Thread: Si se puede!
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Old 08-11-08, 04:26 AM   #16
The Fungus Among Us
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Originally Posted by theknife View Post
gee, only got elected 72 hours ago...what would you like him to do, given that he's not gonna be the Prez until January? wave a magic wand?
No, but I don't even see it as a start. Maybe I'm just too cynical, but I see a website like that and I think the politicians are just trying to placate the masses. Just a ploy to make the people feel like they actually have a say, when behind the scenes it's business as usual. I'd have liked him to not appoint a hawkish chief of staff. If he appoints Ben Bernanke as Secretary of the Treasury, I will be pissed. I hope the new stimulus package he is touting doesn't go to those who don't really need it. I know where he said the stimulus needs to go, but I hope there isn't alot more going to big business. I just don't trust politicians until they prove themselves. We, as a country have been burned by politicians for too long. Even before Bush. We have been lied to by pretty much every president. For a long time they have allowed business to run rampant and worked in their interest to the detriment of the average American. I want real reform, and so far after 3 days it looks to me like more of the same. Maybe not exactly the same, but the fundamentals are too similar. I'll give the guy a chance, but I just think everyone is praising him before he has really changed anything. Unlike Diego, what I expect is a government run by big money, for big money. We'll see if it's any different. Sorry for the rant. I just don't see a government website as a healthy start.
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