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Old 25-03-04, 06:32 AM   #6
Just Looking Around
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What some fail to realize is that it is your responsibility to verify that the ballot was properly filled out. If there is an error it is your responsibility to properly correct it.
But the issue is some people need to have someone hold their hand in certain situations regardless. So as a result they try to make it idiot proof.
What the rest fail to realize is that with any process there is going to be a scrap factor. It is nearly impossible to make a process of this magnitude 100% accurate "no scrap". Somehow somewhere someone will screw it up no matter how you do it However an electronic system will prevent and eliminate the issue of "chads" and the "voters intent" where a panel decides which was more likely the voters choice *cough*

In the end paper works just fine......... fix the people.
"What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms." - Thomas Jefferson
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