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Old 29-03-04, 10:09 AM   #19
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Just as the Bush reelection team started their television campaign showing George W. Bush as strong on fighting terrorism, out comes a little known career government worker showing that George W. Bush and his aides actually dropped the ball on terrorism. This government worker isn't a Democrat leftover from the Clinton Administration but a Republican leftover from the Reagan Administration; he has worked for every administration since good old Uncle Ronny was in charge and he wasn't just any government worker, he was the White House counterterrorism aide, somebody that knows more than a little about fighting terrorists...

Richard Clarke the counterterrorism aide to Mr. Bush alleges that Bush and his National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice were in effect asleep at the wheel leading up to the 9-11 attacks and that neither Bush nor Rice took him or his advice seriously, instead bogging down his terrorism reports in underlings' meetings until it was too late. It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that both Bush and Rice were lightweights coming into their respective jobs and in hindsight were remiss before and after the 9-11 attacks...

Rice had counterterrorism aide Richard Clarke meet with lower level people in the Bush White House unlike the Clinton White House where he met with the top level people, that in itself shows that Rice didn't take the terrorist threat as serious as her predecessor Sandy Berger...

Bush claims CIA Director George Tenet briefed him regularly but if he briefed him and Bush didn't do anything than what good were the briefings? What did he brief Bush on, baseball? If the Bush White House took the threats seriously than why was the counterterrorism aide meeting with pee-ons? If Bush was briefed then why didn't he do something? The White House could have warned the airlines, they could have warned the public but they didn't. Bush was briefed and then he forgot about it; he did nothing...

The FBI field agents knew something was up and reported to FBI headquarters in Washington and the FBI there did nothing. The CIA was briefing Bush but either there was nothing in the briefing or Bush wasn't listening because nobody did anything until the 9-11 attacks. Here is the amazing thing, not one person from the FBI, CIA or the Bush White House has been fired for their poor job performance leading up to 9-11, instead it is Washington business as usual, protect the top Washington heads and attack and malign the whistleblowers, in this case former counterterrorism aide Richard Clarke. Everyone affiliated with the Bush White House is dissing Clarke. Yea, it is Clarke's fault that Condoleezza Rice was too busy to read his reports. Yea, it is Clarke's fault that Rice pushed him to meet with underlings. Yea, it is Clarke's fault that Bush was and is obsessed with Iraq...

Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist claims to be appalled for the "act of profiteering" because Clarke wrote a book on the Bush Administration's failings. Too bad Frist isn't as appalled at Dick Cheney for his "act of profiteering" from the first Gulf War, he made millions off of that war and as vice president still makes money from the company that now makes money from the Iraq occupation. Frist's partisanship when it comes to being appalled over "act of profiteering" is in itself appalling. Frist even called Clarke's apology to the 9-11 families "theatrical." The only theater going on is the Bush Administration pretending to be strong on fighting terrorism. Abraham Lincoln once said, "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time." The Bush Administration and their Senate stooges are about to find out what President Lincoln meant. They are no longer fooling anybody, except themselves. The more television commercials I see touting George W. Bush as tough on terrorism, the less I believe it. Bush's campaign commercials are kind of like the commercials for the 4-hour erection medicine, 4 more for the same old prick...
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