak for trying to have peace, he was labeled a Nazi and there were many threats on his life, but Rabin stood for what he believed in and would not allow the Peace Process to hault and for his efforts a Jewish law student named Yigal Amir assassinated him at a peace rally in King's Square in Tel Aviv. At his trail Yigal Amir told the judge the assassination was meant to halt the Mideast peace process. Anti-Rabin sentiment among settlers and others opposed to giving up Israeli-occupied land intensified after the prime minister agreed to transfer authority to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Anyways Arafat lived to 75 and did many good things for the Palestinians, won a Nobel Peace Prize and will be buried in Jerusalem some day.
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