Thread: Gas Prices
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Old 30-04-06, 12:49 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by dumwaldo
what a joke. You guys are not seriously going to defend your self absorbed opinions with gas prices from countries where less than 10% of the people have cars are you. you can not honestly be that, rediculous can you?

Why did you not include gas prices from the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, The Netherlans, any country in south america, or any other place where greater than 10% of the population owns vehicles? OH yeah, it would be because that would outline how selfish and clueless your opinion is.

Incidentally i live in a suburb. I WALK and utilize PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. I have not owned a car for over a decade and most likely never will own another car for the rest of my life.

Driving IS a luxery.

Your attitudes ARE disgutsing and self absorbed.

THIS is why on a global scale America is one of the most disliked countries in the world.

Just get over yourself and accept that you might have to act like the rest of the world and display some personal responsibility. The small fuel efficient vehicles might not be as cool as the 3 ton SUV's but you WILL get the picture eventually.

if you are going to try and insult me you better come up with something better that refrences to my name. All you accomplish but trying to turn my name into an insult is to illustrate how low your intellectual level is. Please do not come to a battle of wits unarmed as you have so far.

You are the stereotypical dickhead who lumps everybody into the 3 ton SUV owners.

By that notion, all europeans are stinky selfish obnoxious bastards.

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