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Old 29-04-04, 05:48 AM   #9
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Originally posted by JackSpratts
you really think so aweshucks? can you name a school kid who ever took a pop at a pres? that line of reasoning sounds like something the shills on bushes' payroll would spout. the ss may be paid to be paranoid, but that doesn't excuse a school. i can't help thinking a pic of osama's head on a stick would've resulted in a different outcome. freedon of expression doesn't stop at us political figures, even those on the right. if we can't rip into them we don't have freedom of expression, something republicans remind us when dissing dems. jesse helms angrilly said clinton better "bring a bodyguard" if he visits carolina. ann coulter basically says all liberals should be killed and there are many many more examples of veiled right wing threats that didn’t result in ss grillings. they want to call the cops they should have a genuine threat. like a death threat for instance (we can start by jailing coulter…heh) a political cartoon’s their evidence? they're just stifling debate. you can bet the kids in that school will think long and hard before expressing themselves, as will nearly every kid hearing about this, and that’s pretty much the point, but that's the wrong lesson for u.s. schools to teach.

- js.
Jack I think you may have taken things a bit out of context from my post. Or perhaps I misunderstood yours I wasn't implying anything about freedom of expression all I was stating is the Secret Service was called and they followed up on it as they always do. I figured you were trying to sneak in some right wing conspiracy over our nations youth Which isn't the case as they acted as they always do. In no way was I implying that every single threat thrown out there is investigated, common sense would tell you that is not the case.

Are the schools responsible for this babble of bullshit? Maybe but I think society has taught us a hard lesson. Sometimes even the most innocent looking of things can be your worst fear. Schools and staff are frankly scared shitless after events like Columbine. Does a drawing which depicts possible acts of violence fall under freedom of expression? I'm not sure perhaps look at it like this if the student made a similar drawing but with the schools principle in it would it still be considered freedom of expression?
I'm not defending the schools cuz frankly they irritate me with the over zealous control they put on students. In my area the schools banned students from wearing shirts with the taco bell dog on it when it became politically incorrect.
Sometimes the .01% of people really screw it up for the rest of us, all it takes is one Columbine or one Unibomber and our supposed rights or expressions can be taken in a whole different way
"What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms." - Thomas Jefferson
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