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Old 23-04-02, 06:56 PM   #14
Who's really in control here? Help me...
JohnDoe345's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 222


This quicklink is a great addition This way we don't have to explain to anyone on how to use the program. It pretty much runs itself. Although, since you are now adding registry entries some users are probably going to ask if you can create an uninstaller.

How about if sig2dat creates the quicklinks for you and adds it to the clipboard after the signature calculation?
This would be a great idea if you can do it. This way I can easily add quicklinks to my website and because quicklinks makes it easy for everyone to use I think your sig2dat program will be more popular. I was thinking if you could make it work like the links at then it would be a huge benefit, but it doesn't have to.

All you really need to do it make it easy to create quicklinks on websites and I think we might have a winner! I think the reason why people haven't been using your program too much is that they are getting confused on how to use your program. I know it seems pretty easy to us, but I'm sure there are users out there that don't want to learn how to use another program when they don't have to. The quicklink feature does it all for them Now only if you can make sig2dat create quicklinks like stoepsel suggested.
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