Thread: 343
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Old 03-02-04, 08:43 AM   #2
BANG BANG BANG (repeat as necessary)
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Default Re: 343

Originally posted by span
i think the choice is clear for Bush, pull out of Chicago completely or these deaths will just keep mounting.
Hahahar... you beat me to the joke... fair article regarding reporting of figures (though the author should have researched the average level of deaths caused by 'non-hostile causes' and 'accidents and illness' in peacetime and made a comparison between the two to determine the level that could "be counted as specific to Iraq". (Might also have been a good idea to look at the definitions of these sub-headings)). But overall, it's a fair point.

It all goes a little awry when the author talks about "the predictions of those who marched against the war — about massive streams of refugees, hunger, the unleashing of weapons of mass destruction, immense domestic destruction, huge uprisings in "the Arab street," etc. — have been proved false". I'm not getting onto the WMD argument again... see another thread for that one. But to disregard the possible implosion of Iraq, at this early stage is, at best presumptuous.

The 'history is on our side' line and the religious overture is where I start to veer away. Good post though.
"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction" Dick Cheney - August 26, 2002

"I did not authorise the leaking of the name of David Kelly. Nobody was authorised to name David Kelly. I believe we have acted properly throughout" Tony Blair - July 22, 2003
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