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Old 03-03-02, 02:12 PM   #45
Who's really in control here? Help me...
JohnDoe345's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 222

Originally posted by indiana_jones
hey john,
congratulation to your new p2p FT logo - looks good.

Thanks indy...the Morpheus Info name didn't exactly fit anymore.

but one thing: on the left it reads
  • - Grokster/Kazaa -
but there are actually 3 clients on the FT net, what is with the client of the users @fileshare - nobody tells me what client it is - i should have its registry entries also for my sig2dat.

nobody there, who ever was a napsterite@fileshare ?

From what I've heard fileshare was another program trying to use the FastTrack network, but it didn't really get enough users. I vaguely remember a rumor saying that they didn't have permission to access the FastTrack network, so they didn't get a lot of support. I think a hanful of people still use it and they somehow have access to FastTrack but I don't think there is a lot of them, so you don't have to worry about making your program work for them. I did a search on Cnet and they said that the program isn't available anymore. Maybe someone is keeping it alive, but it doesn't look like they are an official memeber of the FastTrack programs.

Maybe someone else knows more about this??
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