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Old 06-09-02, 10:35 AM   #14
Apprentice Napsterite
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Germany
Posts: 88
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okay first off MY APOLOGIES earlier for not understanding what you were "driving at" TG

This is TOTALLY valid and vary, vary Good points....I need to study this more in order to make more intelligent and informed respones to you....but yet at the same time (even knowing I'm not an intellectual when it comes such abstract thinking and even linear concepts such as math and science which are definitely needed to be implored here to give you a decent answer to your question) I must press on and answer you even though I am not really qualified in area of programming or networking knowledge...just as a exuberant fan of filesharing and p2p in general who does use dialup and shares over 2300 songs on both KaZaA, winmx and xolox [most of the songs i got from Napster btw

okay with that said...let me again (without being fully qualified or informed) respond to:

There are many ways to implement leech control, and they don't need to follow any mechanistic bandwidth-for-bandwidth rule. If you find and receive good original content form a dial-up why not to reward that dial-up, even if the delivery of the stuff is inevitably slow (for further elaboration of the topic see my comments in this thread). The point here is just that to have any reliable leech control or privileged sharing mechanism at all you need to have a reliable identity management system.
okay tG PLEASE CORRECT me if i am first it seemed like you wanted something more than a "GLOBAL anonymoust p2p client" is this the case?

Because what you were ORIGINALLy suggesting or implying about having "varifiable p2p identities" can be done through ESTABLISHing of rapport or "bonds" with others over ANY filesharing network through whatever means are imployed by the client to provide a basis for user interaction:

example: say "Napsterites" had its own p2p client which loaded the napsterite forum into the main window....then people could interact on the forum while trading p2p files....establishing strong bonds if desired or MAINTAINING their relative anonymity if they so desire...if you get to know someone with the same interests as you then you can then opt for a more personal exchange say maybe with using ICQ to transfer your "larger files" or even go so far as to set up a ftp for you and your friends (surprising NOT that hard to do)

this would give you that "verifiable p2p identinty" meaning "you know this is your friend/acquaintance whom you are sharing with and you TRUST their files and or identity to be valid...

second way is to use the "chat functionality" of the p2p (proposed p2p program) to determine the "legitamicy" of the other user and whether or not this is someone you would like to trade with on a regular basis then just exchange ICQ contact infos....

Finally if i may be so bold as to suggest this:

The THIRD scenario is probably the most likely for what I think it is you are wanting to convey which is this:

[b]the ability to change usernames "on the fly" like with WinMX in their "chat rooms" leads to confusion and or abuse in that i can say for example: "I am "dr.damn" and come into a winmx chat room with the monicker "dr.damn" later i can log off and combact as "mysterymanX" and no one would know the difference as the "loginname" isn't verified by any CENTRALISED source....

so TG what it seems are saying is a contradiction in the way it was do want PERMANENT verifiable p2p identities (so that you know your "trusted source" isn't an RIAA dude or 'virust writer') BUT you don't want 'verifiable p2p identities' because you don't want to be busted by the riaa/mpaa/etcetera....etcetera

did i surmise this correctly?


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