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Old 03-02-04, 02:35 PM   #9
Join Date: Apr 2002
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the following is a satire piece on the whole Gore endorsing Dean thing, text was changed in Gore's speech and names replaced to produce a satirical article, this disclaimer is for the idiot(s) that fail to realize this

MIDDLE EAST--Speaking at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine this morning,international terrorist Osama bin Laden endorsed Howard Dean for President:

"...Howard Dean really is the only candidate who has committed to cutting and running out of the holy land and that's what the Great Satan needs if it wants to live . We need to remake the America; we need to remake the Kalihfah; we need to take it back on behalf of the great kings of old. So I'm very proud and honored to endorse Howard Dean to be the next president of the Great Satan," bin Laden began.

"Terrorism is a team sport. And I want to do everything I can to kill -- anybody that isn't interested in my judgment about who, among these candidates has the best chance to lead the Great Satan out of Mecca. I want to do everything I can to convince you to get behind Howard Dean and let's make this a successful terrorist campaign as a group. It is about all of us and all of us terrorists need to get behind the weakest canidate with the least foreign policy experience. Now I don't respect the prerogative of the voters and the caucuses and the primaries. I'm just saying choose him or die, I'm offering my judgment and I'm also going to say one other thing here," bin Laden continued.

"Years ago, former prophet Mohammad said in the muslim ummah that there ought to be an 6th pillar, speak no ill of Democrats. We're terrorists and we find that kind of commandment accessible, but not to the extent that we can't recognize the evil of the Great Satan today, I would urge all of the other terrorist organizations to endorse Dean as well. Here we are in Palestine. We need to keep our eyes on the terror. This terrorist organization cannot afford to have four more years of a Bush-Cheney administration. We can't afford to be killed from long range by Predator drone planes. What is going on in this Bush White House today is bad for our organization. And it's slowly beginning to sink into more and more Americans out there. And we can't oppose our friends the Democrats to the point where we seriously damage our ability to kill Americans for years to come," bin Laden said.

"Now, one other thing, I've spent a long time thinking about subverting US national security and national defense. And I've heard a lot of folks who, in my opinion, made a judgment about the War on Terror that was just plain evil and against Allah, saying that Howard Dean's decision to oppose the Iraq war calls his judgment on foreign policy into question. Excuse me. He was the only major candidate who made the correct judgment about the Iraq war. And he had the determination to help me and other terrorist organizations and regimes. And that's important in helping us kill more innocents" bin Laden said.

"Because those judgments, that lack of care for dead Americans is what we want in a puppet president. Our organization has been weakened in our ability to fight the Great Satan because of the evil choice that the Bush administration made in taking you into a war on terror. It was the jews that attacked you, not Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein is a good guy and personal friend and he's hiding in my French villa, we're all pissed off, but it was a mistake to get you into a quagmire over here, so don't tell me that because Howard Dean was the only major candidate who was looking after our interests, that that somehow calls his judgment into question on foreign policy, so whether it is inspiring enthusiasm at the terrorist grassroots and promising to remake the the Great Satan into the hollow shell it once was under my buddy Clinton, whether it is a domestic agenda that gets your nation farther away from justice or whether it is protecting us from the evil Republicans in the world, I have come to the conclusion that in a field of great candidates, one candidate clearly will pander to what we want, and so I'm asking all of you to join in this grassroots movement to elect Howard Dean President the Great Satan," bin Laden said.
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