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Old 07-03-06, 05:03 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by theknife
i love tough guy wingnut rhetoric

first question is: why would you believe the Bush administration on this matter? what part of the last five years where you not paying attention to?
I don’t have to believe Bush or need too for that matter, many countries are concerned, mostly members of the UN, even Russia is weighing on this problem. This is not just a USA problem, but when you are the World Police ie. A Superpower, sometimes you need to take the lead.

next question is: why is a nuclear Iran so unthinkable? why will the policy of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) not be as an effective a deterrent for Iran as it has been for every other nuclear power?
There are many reasons why the world should fear Iran having nuclear weapons, I don’t like any country to have them but some do, what is done is done, To be honest if they made them I would not feel any more un-safe. Where I live there will be no nuclear attacks. If I lived in Israel or the middle-east I would have great concern.

third question: since we have been unable to successfully conclude either the Afghanistan or Iraq conflicts, what on earth makes you think the US could successfully open and close a third front?
The USA would need to lead a UN coalition and I think when it comes to nuclear weapons it should not be a problem. Besides, Israel will never let it happen, if nothing is done there will be a repeat of what they did to Iraq, this time though I think the consequences from other Islamic countries will be a lot different.

i'm not in favor of Iran going nuclear but as i listen to the drumbeats of an administration with zero foreign policy credibility, it sounds a lot like Iraq all over again - and you know how that turned out.
I am not in favor of a war with Iran at all, and this should not be a USA decision, it should come from the UN members countries as a whole.

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