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Old 16-06-02, 02:12 PM   #14
Who's really in control here? Help me...
JohnDoe345's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 222

Hey Teclis, it's nice to see that more fellow p2p users are actually making their own programs. It seems that you have your work cut out for you but since you asked I'll also throw in my suggestions...

What napho and TG have suggested are great and I agree with them. The only thing I would to add is to comment on the partial files suggested by napho:

-downloading from partial files(like eDonkey)
This is a great feature and I wish more p2p programs would use it. Putting the whole leeching debate aside this feature is great because it creates more sources right away rather then waiting for users to download files that can be as large as 700mb's. As file sizes get larger and larger the problem is only going to get worst and I'm sure most users disconnect the minute they are done downloading so finding more sources is always a pain at first.

Although, I don't believe you should use the same uploadling formula that edonkey uses. For example, when edonkey uploads files it splits your upload bandwidth into several slots. Normally this is ok because even though it's slow everyone else is doing it so you'll get a combined speed of many users.

The problem comes up when you are the only person sharing a file and you want to quickly spread it throughout the network. Edonkey splits your upload slots so that one user can't use your full upload speed. This slows down the spreading of rare files because it takes a long time for one person to get the complete file from you. Also, if you are sharing other files then your rare file is also competing against your other shared files for upload slots. It would nice to have a feature that allows you to give your max upload speed to one user for a rare file. When the file isn't rare anymore you can turn off this feature. Of course, it doesn't have to be exactly like that but I think you get my idea.

Edonkey basically took out almost all upload control from the users which has it's good and bad points. You don't want the users to have too much control were he/she can figure out a way to leech and you don't want too little control were users can't help the network.

If you can figure out how to do this and make it run as quick as FastTrack then I think you may have the new top p2p program of choice. You definitely do have an edge over other programs because you are actually listening to what users want. I wish you good luck, Teclis I'm sure creating a p2p program isn't an easy thing to do, but I'm sure most of us here at NU will be willing to help you if we can

p.s. Don't use Mircosoft's .NET. A lot users aren't willing to install it. Edonkey's new program called Flock uses it and may never become popular even though it's a nice program.
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