Thread: Missing Years
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Old 06-08-04, 12:02 PM   #7
Rebel With A Cause
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Originally Posted by daddydirt
The big question is: Will it work?
Unfortunately... probably.

I really don't know that much about John Kerry ...but I can see they fixed his teeth and he flashes his best John Kennedy smile on for the cameras like a goddamned toothpaste commercial all the while reminding us of his heroic efforts in Vietnam like 30 fuckin' years ago which probably consisted of giving guys blow jobs. ...Pardon me...not only am I inebriated right now, but I just had one more fucking blow to my life which may have been the final one ...and I'm on a rant.

Mr. John Kerry may be alright ...I dunno ...but like just about every other presidential canidate that ever existed's a goal and an ego boost they've jerked off on since puberty. I rather liked Bill Clinton in a way least he had the decency to jerk off in public Monica Lewinsky's mouth ...what am I saying? ...decency? ...He tried to lie about it ...typical ...another guy with dreams of grandeur. Kind of backfired on him didn't it? Thanks to that Trip called Linda who looks like a fucking horse in make-up. la la ...the rant continues.

That's just it, John Kerry may be alright, but he has an entourage behind him that guides his every move and he's just pussy enough to go along with it to win at every cost instead of just being himself. Speaking as someone who has helped guide the careers of Hollywood actors ...the similarity is striking.

Bush is not much better. I think he would have gone down as perhaps the most forgettable President ...had it not been for 911 ...He simply did what any guy in that position would have done ...but he did a little more ...what with his comments like "wanted dead or alive" when he lapsed into thinking he was John Wayne or something ...and immediatly moved into war ...where our guys are being killed to this day. Bet he was so proud of that video of the statue of Saddam Hussain coming down ...quite a few video photograhers...American as well as our British pals have been killed too.

The whole thing makes me sick. Why can't we have somebody really good run for President? Yer probably talking to the wrong person here. I want Bono from U2 for President. End of my rant...I'm going to listen to the B52's now.

If anyone actually read this, I thank you for bearing with my ranting ill attitude.

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