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Old 26-07-08, 09:01 AM   #115
Alpha Stoner
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The media's glaring bias in covering the candidates? Yes, there is bias and it is glaring, but you're wrong about the recipient.

McCain has made mistake after mistake after mistake and they hardly get any mention in the press.

Then there are the times McCain is covered up in his screw-ups, like the CBS interview where they edit out his reply to a question, which blatantly showed that he didn't have a clue about Iraq yet again, and replaced it with an answer from a different question, which I covered here:

Not to leave out that they cut entirely from the interview the fact that he called the war in Iraq the first major conflict following 911.

Then you have Faux News showing footage of McCain on the campaign trail looking oh so young and energetic. Naturally, it was footage from 8 years ago during his 2000 Presidential campaign:

Yes, there is media bias. No, it's not in favor of Obama. Obama does make the news more often, but because he is doing things which are news worthy. He is held to a much higher standard than McCain and his statements to a lot more scrutiny than McCain.

McCain said 'bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb iran' and that selling IranIran cigarettes is 'one way to kill them'; and it's just McCain being McCain. He says Social Security is a disgrace, and it doesn't make much press. He doesn't know the difference between Shiite and Sunni and thinks they have gotten along for 1000's of years. He makes mistake after mistake and they are just glossed over in the media. McCain said he didn't love America until he was a POW ("oops, did I mention I was a POW again? You know I don't like talking about that") and no one bats an eye.

Had Obama said any of these things he would have been crucified by the press and the public, but McCain gets a free ride.

McCain isn't someone I want running the country, but that hardly matters because if he won he wouldn't be running the country any more than Bush has been.

America is electing a President, not a Neo-Con puppet.

Albed, you're nothing more than a Faux News Talking Point.


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