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Old 05-10-04, 03:09 PM   #20
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Anyone that saw the debate between George W. Bush and John F. Kerry saw that Kerry won decisively and anyone claiming that Bush had won has absolutely no credibility. It wasn't even close. I don't know what they said when they shook hands beforehand but maybe Kerry told Bush "60 million people watching, no pressure" and Bush panicked at the thought of having to actually explain to 60 million people and his God who I don't think would like a lying tongue, what his rush to war was after turning up absolutely no weapons of mass destruction...

Bush looked confused as be babbled repeatedly the talking points from his pep rallies. If you didn't know who Bush was and saw him at a restaurant talking as he did during the debate not only would you not let him drive your car but you definitely would not let him drive your future. It was embarrassing to see the President of the United States so bewildered and out of his league. Bush appeared as an angry, doting old man who refused to accept the responsibility of his own actions. Instead of being man enough to live up to the mistakes on the ground in Iraq and the continuing mistakes, he was in complete denial instead talking down to the audience while ignoring the facts. This was not a man worthy of holding the office of the president. Bush has damaged the credibility of the United States, the credibility of the office of the president, he has now dumb downed the country. It is a sad day for America when its leader cannot grasp the English language nor make a credible case for his mistakes. He kept telling Americans that it was a hard job. We know that, so maybe he should find a job more in keeping with his skills, however I fail to think of any job from flipping hamburgers to shining shoes that he could do a credible job at, okay, maybe cutting wood in the bush. I've seen him on television doing that but like everything else he does it is staged for TV by his handlers so he may not be good at that either...

After watching the debate it became obvious why there are so few allies helping in Iraq and why none help pay for the venture. Bush doesn't like summits because he gets nothing accomplished at a summit. Put him in a room with other world leaders and he will babble on repeating himself until the world leaders walk away laughing at this incoherent twit of a president. Summits will never work with Bush because he talks and doesn't listen...

Bush while campaigning said of the debate, "Sen. Kerry only continued his pattern of confusing contradictions." I guess it would be confusing for Bush; it has become apparent that Bush can't grasp basic concepts. He is a 'special president' in the same way the Special Olympics are special....

It is one thing whether a Democrat or a Republican to vote along party lines but I cannot understand how any person could feel good about themselves voting for a candidate so obviously dense and unprepared for a job that he has had for almost 4 years. The presidency is somewhat like an out of control motor boat speeding across a lake, for awhile it will go on its own but eventually it will crash and burn. Attacking Iraq was the start of the crash, four more years of Bush and he'll have America in flames. For the last three and a half years this country has hand nobody paying attention to where the boat is heading. With Bush sitting in the captain's seat, the country is now going in an extremely dangerous direction. How could anyone vote for a man who still doesn't understand the problems on the ground in Iraq? His answer to the current fighting was, "We achieved such a rapid victory, more of the Saddam loyalists were around. In other words, we thought we'd whip more of them going in. But because Tommy Franks did such a great job in planning the operations, we moved rapidly. And a lot of the Ba'athists and Saddam loyalists laid down their arms and disappeared. I thought we would -- they would stay and fight. But they didn't. And now we're fighting them now." This is a president that didn't prepare for a guerrilla war, which is something the Iraqis did plan for. The president just doesn't get it; it wasn't because General Tommy Franks moved so rapidly that insurgents are all over and chaos reins in Iraq. It is because Bush refused to listen to his own military leaders that said around 200,000 troops would be needed. Instead he used much less and didn't seal off the Iraqi borders. The foreign fighters and terrorists came into Iraq after the occupation because Bush didn't have the troops whether American or coalition troops on the border preventing them from entering and he still doesn't. I heard Congressman Dan Burton on a cable show defend the poor planning by saying the United States hasn't stopped the foreign influx on the U.S.'s Mexican border either. Well I would hope that Congressman Burton and George Bush would stop it if they were using arms against America and setting off improvised explosive devices on their constituents. Too bad they won't support the American troops enough to do something to stop the influx of fighters crossing from Syria and Iran that are killing American troops and beheading workers. Instead of getting enough troops to prevent a problem Bush recently sent a delegation to a meeting in Damascus for talks with Syria this of course was after the problem started instead of have listening to his military in the first place that they needed more troops. It is a little late for talks but that is all Bush can do because he didn't have a plan when he went into Iraq and he doesn't have a plan to get out of it now...

Bush thinks somehow because he is president that makes him more qualified for the job of president than Senator Kerry but when you look at Bush's record and the many times Bush flip flopped on issues and so many times he made the wrong decisions he is less qualified than the common man that Bush seems to identify with. Bush may be the common man but there is a reason the common man is common. With the war in Iraq worsening the last thing the United States needs is a commander in chief who can't tell the truth about Iraq to the 60 million Americans tuning in to watch and doesn't have a chance in hell in getting any more international support than he already has...

Bush is a stubborn man and his supporters are equally stubborn. As I already said, I wouldn't let George W. Bush drive my car but some people will let him drive their future and their children's future. The very same children that will have to pay off Bush's deficit and that's if they are lucky; if they are unlucky they come home from Iraq in a flag draped coffin and never pay another tax. Vote for Bush, no exit plan, no real international help and when it gets worse in a second Bush term, no excuses. If you vote for Bush don't complain when all hell breaks loose; you know what you are getting and it isn't much, low expectations and even lower results from a special president...
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